National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 412: Using Thunderbolt Methods (Please vote for me)

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When it was time to get off work, Xu Xuewu had no appetite. He made a cup of tea, sat by the window, took a few breaths and smoked a cigarette, and his anxiety gradually eased.

In just a few days, the case handling center went from full to empty, and Xu Xuewu was also under a lot of pressure.

The so-called intercession calls and soliciting visits have reached their peak in the past few days. Fortunately, each case progressed quickly, and Xu Xuewu felt a little more relaxed after the suspect was transferred to the detention center.

Snap, snap, snap.

The sound of hard leather shoes hitting the floor reached Xu Xuewu's ears, making him frown.

"Old Jiang, you can't act like a young man and wear sneakers or something to make running more comfortable." Xu Xuewu didn't even need to look, he knew it was Jiang Yunli, the instructor of the brigade.

The two have been working together for a long time. They both worked their way up from the grassroots level, and they work well together. Only Jiang Yunli has a problem. He likes to wear leather shoes, especially leather shoes with hard heels and hard toes. When we go on business trips together, his feet smell terribly, and he refuses to change them despite repeated admonitions.

At this moment, Jiang Yunli didn't bother to learn martial arts from Xu, and just said: "You didn't read today's Miaohe Daily, did you?"

"What? Does anyone still read newspapers now?" Xu Xuewu laughed: "Last time I found a newsstand and stayed there for a day and sold drinks. Who the hell is reading a newspaper? You are a fool.

Jiang Yunli's eyes became slightly sharper.

"What do you mean?" Xu Xuewu hesitated. As an instructor, he not only had stinky feet, but also was really annoying when he chatted. Xu Xuewu felt that he heard too much chatter at home, and he really didn't want to listen to men's chatter.

Jiang Yunli took a cigarette from Xu Xuewu, started smoking, and then said: "Today, many media are reporting on our arrest of these old and young thieves. I said "Miaohe Daily" because they gave a good title , called "Thunderbolt Means to Restore the Sunny World", the headlines on the front page said by name that our criminal police brigade has done an outstanding job in recent days, with powerful detection, ensuring social production activities, and improving everyone's sense of security and happiness. Officials The matchmaker’s words are quite powerful and sound nice.”

Xu Xuewu couldn't help but laugh after hearing this. This compliment sounded so warm.

Xu Xuewu couldn't help but wipe out Liqun, who had only smoked half of one, and said, "Tell me carefully. Have you brought the newspaper?"

Jiang Yunli smiled, then pulled out a stack of newspapers from behind his buttocks and from his police pants, and handed them to Xu Xuewu.

Xu Xuewu was silent for a moment and asked, "Is it necessary to get in behind?"

Jiang Yunli wiped his hands: "I just picked up the express delivery. I had to walk back and forth. It's quite far. You can see that the newspaper is wet. Do you want to read it?"

Xu Xuewu still wanted to see it. He frowned and took the other end, put it on the table and opened it.

Just as Jiang Yunli said, the front page headline of "Miaohe Daily" was indeed the article "Thunderbolt Means to Restore the World." The author spent two pages describing in detail the multiple theft cases detected by the Criminal Police Brigade.

Even Xu Xuewu himself only found out after reading the newspaper that Jiang Yuan had confirmed 237 theft cases detected in the past few days.

Of course, because most of the captured thieves are old thieves, coupled with interrogation techniques, on-site searches, and competing with each other, each thief suspect can be assigned multiple cases to his name. But even so, Xu Xuewu was still shocked when he saw this number.

"That's outrageous! More than 200 cases were solved like this? Have you checked?" Xu Xuewu asked Jiang Yunli.

"The numbers are what I provided." Jiang Yunli squinted at Xu Xuewu and said, "You don't think Miaohe Daily has investigative capabilities, do you?"

"You" Xu Xuewu laughed angrily.

"One point for a case, one point for arresting a person. More than 200 theft cases can accumulate 40 or 50 points. Half of the murder cases have been accumulated. It only took three days." Jiang Yunli shook his head and asked Xu Xuewu again. , said: "You probably haven't viewed short videos in the past two days.

Xu Xuewu said helplessly: "Where do I have time to watch short videos? What happened to the short videos?"

"The short video boasts of a sense of security. It's a good job catching thieves. The police are courageous."

Ah," Jiang Yun said thoughtfully, and suddenly said: "Someone from the municipal bureau and the provincial department called to ask about this matter. You should know that today’s leaders are all about making short videos. "

"I know, during the last meeting, Director Wang was still there checking the screen." Xu Xuewu said and sighed: "We have been working hard for many years and no one knows about it, but one move will make the world hear about it!"

Jiang Yunli said: "It can also be said that catching thieves may be considered low-end in our system, but in the eyes of ordinary people, including reporters, these petty thieves may be the main thing they encounter every day. Pain point. After catching so many thieves in one go, the environment in the county has improved visibly. This is indeed a relatively rare situation."

Nowadays, when we talk about involution in various industries, being a thief is actually very involved. Thieves everywhere are theoretically overflowing. Especially for the less difficult types, a small thief who steals a battery for a battery car can really be caught today, and someone will automatically replace it tomorrow, without affecting urban construction and urban security at all.

However, if one person like Jiang Yuan develops a strict strike model, not to mention that many people are afraid to make up for it, and there are not enough manpower to make up for it, this will give people a completely different feeling.

Xu Xuewu took out his mobile phone, put it on the local channel, and quickly viewed a few videos. Sure enough, he saw the one about catching the thief.

The sound of General Xu Xue's video was amplified, and a man with a local accent was vividly describing the changes in the snack street and welcoming foreign tourists.

In appearance, Xu Xuewu is still the handsome, upright man.

But Jiang Yunli, who is familiar with him, knows that Xu Xuewu is definitely wagging his tail in his crotch now.

"We in Miaohe County rarely have the opportunity to show our faces. I guess the county magistrate, secretary, and director will ask us for questioning later." Jiang Yunli reminded again.

Xu Xuewu was stunned: "What are you talking about?"

"You can say whatever you want. I think Jiang Yuan will cooperate. But you know what he wants."

"Just for a dog?"

"Then can you help me find him?" Jiang Yunli asked.

"How can I find it if I can't find it?" Xu Xuewu stepped forward and threw the question to Jiang Yunli.

Jiang Yunli babbled: "Song Lane is a mess, and there are many more thieves than what we have seen and heard.

Xu Xuewu's eyes lit up. This idea was cost-effective and would save much more than if he transferred two more bark teams to Jiang Yuan.


In the detention center, a piece of news spread.

“I heard that this severe crackdown was because of a dog.

"I heard that several thieves were arrested because of a dog.

"I have a relative who is a policeman and I don't know him well, but he said that many people were sent out to look for the dog this time. Our clues were all searched by police officers from out of town."

The environment in a detention center is inherently more chaotic than a prison.

With the new news today, more people are discussing it.

"A dog?"

“Dogs are really more valuable than people?”

"Boss, I have dozens of dogs at home. You want me to send them to you immediately."

"Keep a dog in a detention center? I think you want to be a dog.

"What should we do?"

"Woof woof!"

"Ask each other and say whoever finds the dog can get a reduced sentence."

Song Lane.

Da Zhuang tasted the long-lost dog rice, his face full of confusion.

It wants to immerse itself in eating, but is afraid that it will be finished in just three or two mouthfuls. At the same time, the two strong forepaws were still jumping excitedly.

Li Li next to her looked helpless. She has experienced similar scenes many times, and every time she doubts her ability to train dogs.

To be honest, she had eaten the dog rice cooked by Jiang Yuan more than once. Although it tasted quite good, Da Zhuang's performance was still difficult for her to understand.

"Eat, it's time to work when you're full!" Li Li patted the dog's head and was about to carry out the task. At this time, she needed to coax the dog well.

Dogs don't follow people to fight hard and hard.

Dinner is over.

After another short rest, the search team began to assemble.

Li Li and Da Zhuang took a car to the search location. This is deep in Song Lane. There are no cameras at all. The houses are mostly from forty years ago. Not only is the planning chaotic, there are a large number of illegal buildings and the number of residents is large.

The Third Squadron was here before and made little progress.

When Li Li got off the car with Da Zhuang, she could still see the photo of Osmanthus fragrans and the dog-hunting inspiration posted on the telephone pole. The prize marked below had also been increased to 10,000 yuan.

Li Li has also been a criminal police officer for ten years. Seeing such an environment and bounty, but still no news, she couldn't help but frowned.

However, there was nothing more to say at this time. She called out to Da Zhuang, gave him a few words of instruction, and then took out the prepared crotch pad of the pug dog Osmanthus fragrans and gave it to Da Zhuang to sniff.

Da Zhuang sniffed it and began to circle around.

The dog's sense of smell is extremely keen. If it is in an open environment in the wild, a good hound can smell the smell of prey several kilometers away.

But in an urban environment, it is not that easy for a police dog to accurately locate a person or a dog.

Da Zhuang walked around for a while, but didn't come online. Li Li was not in a hurry, so she led him forward for a while, then sniffed it again, and repeated it.

After struggling like this for an hour, just when everyone was getting a little sleepy, Da Zhuang suddenly barked low and then started running forward.

Li Li quickly followed, running very fast.

After a while, Da Zhuang led everyone to an abandoned warehouse.

The warehouse was empty, as if it had been licked by a dog. There wasn't much dust on the ground, but there were a few footprints coming and going.

Da Zhuang ignored those footprints, but ran to the corner of the warehouse and barked twice at a pool of shadows.

Li Li frowned and walked over, thinking, could this guy smell dog urine?

Just as he was thinking this, a slightly familiar sweet and fishy smell rushed into his nose.

If you look closely, the shadow in the corner is clearly a pool of dried blood.

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