Afraro made a three-pointer for the Nuggets.

Chased the difference to 7:18, trailing by eleven points.

Once again, it’s the Knicks’ offensive round.

This time, Martin defended the UAE very tightly.

Yes, it’s hard for the UAE to get shots.

However, Lin Dong gave the UAE a cover and gave it a chance to catch the ball.

Martin bypassed Lin Dong’s cover and faced the UAE again.

The UAE made another shooting move.

Martin, who was already trembling at this time, pounced without hesitation.

As a result, it was a feint.

UAE United holds the ball to the inside and goes straight to the layup.

However, the shot was interfered with by the inside.

However, the UAE took a second jump and snatched the ball from the crowd.

However, there are no good shooting opportunities.

The ball could only be passed and Curry received the ball.

One step across luck is also a three-point shot.


But basketball hit the front of the basket.

Nene jumped up to grab the rebound.

However, suddenly a long arm took control of the basketball first.

With a snap, the UAE grabbed the ball with one hand and quickly closed it between the two hands.

Then he raised his head and passed the ball to Curry again.

Curry made another three-point shot.


This time, the basketball landed firmly into the basket.

The Knicks hit their seventh three-point shot of the game!

The difference returned to fourteen points, 7:21.

Nenet looked at the back of the UAE and was shocked.

“This… How did this Xia Guoist jump so high? ”

“When did he appear in this position?”

The previous consecutive three points made Nene think that the United were just a three-point shooter.

But the rebound just now was far beyond his expectations.

Such physical fitness and bouncing ability are completely beyond his imagination.

“The Knicks hit the seventh three-point shot of the game!”

“It’s raining three minutes in Madison Garden, which is blowing the momentum of the Nuggets.”

“Curry’s three-point shooting decisiveness, what surprised me even more was the front court rebound of the UAE, he snatched this rebound from Nene hand, it was amazing!”

“Maybe we all had some misunderstandings about the UAE before, we didn’t see his real ability, this game is known, he is not a soft egg!”

The on-site commentary was already surprised to be a little out of his mouth.

I thought that in this game, the Nuggets would hang the Knicks up and play.

But now the result is the complete opposite, and the Nuggets are somewhat overwhelmed by the Knicks’ offense.

Carl frowned.

Things didn’t go as he expected.

In the defensive deployment he started, the UAE was a point that did not need to be paid too much attention to.

However, the sudden outburst has disrupted his defensive layout.

Messed up his rhythm.

He now doesn’t know what to do with the UAE.

Billups called his teammates together.

“Be positive, teammates are not as simple as we think!”

“Rebounds must be snatched, when defending, the speed under the feet is faster, the game is only the first quarter, we have a chance!”

“Come on! Get excited! ”

With Billups emotionally mobilized, the Nuggets players regained their fighting spirit.

This Nuggets team, the boss on the surface is Anthony.

But the actual core is Billups.

Billups is a qualified leader who can mobilize the emotions of his teammates.

It can also control the offensive rhythm on the pitch.

Before Billups came to the Nuggets, they played with two guns.

Anthony’s and Iverson’s offensive combination.

Although the attack is gorgeous and the popularity is high, the team’s results are not very good.

Until the arrival of Billups, this nugget was reborn.

As a powerful man in the west, he can also rank among the best in the highly competitive west.

The game continues.

Billups dribbled through the halfway and began to organize the team’s attack.

Anthony took cover and came out of the bottom line.

Billups passed the ball immediately.

The latter catches the ball and shoots three points.


The Nuggets’ second three-pointer.

The goal scored and the morale of the team was lifted again.

With three fingers, Anthony pointed to his head.

Let out a low roar.

It seems that with this ball again, it will announce the return of the Nuggets.

On the defensive end, the Nuggets’ overall defense has moved up a notch.

No more carelessness in the opening.

But one by one, they were clinging to the defenders, and even Afraro, who had the worst defense, followed Lin Dong closely.

Don’t let Lin Dong have the opportunity to catch the ball easily.

In the end, Gallinari’s one missed layup ended the offense.

As soon as he grabbed the rebound, Nene quickly passed the ball to Billups.

The latter moves forward quickly.

Coming outside the three-point line, he suddenly stopped, as if to wait for his teammates to land.

But as soon as it stopped, it suddenly started again.

Passed the defenders.

Broke through to the basket, faced the UAE defense, and threw the ball to the basket.

Martin arrived and jumped high.

He caught the ball with both hands and slammed it into the basket.

“The Nuggets seem to be on the rise, both offense and defense are working.”

“This dunk is domineering and well coordinated!”

Next round.

After the Nuggets increased their intensity, the Knicks’ offense was no longer as efficient.

And the Nuggets under the organization of Billups, the offense is also smoother.

After Anthony forced Gallinari a goal, the difference between the two sides reached four points.

At 21:25, the Knicks were still leading.

“After the Nuggets stepped up their defense, the Knicks were no longer magical, and the gap between the two sides was further narrowed.”

“Anthony has scored 10 points, the feel is good, and Gallinari, although he defends well every time, still can’t limit Anthony!”

“The race seems to be back on track as expected.”

“The Knicks have to do something now, otherwise the Nuggets will be hard to hold on when they gain momentum.”

Lin Dong crossed his waist with both hands and looked at the scoreboard.

There are three minutes left in the first quarter.

In the previous game, he has been assisting his teammates.

Let your teammates finish and find confidence.

But the current situation seems a little bad.

He blew on his breath and got back into the game.

Knicks possession of the ball.

Lin Dong took the initiative to run to the top of the arc to ask for the ball.

In the face of JR, Lin Dong is very confident.

Although JR’s offense is good, defense has always been his weakness.

Lin Dong kept dribbling the ball in his crotch.

It is strictly forbidden to observe the position of your teammates through the afterlight.

Suddenly it started violently.

Then he stopped abruptly, at the free throw line, followed by a combined shot.

JR tried hard to cap.

However, Lin Dong added a real pass and passed the ball to the empty Curry.

The latter hit a layup and a rebound.

Back to defense, Lin Dong entered Gallinari’s side in the process of returning to defense.

He whispered, “I’ll guard against Anthony!” ”

Gallinari was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

Although his defense has improved, he is still much worse than Lin Dong.

Lin Dong began to ask to actively defend Anthony, and at this moment, the Nuggets’ offense was about to stall.

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