Until the opening 4 minutes of the second quarter.

Magic coach Van Gundy looked confused, and he discovered an amazing fact.

“Warcraft” Howard’s offensive ability under the basket was completely limited by Tang Ziwen, and he could only shoot the basket by hooking his hand…

Tang Ziwen’s card position speed is too fast, and the physical strength is stronger than Howard, and the super nerve reaction speed is greatly limited, preventing Howard from entering the basket to dunk.

This makes the magic sense very uncomfortable.

During Howard’s time of restrictions, the Magic could only rely on mid-shots, outside shots, and frequent firing.

Fortunately, their outside backup JJ Redick and Carter can also play at a certain level, but the Knicks did not extend the score for a while.

In the opening 7 points of the third quarter, Howard was hit with the anger of “Warcraft”, frowned and gritted his teeth, frantically pushed Tang Ziwen, and then forcibly jumped in the air.

He was completely furious by Tang Ziwen’s defense!


Tang Ziwen grasped the timing of the closure very accurately, gritted his teeth, stretched out his right hand sharply, and slapped it fiercely on the basketball.


Magic coach Stan Van Gandy was dumbfounded.

Blocked again?

As a result, the cries of the “King of Hats” resounded throughout the Madison Square Garden Arena.

“Toot ——!”

Van Gundy immediately applied for a suspension.

Both sides returned to the bench.

Curry smiled and praised: “Don, your blocking skills are getting better and better, and playing against you under the basket is simply a nightmare for opponents.” ”

Tang Ziwen’s nerve reaction is fast, coupled with the fast movement speed under his feet, and he has muscle strength far beyond ordinary people, his cap is thunderous and very sharp.

He drank half a bottle of water and chuckled: “It’s not that I’m strong in capping, but Howard’s footsteps are inflexible, and I’m much more flexible than him~!” ”

Although the big shark O’Neal is fat, his interior footwork skills are much stronger than Howard’s.


Howard’s rough technique is only relatively speaking, he is now at his peak, “Warcraft” has top physical fitness and full of dominance inside, so the roughness of technology is “perfectly” covered!

However, in the face of Tang Ziwen’s tough physical qualities and physical advantages cannot be effective, the “rough” technology naturally cannot be covered up, and it is exposed.

This was seen by the gorilla Ewing.

“Sure enough, the technology is very rough~!”

Ewing sighed helplessly, as Howard’s mentor, he very much hopes that Howard Lian can become a super center with skills like a big dream, combined with his current physical fitness.

The greater the expectation.

The greater the disappointment….


“Adjust your mindset and don’t be impulsive, you know? As soon as you impulsively, it is as if you have fallen into the premeditation of the other party. Van Gundy instructed helplessly.

Howard is unhappy or unhappy, frowning: “I will adjust my mentality.” ”

In desperation, Van Gundy adopted a tactic that was more aimed at Tang Ziwen.

Tang Ziwen can pass the ball without looking at people, play exquisite assists, and can lead teammates in all directions, and their magic is forced to use the trapping tactic, sending Howard and Lewis to wrap Tang Ziwen and limit his ability to attack from a low post.

At the same time, cut off Tang Ziwen’s ability to drive teammates.

When Howard heard this, he was suddenly a little unhappy in his heart.

He is an active top center, if not for Tang Ziwen, the inside can play super dominance, the basket can score crazy, even if he can’t shoot, he can grab the rebound and dunk twice, but Tang Ziwen’s defense is too strong.

His abilities are limited.

The two jointly defended Tang Ziwen, although a little unhappy, but listened to Van Gundy’s tactical arrangement.

The game continues.

Tang Ziwen took the ball low and was caught by Lewis and Howard.

“Actually used the trapping tactic? Is Van Gundy adventurous? ”

D’Antoni grinned, isn’t this enough to prove that Howard lives alone with Tang Ziwen?


D’Antoni is desperate for the other side to implement the tactic of pocketing, and their Knicks are good at running and bombarding between passes, forming misalignments, empty positions.

When relying on Tang Ziwen’s inside attack, he prefers the projection of outside players.

At this time, when Tang Ziwen was wrapped up, he did not panic in the slightest, but looked at the running position between the players, grabbed the ball with his right hand and raised it behind his head.

“His ability to catch the ball is very strong~!” Van Gundy frowned.

What is this situation?

Can you catch the ball in that case? How big and powerful is the palm?

Tang Ziwen has such a height advantage, and he is not a short defender, even if the opponent is wrapped, he can successfully send the ball out.

“Swoosh ——!”

The basketball passed from the top of Howard’s head directly into Kidd’s hands, who was running.

Kidd pretended to shoot to grab J.J. Redick’s defensive attention and threw the ball to Curry with a flick of his hands.

“It’s beautiful~!” Tiffin Curry had long been waiting for a pass, quickly jumping to the basket.


Three points into the net.

“Beautiful, Stephen!”

Stephen Curry chewed the braces in his mouth excitedly, “Don, you have attracted the attention of the other party. ”

“Let’s defeat them like this!” The corners of Tang Ziwen’s mouth rose with a smile.

The Knicks bag targeted him, but ignored Stephen Curry.

Curry’s running ability is top-notch, and once the touch comes up to turn on the “Ku Ritian” mode, the threat of the three-point shot is far greater than the power of his mid-range shot and offensive two-point shot under the basket.

Van Gundy wrapped him, it was really a very stupid tactic, it was better to go to the bag.

The two-man joint defense bag has some risk, and they can’t block Tang Ziwen’s pass.

When the Magic wanted to deal with him, they adopted the bag tactic, because Howard was difficult to defend him one-on-one, and Lewis immediately came to help the defense and formed a bag clip, making Tang Ziwen’s offense unable to easily succeed.

Like Ao Fat, Dayao often has to face this situation.


Tang Ziwen’s vision is excellent, and his mentality is also very stable.

Want to make him wrong?

Van Gundy definitely thought too much, it was simply impossible!

At the end of the first half, the Knicks led by a wide margin of 65:40.

The reason why they can lead by 2 points is that they used a pocket tactic against Tang Ziwen, thus ignoring Ku Ritian’s three-pointer.

It wasn’t until Curry hit 53 consecutive shots that Van Gundy was helpless to cancel this tactic.

After the break, Howard adjusted his mentality and regrouped, ready to fight Tang Ziwen.


Tang Ziwen didn’t even play?

“So many points ahead, are you happy to rest?” The corner of Howard’s mouth twitched, but if Tang Ziwen didn’t play, he would fiercely burst the Knicks’ inside line and show his “dominance” well!

The Knicks fielded Kidd, Curry, Al Harrington, Jonathan Bender, McGrady.

The Magic are still the starting lineup.

On the offensive end, they still threw the ball to Howard in the running position.

Without Tang Ziwen, the inner line is his world!

“Bang bang!” As soon as he took the ball, he jumped up with all his might, grabbed the ball with his right hand and smashed it into the basket.

This kind of attack, ordinary people can rarely block.

However, today he met Tang Ziwen, who was stronger than him.

Under the basket, but his offensive sweet zone, as long as he succeeds in getting the ball, few people can block.


Just when he didn’t jump.

Something abrupt happened.

“Toot ————!”

(Zhao Zhao) The referee’s whistle sounded, and Jonathan Bender defended and pulled a foul.

“Warcraft” Howard walked to the free throw line with a depressed look.

What the?

He was about to take off and dunk, but he was deliberately fouled?!

Comrade Old De had just instructed Jonathan Bender, and the purpose of his coming on the field was to foul to limit Howard’s offense, and he could graduate from the locker room after completing 6 to eat snacks……..

Well, it’s that simple.

“Foul tactics to deal with Howard so quickly?”

Tang Ziwen is confident that he will block Howard’s shooting basket with all his strength, but D’Antoni’s “chopping Huo” tactic can save him a lot of physical strength.

He can sit on the bench and rest, drink physical exercise drinks, and eat bananas.


Van Gundy’s eyes widened suddenly.

“D’Antonis, send someone to deliberately foul?” Van Gundy was a little confused.

You all already have Tang Ziwen who can suppress Howard, and you even have to implement the “hacking Huo tactic”? Too much of a bully, right?

The stadium is like a battlefield.

Comrade Lao De just wants to disgust his opponent.

The famous Warcraft was also disgusted into a chicken boy. _

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