In 2057, the vast majority of non-renewable resources will show signs of depletion, and technological development has long been stagnant, whether it is clean energy, battery technology, or artificial intelligence... Since the twenties of this century, there has been no progress or development.

Because of the shortage of resources, conflicts between countries are constant, and local battles break out almost every day!

By 2074, the contradictions between countries are growing, and everyone is speculating about when World War III will break out.

And on this day, everything was different.

[Detected Universe CX57#** Civilization - Blue Star Civilization will be destroyed in three solar months, and the forbidden land of national fortune has descended!].

[Each country will have three selected candidates enter the forbidden place of the national sports for trials, please prepare for the selection of players.] 】

Suddenly, a majestic and solemn voice reached everyone's minds.

"What, what?!".

"I seem to have heard some words like the three sun moons, the destruction of the blue star, and the forbidden land of the national fortune. "

"I'm the same. "

"Wouldn't it? Is it true? So, what do three solar months mean?".

"Who knows. "

"The following is just my personal opinion, as we all know, each star has a different name, and the sun is the name of this star by our blue star people, so my opinion is that three solar months represent the three months in our mouth. "

"Wouldn't it? That means we're going to be destroyed in three months?

"What is impossible, in the current international situation, war is imminent. "

“...... It's also ha, thank you for the confusion, but what does the other series of numbers mean?".

"It's probably a serial number, CX57 represents the region where the blue star is located, and the number behind it represents that the blue star is the first planet in this region to produce civilization. "

"There are so many civilizations in the universe?! "


All over the world, for a moment, it seemed as if it had stopped, and everyone stood still, discussing what they had just heard.


The outskirts of Yangcheng.

In the Yangcheng Public Psychiatric Hospital.


"Have you heard the little ones, our stage, the forbidden place of national fortune has arrived!".

It was lunch time, and after Chu Yu heard the voice, his feet in flip-flops slammed on the dining table, and said excitedly.

He has piercing red hair and wears a casual suit with a black cape draped over his back.

Behind the red, the dragon flew and the phoenix danced with the word mental illness.

Of course, this is not the most noticeable.

What attracted the attention of others the most was naturally his empty left arm and the three hideous scars on his left eye.

After a few seconds of posing, I saw that no one answered me.

Chu Yu gently kicked the fat man next to him who was immersed in eating: "Laki, why don't you speak?".

The fat man who was called Laki turned his head, glanced at Chu Yu secretly, and said with a low smile: "Old... Boss, it's lunchtime, and if we speak out, it's time for the nurse to punish us again. "

"Cut, what's the panic, the world will be destroyed in three months, how can you not be crazy now!Beckman, Rakhi, Jesus, Dege, after this feast, rush with me, go and defeat the dean, and fight for our freedom!".

As soon as these words came out, the four words of world destruction touched the nerves of all the mentally ill people present.

They panicked instantly, put down the dishes and chopsticks in their hands, and screamed and looked around for cover.

Some hid under the table, some lifted the table and dragged it to the wall to hide in the cracks, and some hid behind the curtains.

For a while, the food flew all over the sky, and Chu Yu fell behind.

Chu Yu sighed, and secretly said that as a normal person, he was really different in the mental hospital.

If you say why Chu Yu is here, it will be a long story.

He wasn't originally from this world, he was a time-traveler.

After crossing over, the play system is awakened.

The first to play the role is the Four Emperors Shanks from One Piece.

In order to play more likely, Chu Yu not only trained himself to be left-handed, but also cut off his left arm and scratched three deep knife marks on his face.

So he came in, after all, normal people can't do such a thing.

However, thanks to this group of patients who do not know the world, the progress of Chu Yu's role has improved by leaps and bounds.

Until today, the degree of play has reached 97%.

When the playing degree reaches 80%, Chu Yu has 100% of the strength of the red hair!

After that, every 1% increase in play will increase your strength by 10%! Not to mention a geometric increase!

And after 80%, every 5% increase in playfulness will give you an ability!

85% of the time, Charlotte Lingling's Steel Balloon is obtained!

At 90%, you get the ability of the Gate Fruit!

At 95%, you get the ability of the Thunder Fruit!

Chu Yu combined modern knowledge, coupled with the field he was familiar with, to develop the two abilities to an extremely terrifying level!

Moreover, because all that is obtained is ability, there is no curse of the Devil Fruit on Chu Yu's body!

It's just that Chu Yu doesn't know how strong he is now, after all, he has never had a chance to make a move.

"What's wrong, what's wrong?" Hearing the movement from the cafeteria, the nurse door in the corridor discussing the forbidden place of national sports walked in anxiously.

I saw the chaotic cafeteria, and the only red-haired figure in the middle who didn't hide.

The nurses were visibly angry, and roared with black lines on their faces: "Chu Yu! You guy is sick again, aren't you?! Go to the corridor and stand! I don't have to eat lunch today!".

Chu Yu shrugged his shoulders, returned to the ground, walked out of the restaurant with the lunch box, stood by the window, looked at the blue sky, took a few bites of rice, and muttered inarticulately: "The forbidden place of national fortune." "

As soon as the words fell, the emotionless voice sounded in everyone's minds again:

[The rules of the forbidden places of national transport are as follows:].

[1. Each country randomly selects three players, and the players are bound to the national games of that country, and different rewards will be released according to their performance.] At the same time, one person died, 30% of the country's national fortunes were reduced, 30% of the remaining life of all citizens was reduced, and all three people were destroyed. 】

[2. There are 25 layers of the forbidden land of national fortune, the higher the number of layers, the richer the rewards, and the monsters encountered are getting stronger and stronger. Please note that the first floor is a safe zone, and players from various countries are not allowed to kill each other. 】

[The list of players from each country will be announced from now on...].

When the voice was finished, people across the globe were shocked and emotionally divided.

"What? That's a very severe punishment, isn't it? That's 30% of your remaining life!"

"Is this different from joking? Completely entrusting the fate of a country to three people who don't know the depth of strength? Playing it! The selection mechanism is unfair! I want to report it!"

"What's the difference between this and speeding up the war?".

"What shit!".

Except for these scolding mothers.

There are other sane people.

"I don't know what kind of players will be elected by my Dragon Congress? "

"No! This is a forbidden place full of crises, and we must choose three powerful and strong men!".

"Yes, hey, then pray to choose three special forces or those hermit masters who practice martial arts. "

Just as the crowd was nervously talking, the voice began to announce the list of contestants.

[Free Country: Gwen Stacey, Bruce Vane, Captain Liberty!]

[Sakura Country: Haruaki Abe, Minamoto Zhixiang, Fan Ma Yujiro!].

[Northern Bear Country: ...].


With the release of the list, the countries that were read out began to discuss it.

Free Country.

"There is actually a Captain Liberty! Stable and stable! Captain Liberty does not have to doubt his ability to fight alone!"

"Speaking of which, who are the other two?".

"Don't you even know Bruce Wayne? He's the richest man in that Gotham! You can be the richest man in that kind of place for more than ten years, you can imagine how capable Bruce is. "

"I heard the grapevine that Bruce is not only the richest man, but also the most powerful person in Gotham City!

"That's right! It will definitely stand out in the forbidden place of national sports!"

Cherry blossom country.

"Yoshi! Lady Van Ma Yujiro has been chosen!".

"With this [strongest human], Sakura Country is not afraid of any monsters at all!

"Does anyone know about the other two?".

"I haven't heard of it, but it shouldn't be too weak, right?"

Basically, people in most countries are excited when they hear the list.

Because they are all acquaintances.

Moreover, these strong men are familiar even to the masses of the Dragon Kingdom.

Therefore, after a long time of hearing the list of Dragon Country players, the hearts of the crowd rose and fell violently.

Some have even made prayers and started praying.

"Shhh All of them are world-renowned powerhouses. "

"That's good news! This means that ordinary people will not be chosen to enter!"

"It's too naïve, and the vast majority of the current list is ordinary people. "

"The Jade Emperor is above, please ask the Dragon Kingdom to enter the three powerful players!".

"I'm trading my 20 years of singleness for three reliable players!".

Just when all the dragons were nervous.

The list of players in the Dragon Kingdom came out, and everyone pricked up their ears attentively, for fear of missing it.

[Dragon Kingdom: Cangyue, Zhang Zhiwei, Chu Yu!].

Hearing this, the people of the Dragon Kingdom were all stunned.

Who are these people?

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