National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 400 Panyuan Village

The increase in the number of criminals is a big change for the task force.

Especially under the current circumstances, the escape of the criminal Zhang Hai is actually nothing. Criminals just know how to run, and they run to survive. Naturally, they will try their best to escape, running beyond their limits, using their skills, running out of the romance of spring rain and blood, and running out of blood and urine.

But if there is one more criminal, or several criminals, the situation is different.

First of all, the case has been upgraded to a gang crime. Secondly, the task force does not know the situation of the second criminal. It is still unclear which one is the principal culprit and which one is the accessory.

The latter is particularly serious. If the case is closed here and another criminal is discovered to be the principal culprit, the case will be embarrassing.

Several middle-aged men were silent during the conference call. These were either leaders or Comrade Liu Jinghui, a well-known figure in the province. Everyone had a certain burden of idols. Moreover, when the case reached this point, how could it be improved? Reporting, who to blame, whether to add resources and support, and whether to reorganize the team are all issues.

Jiang Yuan is a young man, and he is not like several middle-aged people who have been severely beaten in life and work. Seeing that they did not say anything, he followed the case and said to himself: "Now we must first determine whether there are any accomplices." Exist. I have an idea."

"Say it." Liu Jinghui raised his head and said hello to Jiang Yuan's determination. If everyone only considers gains and losses and considers passing the blame, it will be more difficult to solve the case.

Jiang Yuan held up his mobile phone and said through the conference call: "Assuming that there are accomplices, what is the contact method between them? I think it is most likely to be a normal contact method such as phone or WeChat. Look at Zhang Hai and the interest-selling *** The transactions between them are so casual that he should not have any counter-reconnaissance awareness in this regard."

"It makes sense that the communication between the two of them must be frequent, especially in the past few days!" Liu Jinghui immediately agreed. Many ordinary people - including Zhang Hai, a vicious criminal who has never been to prison college, actually don't know much about the extent of modern electronic investigation technology. Taking the most advanced level as an example, the Snowden incident fully demonstrated the The breadth and depth of large-scale surveillance, as far as individuals are concerned, requires absolute physical isolation if a person wants to completely prevent electronic information from being stolen or monitored.

To prevent cell phone calls from being monitored, the correct approach is to cover yourself in a soft package, such as a quilt, and then make a call. This is because space powers like the United States have been able to use satellites to monitor the amplitude of house windows and then restore it to sound. Such techniques can only be avoided in a wave-absorbing environment.

Of course, the above is only the highest form of technical reconnaissance, and it is impossible for normal people to be subject to such expensive surveillance.

But for ordinary people, it is difficult to avoid the general methods of modern technical investigation.

Zhang Hai didn't even have a second mobile phone, and he didn't have a WeChat account. Generally speaking, he and his accomplices should not be very familiar with the state of electronic devices.

In fact, at 54 years old and working as a blue-collar sanitation worker, Zhang Hai's main means of communication is to make phone calls. He rarely sends text messages or WeChat messages.

Zheng Tianxin immediately figured out Jiang Yuan's thinking, secretly said hello, and said hurriedly: "I'll contact the technical detective first." With that, he logged out of the conference call.

In fact, you can hang up the conference call and make a call, but Zheng Tianxin doesn't know how to do it. After a while, the conference call was re-established.

Zheng Tianxin's expression looked very excited. When everyone was connected, he couldn't wait to say: "I found a few people, and I sent a list to the group. I put the most suspected one first, and Chen Youdi , 52 years old, farmer. This man is a demolition household. He has 6 houses in his name and a self-built house on the homestead. He lives in Panyuan Village, just near the national highway, and the distance from corpse No. 1 is 12 kilometers."

Liu Jinghui's eyebrows almost stood up when he heard this. This was simply tailor-made, and he was an accomplice who met every item. "I am now arranging people to go to Panyuan Village. Um, Captain Jiang Liu, let's go together?" Zheng Tianxin was embarrassed to eat alone this time.

Jiang Yuan and Liu Jinghui responded.

We still have to check out the first scene. Who knows if there are other circumstances behind the case?


Zheng Tianxin continued: "Zhang Hai's whereabouts have also been revealed. He should have taken the high-speed train to go out of the province. We have contacted the railway police and sent a team of people there."

"Okay, just find the person." Liu Jinghui was even more afraid that the person would get into the deep mountains and forests. It’s not that you can’t be caught if you go deep into the mountains and forests. The problem is that hunting down fugitives in the mountains and forests is very hard, requires a lot of manpower, and takes a lot of time. It’s far less easy than catching people by high-speed rail or plane.

Zhang Hai's house actually needs a good investigation, but the newly emerged Chen Youdi is more important for now. Jiang Yuan could only get in the car and hurried to Panyuan Village.

From Luyang City to Panyuan Village, you have to pass the national highway.

Jiang Yuan let Mu Zhiyang drive, while he sat in the passenger seat and half-squinted.

The search and investigation personnel on both sides of the national highway have already started working. Because they are scattered over dozens of kilometers of road sections, the number of police officers in each section is actually not large, and it seems a bit loose. The main search work is It is carried out by police dogs. Ordinary police officers line up to investigate, which is not very efficient.

From the perspective of ordinary police officers, it is another tiring day working outdoors. In Jiang Yuan's eyes, he could see the burning funds.

By the time Case 805 reaches this point, the clues and evidence are no longer the same as before. In theory, if we stop the investigation now and investigate other clues in detail, we should be able to complete the case.

However, let alone Jiang Yuan, Zheng Tianxin did not dare to stop now. Boom boom.

The car drove off the national highway. After driving for a while, when we looked at the ground again, we saw that the road was already a 5-meter village road. Jiang Yuan rubbed his face and sat up, looking a little distracted at the small village outside.

Speaking of which, this Panyuan Village is a bit like Laojiang Village. There are less water sources outside the village and some canals in the village. However, the building patterns are similar. The people are also sparsely populated and the houses are in disrepair.

Panyuan Village demolished its farmland and mountainous land, and most people's homesteads are still there. However, most of the villagers went to the city to buy houses after getting the money, and there are very few people who are willing to stay in the village.

Chen Youdi was one of them. He reapplied for a homestead and built a large yard with a three-story building. He also built a huge barn in the yard.

The people in the village didn't pay much attention to Chen Youdi. Not to mention that most of the people who stayed in the village were old men and women. Chen Youdi himself was originally a lonely and marginalized person in the village. He had no children and was out of touch with the village environment. .

Of course, this is also one of the reasons why Chen Youdi participates less and less in village activities. When Jiang Yuan arrived, the Luyang City criminal police had already begun a raid.

Zheng Tianxin took command personally, carrying a small pistol in his hand, less than 10 meters away from the main entrance. Seeing Jiang Yuan coming, he didn't have time to talk and just nodded.

Jiang Yuan pulled Mu Zhiyang and stood a little behind. The only sounds in the courtyard were the shouts of the criminal police themselves.


Zheng Tianxin's walkie-talkie came with a buzzing voice.

"Good job!" Zheng Tianxin breathed a long sigh of relief, then looked at Jiang Yuan, with a smile on his face and said: "Finally, I blocked this guy."

Jiang Yuan nodded, his eyes falling on the barn next to the residence in the courtyard.

The barn is an old-fashioned barn lying flat. It is more than ten meters long, one story high, and suspended at a height of more than one meter. It covers a large area but is easy to access. There is a wooden ladder next to it, so you can easily climb it. Climb up and down.

Barns like this were once used to store grain, which was convenient and conducive to storage. However, they have been gradually demolished over the years. On the one hand, there are fewer people growing food in the village and there is no need for such a large barn. On the other hand, such a barn takes up too much space.

Most of the farmland for Chen Youdi's new house was expropriated. Why was it necessary to build such a large barn? Jiang Yuan took two steps forward and said to Zheng Tianxin: "Let's check the barn."

Zheng Tianxin was reminded, his mind changed, and his expression became solemn. "A few people are here." Zheng Tianxin shouted.

Mu Zhiyang followed behind and ran over.

Set up the wooden ladder and climb up to the barn, the two

When people enter, the rest will stay on the spot. Two minutes later.

Four people came out.

Two police officers, two women with glassy eyes.

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