National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 462: Casting stones to ask for directions

Cases involving religious sites have always been complex.

If you are a religious person who only pursues profit, you will be fine, and you will have a chance to find out through the normal investigation process. But if you encounter people who don't take the usual path, especially those who are particularly religious, the traditional case detection model will immediately encounter obstacles.

Liu Jinghui observed Abbot Cheng and tried to analyze his personality and style of doing things.

Those who engage in reasoning will inevitably involve portrait analysis or FBI-type profiling. To use an easy-to-understand explanation, the American police can’t find any clues to solve the case, so they can only use profiling, or in other words, they can only use reasoning to solve the case.

Liu Jinghui felt that he had mastered some advanced skills. In fact, his detection rate is very good, otherwise he would not be able to make a name for himself in a province.

Moreover, the cases he detects are mainly difficult cases. Usually, Liu Jinghui is contacted only when the county or city bureau finds it difficult. Often by this time, the golden 24 hours have passed, and some roses The golden 72 hours have passed.

If not compared with Jiang Yuan's extraordinary ability to detect foul play, Liu Jinghui's (fake) foul play detection ability is also worthy of praise.

In fact, Liu Jinghui has done some real life planning. In recent years, all provinces have been promoting the detection of murder cases. As a senior police chief, although there is no requirement to detect a given number of murder cases, everyone is still willing to go for it.

Always thinking, occasionally solving cases, and always writing reports, this is probably the normal state of criminal police officers.

In Liu Jinghui's opinion, the corpse explosion in Qu'an in the wilderness may not be that difficult.

Twenty years ago, when the rural population was large and social security was very poor, it was sometimes difficult to investigate, especially during rainy seasons. Even if the murderer didn't understand anything, God would wash away the scene. It's like having a good time.

But as far as the current environment is concerned, the difficulty of wilderness items has been greatly reduced.

The first is that there are few people. If the number of people in a certain place during a certain time period can be basically fixed, then even with the stupidest elimination method, a lot of things can be found.

The simplest way is to use your mobile phone to locate the location. There are few base stations in the wilderness. If you ask a technical detective to check it, you can see at a glance who has appeared nearby and at what time.

Liu Jinghui wandered around the temple, thinking and observing.

Captain Han, who also came with him, did not wear a police title but also wore a cotton jacket. He came over with his hands in his hands, smiled and said, "Do you have any ideas?"

"Not yet. Do you have any clues?" Liu Jinghui asked.

Captain Han laughed and shook his head: "What clues can there be? If there were any, the clue would have been broken long ago."

"You have all investigated the laymen of this small temple, right?"

"We made a lot of inquiries and notes, and we also investigated the laymen who didn't come. There were too few clues, and we couldn't even figure out who died." Captain Han spread his hands and said, "After some laymen came here, they only He uses his own dharma title, and he doesn’t even know his name clearly, so he can’t look it up.”

"And they come and go, right." Liu Jinghui spoke for Captain Han.

Captain Han nodded heavily: "Determining the source of the corpse is the top priority now."

Liu Jinghui glanced at him: "Do you think our trip will be in vain again?"

It was Liu Jinghui who suggested coming to the crime scene. To make inferences, he had to collect as much information as possible.

Captain Han laughed loudly: "To be honest, it's all in vain to come here. After such a long time, you can see that other temples have begun to operate normally. If I hadn't come to eat Sister Li's Roujiamo, I won’t come up either.”

"The roujiamo is indeed delicious." Liu Jinghui sighed: "Let's go meet some lay people."

"I called two people to come over and take notes." From Captain Han's point of view, the lay people were all criminal suspects, so it was natural for them to take notes during the interrogation.

After walking a few steps, the two of them met a female lay practitioner in her fifties or sixties.

She wore a coarse cloth robe, and her hair was tied up with wooden hairpins, but because she was not pretty, she looked a bit like a low-quality old Hong Kong movie.

"This... madam, I want to ask you a few words." Liu Jinghui stopped the person.

"Is it okay if I don't say anything?" She saw that Liu Jinghui was good-looking, so her tone became a little softer.

"No." Liu Jinghui frowned.

"Can't I just keep silent?" Her tone became teasing.

Captain Han explained from the side: "If you don't speak, we will have to suspect that you are a relevant party in the case, and we will have to take you back for questioning."

"It's boring." She curled her lips and said, "Just ask..."

Captain Han and Liu Jinghui looked at each other and felt that the layman was not easy to deal with.

That's exactly what happened.

The few monks who practice in the small temple all appear to be gentle on the surface and speak very positive words, but in fact they are extremely difficult to deal with. It feels like someone who ostensibly provides free viewing, but actually wants to charge membership fees, wants to charge continuously, wants to earn advertising fees, and also charges per episode for on-demand viewing.

It is a typical example of both wanting and wanting.

Liu Jinghui walked around in a circle, returned to the room, and said: "I think there should be two types of lay people here. One type is long-term residents. There are currently three people, all of whom are women, and they are over 50 years old. They belong to the relatively Devout believers come to the mountain half of the year to do volunteer work and practice spiritual practice."

"The second category is lay people who come to the mountain for a short period of time. Those who come more often will have the title of lay monks, while those who come less often may come only a few days a year. The problem lies in the second category."

"The first category is quite numerous. If someone is missing, we can compare and get the results. The second category is more troublesome. There is no list, so there is no way to compare."

Captain Han sighed: "I don't know what these people are doing here. I haven't heard of any spiritual manifestations in such a big temple."

"You can't say that..." Liu Jinghui said halfway, but he didn't continue and said, "I'll think about it again."

Captain Han's eyes widened: "I can tell you, if you say half-swallowing half, it would be unlucky in a detective movie. At night, you will be the first to die."

"It's not that mysterious. I'll think about it after thinking about it clearly." Liu Jinghui waved his hand and said, "I think there are still free rooms in the temple. Let's stay one night and see."

"Is it necessary?" Captain Han said, and went to find the abbot.

He still has some trust in Liu Jinghui, at least enough to sleep with him for one night.

Jiang Yuan didn't object either.

He is willing to come to the scene, but he has been a little bored doing eucalyptus recently. Especially for the skill of skull repair, the interesting parts are also interesting, and the boring parts are also really dull. It’s also good to take a notebook with you and take a break.

The scenery of the small temple is quite good. Although it is not as good as that of Mount Sining, it is still green mountains and green waters. From a distance, you can see the mountains and mountains, and from close, you can see the deep valleys and tender meat. Some good men and women donated pavilions to sit inside and take a bath. A pot of tea, looking at the scenery and looking at the laptop screen is quite relaxing and relaxing.

As for Liu Jinghui and others busy taking notes, Jiang Yuan was not optimistic. If this were a traditional detective drama, where all the suspects were brought together and the inconsistencies were found through questioning, then that would be it.

But the problem is that given the current environment of Xiaomiao, it is simply impossible to gather all the suspects together.

The reason why traditional detective dramas adopt this model is that the British police in the 19th century had too few detection methods. In an era without fingerprints or DNA, the most ironclad evidence is the murderer's self-incrimination, that is, confession is king.

In modern times, the value of oral confessions has long since collapsed. The most handsome criminal investigation model is one with zero confessions. If the murderer wants to deal with traditional detectives, he can beat 99% of them with just one move of "can't remember".

Including Liu Jinghui.

Especially when facing a group of young and old people with an average age of 60 years old, the responses are confusing, the language is constantly corrected, and there is endless nonsense...

Liu Jinghui suddenly realized that the biggest difference between the lay people in this small temple and the ordinary people down the mountain. That’s why they are really boring…

The interview transcripts of these old ladies alone can fill dozens of pages. The most amazing thing is that when the criminal police ask them "if they have anything to add," they always have something to add...

"I'm so exhausted." At 9 o'clock in the evening, which was still too early in the city, Liu Jinghui's head was about to explode.

He lay down on the bunk bed in the quadruple room - the standard room provided by Xiaomiao. His whole body looked like a cooked shrimp.

"Are you that tired?" Captain Han thought it was okay, but the smell of feet in the room was getting stronger.

Liu Jinghui gave a deep "Yes" and didn't want to explain. He turned over and asked, "Jiang Yuan, how did you do?"

"As for the skull repair, the progress is not bad. I drank two pots of tea in the afternoon and was a little unable to sleep." Jiang Yuandao.

"If I had known better, I should have called Meng Chengbiao over." Liu Jinghui muttered, "The interview record he made is quite good."

"I can also help." Mu Zhiyang whispered. He followed Jiang Yuan and did nothing today. He was bored to death. Although the green mountains and green waters are beautiful, it is really boring after looking at them for a long time.

Liu Jinghui laughed loudly and was about to speak when he suddenly heard Captain Han shout:




A stone wrapped in a note broke the window and rolled to the ground.

The window was smashed with a "bang" sound, but the sound of stones falling to the ground was extremely dull.

The four people who were talking and laughing just now were in a daze for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, he heard a "woo" sound from Mu Zhiyang, jumped down from the canopy bed, opened the door, used the inertia to escape, drifted out, and then walked around to the green belt in front of the window. No one could be seen anymore. .

"Protect the scene, protect the footprints, no one else is allowed to come over!" Liu Jinghui immediately thought of Jiang Yuan's ability to identify footprints.

For a moment, Liu Jinghui even had an idea: Don't let this ghost be detected like this!

The other four police officers who lived in the next room also went out to check.

Captain Han laughed "ha" and said to lighten the atmosphere: "Fortunately, the one thrown in was not a grenade."

With the dirty talk on his lips, Captain Han immediately took out his cell phone, snapped a few photos, and then dialed the criminal police team's landline and started arranging for people to come up. The most important thing is to ask the trace inspectors to bring their equipment.

They came here with only the most basic investigation box, which was definitely not enough for the key evidence that fell in front of them.

However, Liu Jinghui couldn't help but sit up nervously. He took out his mobile phone and took a few photos of the stones on the ground, and then asked Jiang Yuan, "You come and take a look?"

"Okay." Jiang Yuan also slept on the upper bunk. He jumped down from the other side, took out his gloves and put them on, then took out the tweezers, and said, "Turn on the camera and put on the law enforcement recorder."

This is likely to be key evidence, and it is key evidence that can lead to the death of the murderer. Naturally, strict law enforcement is required.

The stone was about the same size as a Chaoshan beef ball. The white paper on the outer ring was wrinkled. Jiang Yuan spread something on the table and then opened it. He saw five words stuck on the white paper:

"The Murderer Zhang Fen"

The five words are divided into three parts. "Murderer", "Zhang" and "Fen" seem to have been cut out from magazines. The handwriting is not large and the cut is very regular.

"This is the name of that female lay practitioner, the 55-year-old one." Liu Jinghui frowned: Can she kill her?

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