Lin Zhi, wrapped in his true spirit armor and holding a measuring ruler, walked out of the soul land.

The moment he walked out, he saw several figures flying around in the underground world in the distance.

"My friend, I am ready for the annihilation of my true spirit!"

The voice of the black turtle sounded in Lin Zhi's mind.

"Thank you, senior!" Lin Zhi said solemnly.

"What are you thanking me for! Our clan is already facing the danger of extinction. Only by protecting this last sapling can the world tree not be completely eroded, and the fire of our civilization can continue!"

The black turtle smiled cheerfully, "As long as the fire of civilization is there, even if our true spirit is annihilated, we can reincarnate in some form."

"Don't worry, senior, I will definitely escort it to the mentor successfully!"

"Well, boy, are you ready?"

"Come on!"

Lin Zhi said in a deep voice, and then he felt a warmth embrace him, and a flame suddenly lit up in the soul sea.

The moment the flame appeared, it burst into colorful light, and under the light, his soul sea was dyed with rosy clouds.


A silent resonance similar to the rhyme of Tao sounded in the soul, and in an instant, his soul land domain automatically unfolded in reality, and then instantly changed from purple to gold.

Then, it suddenly flashed and turned into a faint color!

"What's going on?"

The shocked voice of the black turtle sounded.

"With the burning of my half-step legendary soul spirit, I can only temporarily raise your cultivation realm to the holy crown for 5 minutes, but how can your soul land domain change to the color of the divine ring? Although it is lighter than the real divine ring soul land, it is also the soul land of the divine environment!"

Lin Zhi suddenly realized that it was just a temporary improvement in cultivation, but he didn't expect that his innate soul land quality permanent +1 would also take effect!

Then because of this special situation, the black turtle was not affected by the "knowledge barrier" of the manual, and thus discovered the inappropriateness of the mismatch between his soul realm and soul land quality.

However, the opponent only had his true spirit left, and being controlled by the Black Turtle Holy Lotus, it didn't matter even if he discovered his mismatched secret.

The true spirit can only burn for 5 minutes, so it can't be wasted!

"Kill, kill it directly!"

The voice of the black turtle echoed in Lin Zhi's mind, and it seemed to be a little crazy with its true spirit burning.

Lin Zhi moved his hands and feet, simply adapted to the current state, and then tried to jump up.

Then, he flew up.

When the gardener reached the Purple Sun Realm, he could fly with the wind, and when he entered the Holy Crown, he could walk in the air.

At this time, his cultivation was temporarily upgraded to the Holy Crown, and the quality of his soul soil reached the "quasi-god ring", so he could naturally fly.

In just a few breaths, Lin Zhi flew close to the natives in the distance.

"Found it, there..."

Before a native could finish speaking, he was pierced through the throat by a golden sword.

"Your cultivation!!!"

The pursuers widened their eyes and quickly released various attacks.

"You chickens and dogs!"

Lin Zhi rushed into the crowd, raised his sword and slashed it, and several bird heads flew up, blood spurting out.

The bird people quickly released various wild beasts and spiritual plants, but Lin Zhi did not dodge. These pursuers, who were at most at the Purple Sun Realm, could not break the defense of his True Spirit Armor, which was amplified after his cultivation was temporarily improved.


The sword light was like lightning, and the measuring ruler in his hand suddenly expanded and turned into a 10-meter-long giant sword, sweeping across, and several wild beasts blocking the front were cut into two halves.

The corpses fell down and were randomly swept away and swallowed by the fungus farm he summoned.


A birdman spread his wings and was about to flee. The crystal of secret art flashed in Lin Zhi's mind, and he leaped in the air in an instant. The distance of several hundred meters was reached in an instant. He shrank back to 1.2 meters and waved the measuring ruler lightly. The birdman was instantly cut in half. His soul turned into a spiritual light and drilled out of the body to escape, but a vortex appeared out of thin air and sucked it in, landing on a lotus pod.

The black tortoise true spirit parasitic in the lotus pod instantly devoured it and digested it completely.

Every step Lin Zhi took was a birdman's body and head separated.

At this time, more birdmen flew in the distance, and several Saint Crown Realm gardeners who had chased him before also came.

"Kill him!"

Several Saint Crown Realm gardeners waved their hands, and thousands of natives surrounded them.

Lin Zhi's soul power fluctuated around, and he instantly detected everyone's cultivation.

Five Saint Crown gardeners, more than 20 Saint Crown God's Favored, and thousands of Purple Sun Realm birdmen.

Farther away, a large number of dog-headed people flew out of the World Sap Crystal Fortress Mine.

"Come on!"

Lin Zhi went up to meet them brazenly.

The burning time of the true soul was only five minutes, and he needed to seize every second, and he could not afford to hesitate and waste!

With a wave of his hand, thousands of birds flew out from the Phoenix Qingtong and met the natives.

Then, the Fungus Farm and Old Phlegm Pea appeared behind him, and the two cooperated to block the enemies behind him.

Lin Zhi suddenly rushed into the crowd, leaping and coordinating with the "Invisible Sword Technique", like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, cutting melons and vegetables and killing the bird people with broken limbs and blood flying everywhere.


A huge stone man smashed towards Lin Zhi, and he waved the measuring ruler in his hand, which instantly grew to 10 meters and smashed the stone man.

The giant sword swept across, and the bird people hurriedly dodged and launched long-range attacks.

Lin Zhi flipped the sword to the right, then turned his fingers, and turned a big windmill against the hilt, rushing towards the crowd facing various long-range attacks.

All these attacks were blocked by his rotating airtight sword, and then he shook his wrist, activating the size as he wished, and the long sword turned into normal size, and he held it and stabbed.

The front one of the divine favored people in the Holy Crown Realm was pierced by him.

"This... How is this possible!"

The Holy Crown Realm gardeners behind were shocked.

"It's only been a short time, why is his strength suddenly far beyond ours?"

"Quick, run!"

"Run as far as you can!"

"Go to ask the ancestor of the Divine Ring, quickly!"

Lin Zhi wandered among the birdmen, waving his long sword constantly, and his invisible sword technique became more and more handy.

The crying and screaming in his ears came one after another, but it was like beautiful music.

"If you want to leave, stay!"

Lin Zhi quickly caught up with the last Holy Crown gardener and lifted the other's head with a sword.

Then, he looked at the dog-headed people rushing in the distance, and a crazy smile appeared on his bloody face.

In the distance, the dog-headed people suddenly braked and crashed into a pile.


The dog-headed people in the back ran away, desperately rushing towards the fortress.


"Can you run away?"

Lin Zhi kicked the air with his legs, and the whole person shot out. In less than 10 seconds, he flew behind the nearest dog-headed god-favored person.

With a sword in his hand, a handsome dog head flew out.

The measuring ruler in his hand grew larger and swept forward. A large number of dog heads escaping in the back were blown up by the wind like hydrogen balloons that street vendors could not catch.

The next moment, he took a series of leaps and came to the front of the fortress.

The dog-headed people who escaped by chance quickly closed the heavy door.

Seeing this, Lin Zhi waved his hand, and the old spit pea, which was 100 meters tall and had a cannon barrel diameter that could fit a car, appeared in front of him.

"He brewed it, let me shoot it!"

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