Losing should be frustrating, but the Lakers were just the opposite. Everyone was extremely excited, especially Kuzma, who followed Wang Ba like a curious baby:

"What was that move just now called?"

"Huh! Ha!"

"There's also this move."

Kuzma gestured a move, which was the monkey stealing peaches and dragon swinging tail that Wang Ba used when he was trying to stop the fight, but it looked a bit wretched.

He completely forgot the unpleasantness of being beaten by Wang Ba in the team game, and his little eyes were full of admiration.

When the conflict occurred, he saw it clearly, Wang Ba's moves were fast, accurate and ruthless, otherwise he would not have had the opportunity to punch Embiid twice.

Americans have very strange ideas, especially young people. Being good at playing basketball and leading the team to victory may not necessarily be recognized by them.

Fighting for teammates during the game, which is considered impulsive and irrational in China, is often regarded as a manifestation of bloodiness.

It is easier to get recognition, even if you lose the game because of it. This is the cultural difference.

Kuzima had obviously let go of the grudge, and Wang Ba shook his head casually:

"I use Chinese bondage."

"Can you teach me?"

"I see that you have a unique bone structure and are a martial arts genius. It's not impossible for you to learn, but it depends on your sincerity."

Just when Wang Ba was talking nonsense with Kuzima, the Internet was already in an uproar.

"Embid shed blood on the court, 76ers narrowly defeated the Lakers by 8 points"

"NBA News: Lakers lost to 76ers 128:120, Kuzma and Rondo were expelled! "

"Wang Ba scored 44 points back to back, and also had 8 assists, 5 rebounds, 4 blocks and 2 steals"

Those who can score 40 back to back are all well-known figures in the league. Wang Ba not only did it, but also broke two records.

According to statistics,

Wang Ba became the youngest player in history to complete back-to-back 40+ points.

At the same time,

he also became the youngest player to score 90+ points in two consecutive games before the age of 22. Only James and Iverson have done it before him.

Wang Ba's performance was recognized by fans, and even the North American media expressed recognition. However, the domestic media widely reported doubts about his ability.

"Facing high perimeter defense, Wang Ba's hit rate is only about 30%, and his overall hit rate is 36%. He is a typical overrated player."

"The reason why he was able to get super data in the previous games was because other teams did not notice him, or his perimeter defense was not strong enough."

"76 is a magic mirror, which reveals Wang Ba's shortcomings. His data will drop sharply in the future."

"Wait and see."

A large number of water armies appeared, all forwarding and liking, and questioning and insulting Wang Ba, and digging up his black history. It is obvious that someone is targeting Wang Ba.

Since it is targeted, it is impossible to simply question it. After all, if Wang Ba continues to perform well, he will be easily slapped in the face. The following things are the killer moves.

A basketball sports big V published a short essay titled "Wang Ba played dirty on the court, morally corrupt, and should be banned for life."

The first part of the essay is the video, followed by screenshots, slow motion, and zoom in.

"The playback revealed that Wang Ba hit someone in the conflict between the Lakers and the 76ers. Although the action was concealed, it was absolutely true."

"Pictures speak louder than words!"

"Pay attention to Wang Ba's hands, and then look at Embiid's expression."

"He also hit Simmons."

"I suggest banning Wang Ba."

Normal big Vs make money by eating traffic, and it is normal to post similar articles, but this big V is very abnormal.

He has an account on a foreign social platform, and he directly tagged the official NBA account, demanding serious treatment, and a group of people followed up.

Then someone released a video of Wang Ba throwing his pants over his shoulder in the Lakers' internal game.

Many media and basketball commentators jumped out,

"Wang Ba is a habitual offender! He once beat Murray! The league must punish him severely!"

"The violent maniac must be punished severely!"

Less than 10 minutes had passed since the game, and the post-game press conference hadn't even started yet, so many media commentators came out to shout for killing.

It's better to believe that Qin Shihuang is still alive than to say that they are upholding justice.

The outside world believed that Wang Ba would definitely be ruined this time and would be suspended indefinitely, but the result was far beyond their expectations.

Fans collectively praised:

"The Eastern King knows Chinese bondage!"

"That shoulder throw is so cool!"

"I want to become his disciple!"

"I love the Eastern King so much. I really hope he uses his dragon claw hand on me."

"The words above are veiled."

"Ding, student card."

"The King knows martial arts" soon became a hot topic in North America. Fans did not express anger at his behavior.

American fans like those who play well, and they like those who are good at martial arts even more.

Bad influence?

Don't be ridiculous!

This is America. We can cooperate.In a country where people can carry guns for unlimited self-defense, people hate evil and take revenge immediately. This is the main theme.

The video angle of the game is not clear at all, so it is just speculation. Let's not discuss it first.

In the Lakers' internal training match, Kuzima threw a punch first and was thrown over the shoulder. Could it be judged as a fight?

Wang Ba would never have thought that he would become popular in this way. When he saw the reputation value of the system increasing, he was very happy.

But his troubles also followed.

(Handsome guys and beautiful girls, because the original name of the system was not very good, it was always stuck by the system, so we were forced to change the Pen King system to the reputation system. The reputation value is based on the number of fans and is used for shopping in shopping malls. It has the same use as the original pen point, except that the original price of the items has been slightly adjusted. There is no other impact. Sorry.)


The conference room at the NBA headquarters is as lively as a vegetable market.

"We must treat them equally. They were both fighting. Why was Embiid suspended for 8 games, while Kuzma and Rondo only for 6 games!"

"I think 8 games is too few. It should be 10 games!"

"Where is the basis? It's fair! If you ask me, Embiid was defending himself, and Kuzma and Rondo should be severely punished!"

"His action is a lifelong ban, which is a light punishment! Kuzma and Rondo can't be angry when they see their teammates being bullied?"

"It's really funny! Do you have to fight if the action is a little bigger in the game? Are there any rules?"

Sitting in the main seat, Xiao Hua covered his forehead and had a headache.

Pushing and trash talking on the NBA court are gone, but the league has zero tolerance for punching and fighting.

It is inevitable that Embiid, Kuzma and Rondo will be suspended. As a result, the two sides quarreled because of the suspension time.

Where there are people, there are small groups, and the NBA is no exception.

On the surface, they are fighting for the punishment plan, but in reality, they are fighting for the right to speak. Even Xiao Hua can't handle it. At this time, Mike, who has never spoken, stood up.

"I just got a piece of news. How about we take a look first and then discuss it?"

Xiao Hua was worried about not finding an excuse, so he asked Mike to speak quickly.

He connected the computer to the screen projection, and put out the discussion about Wang Ba on the Internet, and the analysis article and video.

"This matter is very controversial on the Internet. The media and fans demand that Wang Ba be severely punished. Let's discuss it."

After speaking, Mike crossed his arms and said calmly, and stopped talking.

Xiao Hua's face was almost black and he couldn't see clearly.

He wanted Mike to change the subject, not to add fuel to the fire. This news might make the two sides fight more fiercely!

Sure enough,

The two sides who had just quarreled started to spray again.

"Must punish severely!"


"Why banned!"

"Based on this angle and picture, nothing can be proved at all!"

"Is the beating of Pants Ma true?"

Ao Hua stood up:

"I'll give you half an hour to discuss the result. If there is no result, I will make the decision myself!"

"Mike, follow me!"

The Lakers' ratings have been very high recently. Wang Ba is a player that Xiao Hua focuses on observing. He does not want to punish Wang Ba,

But Mike's behavior is very suspicious. He must first figure out Mike's purpose. After all, Mike has a lot of say in the league.

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