Time goes back to five minutes ago.

When Lin Zhi finished saying that he wanted to take Meng Xingchen as his teacher.

Meng Xingchen looked at him, was silent for a second, and said, "Okay, I will accept you as my disciple."

"Yes, Master!"

Meng Xingchen nodded, and with a thought, a small pit was dug out of a colorful soul soil in his origin soil domain, and then the world sapling was wrapped in soul power and sent in.

At the same time, the mechanical sound of the manual sounded in Lin Zhi's mind.

[Warning, warning, your loved one's attempt to fuse the world sapling has been detected, please make a selection. 】

[Choice 1: Persuade not to integrate]

[Choice 2: Let it merge]

"Choose 2"

[Your relatives are fusing world saplings. When you successfully select a suitable divine ring quality spiritual plant among the following 137,623,111 choices, you will have a 50% chance of success. Fusion world saplings, please choose:]

【Choose one:……】

[Choice 2:...]

[Choose 137,623,111:...]

A series of choices flashed through Lin Zhi's mind like a scrolling screen. He couldn't take a closer look at it, but from the previous conversation with Whale Kill, he already knew the name of the spiritual plant that could evolve with the spiritual plant transplanted by Meng Xingchen.

So, he shouted Lingzhi's name directly in his mind.

[You have made your selection. 】

This choice is a long story, in fact it is a matter of lightning and flint.

The moment Meng Xingchen planted the world's saplings, Lin Zhi completed his choice.

Immediately afterwards, the world sapling grew rapidly in Meng Xingchen's soul soil. Its roots penetrated deeply into the soul soil and absorbed energy crazily. It first turned into a black nest tree, then evolved into a beast golden vine, and then turned into a beast. A deadly fluorescent mushroom...

Lin Zhi and Meng Xingchen watched his growth and evolution with solemn expressions. Soon, it evolved into a divine ring and turned into a Sky Flower.


Meng Xingchen shouted with rare excitement.

He quickly activated his secret technique, and a large amount of resources poured in, causing a large black-and-white tree in the soul soil to begin to evolve.

The big tree evolved and quickly generated suction, sucking in the Sky Flower that the World Tree had transformed into.

Then he saw the Lingxiao flower twining around the big tree and began to merge with it.

Soon, the light dissipated, and a brand new tree appeared in Meng Xingchen's soul soil.

This big tree is divided into two strange black and white yin and yang halves. Its crown forms a perfect Tai Chi diagram, with fruits like the blazing sun hanging on one side and fruits as cold as the bright moon on the other.

The whole big tree is entangled by a golden vine, fused together like blood vessels. Countless sky flowers are blooming on the vine, and clouds are spit out by the flowers.

On the top of the big tree, a colorful diamond-shaped crystal hangs high.

"Legendary Spiritual Plant - Morning and Evening Lingxiao!"

Meng Xingchen looked excited, and then he saw the big tree growing rapidly.

Then its roots broke through the soul soil and went deep into the void. Countless void energy and matter were absorbed and gathered by it, and the thickness of the soul soil field was seen to be growing wildly.

Meng Xingchen's soul is also transforming, and his momentum is rising steadily.

The seven-colored soul soil in his soul soil field became more and more vivid, and the spiritual plants growing on it were also growing crazily due to the changes in the soul soil.


Meng Xingchen's thoughts moved, and the resources in the tree house warehouse poured down. These spiritual plants began to "evolve together" and became "legendary spiritual plants".

When the twenty-eighth legendary spiritual plant evolved, the potential brought by the world sapling was completely exhausted.

Meng Xingchen also completed his transformation.

"Let's go, teacher, take you to kill people!"

Meng Xingchen rose into the sky, and a wisp of breath pulled Lin Zhi to fly out of the tree pit.

Immediately, Lin Zhi saw a horned demon appearing from outside the pit.


He screamed in surprise, then quickly gathered the demon javelin and threw it at Meng Xingchen.

However, Meng Xingchen did not dodge. The moment the demon's javelin came into contact with his body, he suddenly disappeared. The next moment, he suddenly reappeared behind the horned demon.


The demon's javelin pierced his chest.

Terrifying energy began to erupt. Meng Xingchen waved his hand and whispered, "Bright starry sky!"

Immediately, a tree dotted with stars appeared, its crown like a curtain, emitting colorful starlight.

The starlight shone brightly, and the explosion was silenced.

"It turns out that this is the power of legend!"

Meng Xingchen murmured to himself, and the horned demon figures outside the tree pit regrouped, eyes widening in despair.

"No, this is impossible! Why can you break through the limitations of your personality and become a legend?"

He was so frightened that countless bloody vines grabbed Meng Xingchen, and then took the opportunity to escape.

"The probability is there, nothing is impossible!"

Meng Xingchen said calmly, although he also felt incredible. He was already prepared to sacrifice, but he did not expect that the perfect integration of the world saplings would be successful.

"This is wrong, wrong!"

The horned demon tore open the void, revealing a deep wormhole, and he was about to escape.

However, the next moment, Meng Xingchen appeared in front of him.

With one finger, the horned devil disintegrated from beginning to end.

"Forcibly promoted to legend, but there is no matching combat power!"

Meng Xingchen then turned to look at the land where Ji Wuming was before. He waved his hand, and a wisp of white soul appeared out of thin air and was absorbed by him.

"Your Majesty, wait a moment, we are friends!"

This soul spoke quickly, his holy wings trembling at this moment.

"Oh, friend?"

Meng Xingoh raised his eyebrows and looked at him with deep eyes.

"Yes, we are friends!" Soul said quickly. If he could sweat, he would be sweating like rain.

"Where are you from?"

Meng Xingchen asked.

"Fight...Fighting Soul Continent!"


Lin Zhi's little head behind Meng Xingchen had a big question mark.

Why does this term seem a bit familiar?

"We are a legendary civilization that believes in the God of Light. To me now, Your Excellency, you are indeed powerful. However, our Soul Fighting Continent has entered the legendary civilization for thousands of years, and there are few people who are more powerful than you."

"Are you threatening me?"

"I don't dare, I don't dare. Dear Sir, I am just stating a fact. Civilization entering legend is just the starting point of the road to becoming a god."

Hunhun waved his hands quickly, and seeing that Meng Xingchen was not angry, he quickly continued:

"Civilizations have been born and destroyed for hundreds of millions of years. They are no longer myths, but ants in the end. And your human civilization was born in the wrong era. This era belongs to the Kingdom of Divine Grace, or to the endless abyss, but it does not belong to you humans."

"Give you a chance to speak human words!"

Meng Xingchen said lightly.


The soul quickly changed its mind and said: "Let's put it this way, there are nearly a hundred legendary civilizations in the void. Some of the old legendary civilizations have been around for thousands of years. They are only one step away from composing an epic. But your human civilization is too late to become a legend. Yes, the opportunity has been lost.”

"So, you want to say, let us believe in the God of Light? Join the so-called Divine Grace Heavenly Kingdom camp?" Meng Xingchen asked.

"Yes, that's it. As long as your civilization surrenders to the God of Light, it will be protected by the Kingdom of God's Grace. In this way, it can successfully defeat all other enemies and write an epic!"

"I see!"

As Meng Xingchen spoke, the soul was suddenly covered with countless bright red flowers. As the flowers bloomed, video-like shadows bloomed.

"I have completely read your memory, you can disappear!"


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