Lin Zhi stared at the old sputum pea in front of him with eyes as big as basins, with a shocked face.

Its whole appearance was like a plant, from the original pea shooter similar to the game in the previous life to "a wall".

Looking closely, it is actually composed of a green "pot cover" with an area of ​​1,000 square meters that covers the entire soul land, plus a black stem as thick as a building.

Above the black rhizome, there are four thick, long, black and large gun barrels, which circle the stem and the sky respectively.

Lin Zhi's mind moved, and the old sputum pea launched an attack.

I saw the black stem above the pot cover slowly rotating, and the gun barrel began to swell and accumulate energy. After aiming forward, in less than 0.1 seconds, a pea as big as a small car suddenly spit out and flew forward rapidly.

When it was about to hit the gate of the courtyard, the pea turned a corner and rushed to a fence next to it.


There was a loud noise from the fence, and the entire soul land felt trembling.

Although the fence was intact due to the tree house rules, a large pit of dozens of meters was blown up in the source soil field below it.

"Not bad, now the output of this old phlegm pea is more like it!"

Lin Zhi was very satisfied with the changes in the old phlegm pea.

He passed the pea shooter and came to the fruitful knowledge fruit tree.

The sound of the selection manual sounded in his mind.

[Your knowledge fruit tree has reached the Fanyue evolution conditions. Based on your current situation and resources, you can choose two of the following evolution directions. 】

【Choice 1: Knowledge collection (the knowledge fruit tree will collect any knowledge around the host at all times and produce fruit.)】

【Choice 2: Solid concentration (the knowledge fruit evolves into nuts, and the knowledge storage capacity is further increased)】

【Choice 3: Knowledge organization (the knowledge fruit tree will organize knowledge according to the conditions such as knowledge type to form a systematic knowledge fruit.】

【Choice 4: Knowledge plunder (the knowledge fruit tree absorbs the soul of life and plunders its knowledge to form fruit)】

【Choice 5: Knowledge temptation (the knowledge fruit tree produces false knowledge full of temptation, and the life that eats the knowledge temptation fruit will be eager to learn)】

【Choice 6: Knowledge interpretation (after eating the knowledge fruit, you can thoroughly digest the knowledge and understand the knowledge itself)】

【Choice 7: Knowledge filtering (the knowledge fruit tree will automatically filter out the current meaningless knowledge) 】

After reading the options, Lin Zhi first ruled out option 5. This option seemed to make the knowledge fruit tree develop in the direction of control, which was not very useful to him.

Then, he ruled out option 1, which passively collected knowledge all the time, and the knowledge collected was just some meaningless knowledge.

He felt that the remaining five options were all good.

Taking all factors into consideration, knowledge filtering is optional. As long as the soul is strong, it is nothing more than occupying more brain capacity.

Moreover, it is meaningless knowledge at present, but it may become meaningful knowledge in the future.

The same is true for solid concentration, which is nothing more than eating more fruits.

"I choose knowledge interpretation and knowledge plunder!"

Lin Zhi said.

[You have chosen knowledge interpretation and knowledge plunder. You can use the following materials to evolve the knowledge fruit tree...]

Lin Zhi did the same. Bury the materials needed for evolution in the soul soil under the knowledge fruit tree.

The evolution of the knowledge fruit tree is not as big as that of the old pea, it is almost completed silently.

Its only change is that the crescent moon above its head slowly turns into a crescent moon, and then turns into a fan moon.

Lin Zhi came to the Qifeng Qingtong after passing the knowledge fruit tree.

He looked up at the Qifeng Qingtong, only to see that it was still blooming with trumpet-like flowers and filled with sweet nectar.

Countless butterflies were flying in it, and there were spirit insects crawling on the branches.

Many birds pecked at the spirit insects leisurely, making joyful chirps.

On the main branch, the fire phoenix egg still lay there quietly.

[Your Qifeng Qingtong has reached the conditions for the fan moon evolution. According to your current situation and resources, you can choose two of the following evolution directions . 】

There is nothing much to say about Qifeng Qingtong's choice. They all enhance its basic evolution, and Lin Zhi chose to complete it without hesitation.

Then, he completed the evolution of the Fungus Farm and the Turtle Spirit Holy Lotus.

When the Fungus Farm evolved to Fanyue, he chose "Hallucinogenic Lure" and "Mushroom Optimization".

The ability brought by the hallucinogenic lure is to enhance the hallucinogenic temptation ability of the Fungus Farm to the wild beasts.

Mushroom optimization enables it to devour various fungi, and then optimize the fusion to produce better mushrooms.

As for the Turtle Spirit Holy Lotus, due to its late cultivation, it evolved from the new moon to the crescent moon, and then from the crescent moon to the crescent moon.

The two abilities are "Spiritualization" and "Soul Armor".

Spiritualization can make the Turtle Spirit Holy Lotus forcibly collect the surrounding life souls and true spirits, and transform them into "Turtle Spirits" that are subject to its own thoughts.

Soul Armor is to form armor on the body surface while using the true spirit to compile soul armor in the soul sea.

The two abilities multiplied the strategic value of the Holy Turtle Lotus. The Spiritual Transformation allowed him to continue to fight and become more courageous. The Soul Armor ensured that when facing a high realm, he would not be suppressed by the pressure of souls that surpassed him too much.

The last one was the Golden Stalagmite, which could actually evolve into the Fan Moon, but it was currently moved out of the Soul Land and blocked the entrance to the underground world to buy time to stop the enemy. Lin Zhi could not collect it.

So he had to ignore it for the time being, and he took out the last of the three spirit seeds that Meng Xingchen gave him.

All the resources he had exchanged at Yujun University were used up, and he had no resources to cultivate this spirit seed. Now he has the inventory of the Black Turtle Clan, plus the world tree sap crystals he collected in the past few days, which is enough to cultivate this spirit seed.

At the same time, he also wanted to know.

When he was facing the desperate situation at this time, what kind of spirit plant selection would the selection manual give him.

Lin Zhi came to the center of the seventh soul soil, bent down, and solemnly buried the spirit seed in his hand into the purple soil.

[Detected that the host planted spirit seeds, please choose which of the following species of spirit plants to grow. ]

[Choice 1: Ironwood (divine weapon spiritual plant)]

[Choice 2: Pineapple (divine weapon spiritual plant)]

[Choice 3: Gladiolus (divine weapon spiritual plant)]

[Choice 4: Hammer Winter Melon (divine weapon spiritual plant)]

[Choice 5: Wind Bell Grass (magic weapon spiritual plant)]

[Choice 6: Wolf Fang Thorn (divine weapon spiritual plant)]

[Choice 7: Red Cherry Sorghum (divine weapon spiritual plant)]

[Choice 8: Whip Willow (divine weapon spiritual plant)]

[Choice 9: Purple Barbarian Knife (divine weapon spiritual plant)]

[Choice 10: Measuring Ruler (magic weapon spiritual plant)]


Lin Zhi was surprised.

The choices given in the manual this time were either divine weapon spiritual plants or magic weapon spiritual plants.

"So, does the manual mean that I have to fight my way out?"

He carefully checked each choice and compared it with the spiritual plant information he had learned in his mind.

Then he found that the choices given this time were a bit difficult to choose.

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