When Scarlett was interviewed by reporters, her pretty face was full of happy smiles, and she denied the lace scandal news between her and Tang Ziwen.

In the Eastern Conference Finals of the playoffs, she didn’t want to bring Tang Ziwen a lot of trouble during this time period.

She also didn’t expect that she would go to the villa in Tang Ziwen’s family, and after staying for a few hours, there would be paparazzi to shoot her.

“I didn’t know I was going to bother Don so much, Taylor Swift has explained that we’re just good friends, and my relationship with Taylor has become very close recently.”

Reporters and media were immediately disappointed.

Tang Ziwen and Taylor Swift denied it, and Scarlett also denied the lace scandal.

Then, it seems that Tang Ziwen is really a good person who is “innocent” as he said!

After thinking about it, it is impossible for two women to let a man sleep at the same time, let alone the cold goddess “Scarlett Johansson”, and the pure and cute country diva “Mei Mei”!

On May 0, the Eastern Conference Final and the Western Conference Final kicked off.

Madison Square Garden Training Room.

“Tang, I believe you are a good person, the paparazzi are really annoying, but you have a clear conscience, there is nothing terrible about this matter~!” Sfencurry had a sincere smile on his face, always determined that Tang Ziwen 16 was definitely a good person.

Or rather, he couldn’t believe that two women would like a man at the same time.

Tang Ziwen had a ghost in his heart, and he could only pretend to be moved.

“Stephen, it’s great that you’re willing to believe me, thank you.”

The Knicks, except for Stephen Curry, all the rest had a look of “I understand”, “I understand”, “no need to explain”.

They all believe that Tang Ziwen is a good person.

But I absolutely don’t believe that a man has a good person, Scarlett’s smile, it is impossible to pretend, full of tenderness and a smile from the heart, as if the wife is watching her husband.

Kobe Bryant has revealed many cheating incidents, and was caught by Vanessa once, and there was no lace scandal that broke the news, even if he did not admit it, but it would definitely not be fake.

NBA stars are heard, but most of them are fake scandals, and they are all true!

It’s okay if Tang Ziwen doesn’t explain, once it is explained.

Come on….

We all envy you for being able to handle a goddess like Scarlett.

They also all want to date with the popular goddess, but they just think about it~!

“Okay, don’t tease Don, it’s time to prepare for the game on the night, this battle with the Magic East, Don, would you rather go inside to play center, or continue to specialize in scoring and playing small forward?”

When necessary, Comrade Lao De asked.

General Manager Donnie Walsh has given an order to be sure to ask Tang Ziwen’s opinion on the field, no matter what tactics are arranged.

It’s a bit of a tool man, but it’s fun!

D’Antoni was happy.

He just wants to coach Tang Ziwen to win the championship and improve his historical coaching status slightly.

To put it bluntly, Tang Ziwen alone has doubled the market value of the Nix by four or five times, and the price is really astronomical.

This team, D’Antoni is also very clear, has become Tang Ziwen’s team alone.

The Knicks’ senior general manager and management are also supportive, and even the boss James Dolan has to praise Tang Ziwen.

Tang Ziwen smiled and said, “I played outside in the first half, worked hard to pull the score up, expand the score advantage, Howard, continue to cut him, the rest will be handed over to us~!”

They have overcome the difficulties of the Celtics, who have the strongest overall strength level in the East, and the rest of the Eastern Conference duel should be relatively easy.


He doesn’t think the Magic’s overall defensive strength is better than the Celtics.

“OK~!” DeAnton nodded.

As long as Tang Ziwen is there, not only the coach, but even all the players on the squad have an idea.

That is, “We can definitely win the championship”!

He is the soul of this team, a super scorer on the offensive end, the strongest defender on the defensive end, once Tang Ziwen is missing, can he rush to the playoffs~!

As long as he is on the court, the players have a special sense of peace of mind, even if it is the Eastern Conference semifinals, today’s Eastern Conference finals, there will be no trace of nervousness.


Madison Square Garden.

The showdown between Knicks and Magic kicked off.

G1, home is New York.

The atmosphere at the scene was hot for a while.

“I heard that Shaq and Don participated in “The Ellen Show” together, and also teased you, Charles, is there such a thing?” Smith asked.

Barkley grinned: “There is indeed such a thing, the two of them are really interesting to partner up on variety shows.” ”

“Charles, do you think the Knicks can sweep the Magic?”

Smith asked a very difficult question.

“It’s a bit difficult to sweep, and there are too many uncertainties in the playoffs, but I believe that as long as Don can play normally, he should be able to get the Magic team.” Barkley replied.

Smith was surprised that he was now Tang Ziwen’s “rational fan”, but Barkley was a brain-dead fan and could say this.

“The Knicks are really strong, they can eliminate the Celtics and advance to the Eastern Conference Finals from the hands of the Green Army’s Big Three!”

Smith’s tone was full of emotion, he was also optimistic about the Knicks, but he never expected this rookie team to be able to turn over the “old rogue Celtics.” ”

“Everyone was wearing Don’s 34 jersey, which is really hard to see, Charles.”

Barkley nodded and said joyfully, “Yes! This kind of big scene is difficult even for the Lakers, only the Bulls of that era Finals will wear Michael’s jersey. ”

Inside Madison Square Garden.

The atmosphere is already a heat wave.


Greeting the roar of DJ Wilson, Tang Ziwen jogged from the tunnel into the arena.




Nearly 20,000 people made a loud wave, Jane 290 is like the world’s largest waterfall Angel Falls, the huge wave is monstrous, which makes all the Knicks team members full of excitement.

Howard was very nervous in this game, he had already educated Tang Ziwen several times, and each time there was no resistance.

Moreover, recently, he was also shocked that Tang Ziwen could shoot three-pointers.

You say an inside player, the strength is stronger than me, the jump is higher than me, and the center footwork technique is particularly good.

You even shoot three-pointers?

This is also too shocking!

When Tang Ziwen did not join the NBA before, there were no media reporters, and fans picked on his technical faults.

But since Tang Ziwen forced him to be selected as the All-Star starting center, the voice of dissatisfaction among fans came………….

“Good Tang learn the footsteps of the inner line, learn the dream footsteps, and consolidate his own skills.”

“Howard should go and learn to make free throws with Don, he is really accurate.”

“His technique is really poor, he is playing with physical talent.”

Journalists, media, and many NBA ancient giants jumped out and slammed him.

For this.

Howard was depressed.

He, a super center player who dominates the interior with his strength, almost burst the inside of other teams in the East, will be so criticized?

All blame Tang Ziwen.

That’s right, it’s all to blame that Tang Ziwen is stronger than him, better technique than him, faster than him, higher bounce than him, and more accurate free throws than him……..

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