“Haven’t you gone back yet?” Lin Dong said while walking to his dressing room while looking at Nate.

Nate laughed, “I want to take our heroes tonight to a big meal!” ”

Speaking of this, Lin Dong’s stomach made a “cooing” sound without arguing.

He was indeed hungry.

And through memory, Lin Dong knew that he didn’t have any money on him.

The salary of a ten-day short contract, he had just paid the rent two days ago.

Now I have enough money to eat a few simple foods.

As for Nate wanting to invite himself to dinner, Lin Dong was not surprised.

Because in memory, Nate has always taken good care of himself.

The Knicks locker room has big problems, with little communication between players.

After Lin Dong came here, no one even spoke to Lin Dong.

Only Nate will often enlighten himself.

And teach yourself some experience playing in the NBA.

You know, at that time, Lin Dongke did not have the current ability.

Therefore, perhaps because of the influence of memory, Lin Dong felt very close when he saw Nate.

“Then you’re welcome!”

Lin Dong touched his stomach, and then the two laughed at the same time.

“When I get my next salary, I’ll treat you back to eat!”

Lin Dong is also not a person who likes to owe favors, so he said to Nate while packing up his things.

Nate shrugged.

“That’s for sure, your performance tonight definitely deserves a good contract.”

“When you get paid, I won’t be polite to you.”

For Lin Dong, Nate is quite optimistic.

Lin Dong was collecting his things, and suddenly there was a trace of hesitation.

Because today is the last day of his contract, he should be left after the fight.

Despite tonight’s performance, the Knicks will definitely renew his contract.

But now they have not informed themselves.

So, do you want to take away your own things now?

It was at this time that D’Antoni walked into the dressing room.

Seeing that Lin Dong was still there, he instantly smiled.

“Lin, fortunately you haven’t left yet!”

D’Antoni walked straight to Lin Dong, not even noticing Nate on the side.


“I haven’t finished picking up my stuff! Ready to collect and leave. ”

Lin Dong responded.

D’Antoni smiled and said, “No need to take it!” This cabinet will belong to you in the future! ”

Lin Dong’s eyes flashed.

How could he not understand the meaning of this.

Although I knew that I would definitely be able to stay, but in the moment I heard it.

He was still a little pleased.

After all, in the future, he will be an official NBA player.

His future brilliant career will begin now.

However, Lin Dong didn’t say anything more, just nodded.

“Thank you Coach!”

D’Antoni waved his hand, “Say thank you, you earned it by your performance.” ”

“You did so well tonight, I saw a lot of shining points in you.”

“I’m sure it won’t be long before the entire NBA will know your name.”

If ordinary people heard such a high evaluation from D’Antonis, they would definitely be very happy.

But Lin Dong didn’t, because he knew that these were facts.

He is a man with a system, but letting the alliance know his name is not his goal.

His goal is to be a superstar, a big contract, a championship, a …

D’Antoni continued: “Tomorrow the general manager will come to you and talk to you in detail about the next contract. ”

“The opponent of the day after tomorrow is the Bulls, train well and strive to play brilliantly at that time!”

The two briefly said a few more words before D’Antoni left.

Nate came over and patted Lin Dong’s shoulder “hard”.

“Look, tomorrow you can sign a contract, and soon there will be money to invite me to eat back!”

“Don’t take it, let’s go!”

Lin Dong nodded and put down the things in his hand.

Went out with Nate for a big meal.

Nate knew that Lin Dong could eat, but he didn’t know how much Lin Dong could eat.

Almost one person eats the amount of three servings.

He said jokingly: “It seems that it is a little uneconomical to invite you to dinner.” Haha…”

Because Lin Dong does not have a car.

After the meal, Nate sent Lin Dong home again.

Lin Dong returned home and couldn’t wait to open the system.

After the system was turned on, he hadn’t studied it properly.

After the game, the system jumped out again, and he didn’t hear it clearly.

All have long been in a hurry to see.

This is the capital of his future life, and he must be very familiar with it.

He meditated on the system in his mind.

The properties panel reappeared in front of him.

Name: Lin Dong

Height: 201cm

Weight: 100kg

Arm span: 220cm

Offensive: 83 on layups, 82 on the field, 80 on three-point range.

Defense: 90 steals, 88 rebounds, 94 outside defense

Technique: Pass 73, possession 71.

Physical fitness: speed 93, strength 92, bounce 90, fitness 91.

Skills: Death Wrapper, Dry Pull Jumper

Upgrade point: 445

Lin Dong noticed the difference in attributes this time at a glance.

That’s one more skill, dry jumper.

Also, the skill point has been changed from 0 to 445

Dry jump shot, Lin Dong of course knows what it is.

That’s Maddie’s masterpiece.

Subsequently, through the introduction of the system, Lin Dong knew more information about the system.

Dry jumpers do not increase the attributes of shooting, and the number of shooting attributes can directly determine the completion and shooting rate of the shot.

But dry jumpers reduce some defensive interference and force the creation of shooting opportunities.

Then there is the upgrade point that Lin Dong cares about.

Upgrade points can promote properties.

However, with the current property values, if you want to upgrade, you need a lot of upgrade points.

For example, speed, Lin Dong’s current speed attribute is 93

To upgrade to 94, you need 3200 upgrade points.

The attribute of possession is now 71, and if you want to upgrade, you only need 1300 upgrade points.

Upgrade points can be obtained through matches.

If you win the game, you can get 100, and you can also get different upgrade points for playing a wonderful performance in the game.

It can also be obtained through training.

Train your own weak points and get different values of upgrade points according to the effect of training.

In other words, Lin Dong only needs to train hard and lead the team to win the game.

You can continue to get upgrade points and keep improving.

Thinking of this, Lin Dong’s body trembled a little.

Some of these systems, the unattainable dreams of his previous life, could now become a reality.

PS: I started watching the NBA in ’09, and until now, as long as I have time, I always watch live broadcasts.

Including the grand finals that ended yesterday.

To be honest, I saw James go to the Lakers for his children’s education.

Thought James had nothing to do with the championship in his life.

But Old Jen still showed us his championship heart and his super ability.

Here is a word, Old Zhan is awesome!

However, I don’t really like the current alliance.

What I prefer is the time in ’09, one person, one city.

So I wrote several NBA books, all at this time.

Although there were many tragic heroes at that time, they were all worthy of admiration, of course, they are now.

In fact, on the first day of the book’s release, I felt that the results were not very good.

But I still want to keep writing.

If you like this book, please don’t skimp on the flowers and review votes.

Your support is my biggest motivation for writing a book.

Finally, if you are interested, guess, which one is my home team?

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