National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 355 Counterfeit Banknotes

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Winter winter winter.

The dull gong sounded right outside the gate of Ningtai County Bureau at 10:30 in the morning.

Corresponding to the sound of gongs and drums, dozens of people holding silk flags lined up, carrying offerings tables and placing offerings of fruits, as if they were preparing to pay homage to the old lady.

Director Guan Xi, who was in a meeting, frowned, stood in front of the window, looked carefully for a while, and then asked softly: "What's going on?"

"Sending banners to Jiang Yuan." Huang Qiangmin, who had received the news in advance, was slightly surprised at this time and said with a smile: "They asked me, and I said sending banners is a good thing. I didn't expect them to do this now. Yes, it’s quite special.”

"There are a lot of people." As a director, he is not afraid of anything but being afraid of not being able to maintain stability. This is his biggest weakness now.

Huang Qiangmin explained: "Parents who have lost their children will join a lot of groups, and many people know each other. This time Jiang Yuan went out to fight against human trafficking and found as many as 300 women and children. It involves such Many families, many people are really very grateful to him and have repeatedly expressed their wish to give him banners and the like, because Jiang Yuan has continued to fight against human trafficking, and this has only been delayed until today."

"Oh, didn't you go to Guqi City?"

"Some people send banners to Guqi City, but after sending them twice, everyone knows that Jiang Yuan, who is really responsible for detecting the case, is our Ningtai County criminal policeman. The families of the victims all know each other. , and they all have previous experience in organizing events.”

"No wonder."

"So they easily gathered a group of people, which should have been the number of people after persuasion and screening."

"Are they all parents who have lost their children?" Guan Xi looked at the queue of people marching downstairs and felt relieved.

Huang Qiangmin nodded and added: "Some parents have been looking for their children for several years, and there are also adult women who have lost their children and been resold many times. It is not easy to find such things smoothly."

Guan Xi nodded slowly and said, "Okay, let's go down and make a background wall for Jiang Yuan."

The director spoke, and everyone followed him out with smiles on their faces.

The team delivering the banner happened to arrive downstairs, and they were beating gongs and drums while waiting for Jiang Yuan and others to appear.

Jiang Yuan quickly ran down and happened to meet Guan Xi and others.

The director nodded to Jiang Yuan and motioned for him to go forward first.

In front of the building, the leading couples saw Jiang Yuan and were crying.

The matter of sending the banner was discussed, but the emotion was real. Like the couple standing in front, holding a banner of "Law enforcement for the people, uprightness", they searched for their child for four years, from one and a half years old to six years old. Finally, with the help of Jiang Yuan, they were found 800 kilometers away from home. In this small town, I found the child I longed for.

The future is still very long, and I don’t know where it will develop, but the emotions at this moment are bursting and cannot be covered up, and there is no need to cover up.

The moment they saw Jiang Yuan, both of them knelt on the ground, holding each other's hands and crying.

They didn't kneel down to Jiang Yuan, but their emotions had reached their peak and they couldn't help but want to vent them out.

The couple, who were in their thirties, looked as if they were fifty. They cried so hard that their whole bodies were convulsing, and the people next to them could not help them up.

In fact, under the leadership of the two, several other couples couldn't wait to join the crying procession.

In this world, there are actually very few places left for people to cry wantonly. Even in their own homes—assuming that these parents, who have been looking for their children all year round and travel around the world, still have private homes, it would be difficult for them to cry so unbridled and hysterically.

There are children at home who have just been found, are confused, and lack a sense of security. There are neighbors who are prying into privacy and are also emotionally unstable. In the building opposite, there may be someone with a mobile phone, trying hard to take photos for one more like. watching video.

Jiang Yuan shifted his position and squatted on his knees beside him.

The pursuit, which lasted for more than a month, made him understand the parents of these victims quite well. When a child is abducted, it is not as simple as property loss. It is not simply a loss. The worries that follow are whether the child is doing well, where he may have been sold, and where he may be. What should we do next? what to do? Do we insist? Do our children expect our persistence?

It can be said that from the moment a child is lost, most ordinary people are trapped in a hood of depression.

There are too many worries and pains that I dare not think about but cannot help but think about.

Jiang Yuan put his hand on a rough, dark hand holding a colorful flag, and patted it twice gently to show comfort. This action quickly attracted many big hands, making everyone cry even more wantonly.

The policemen from one building all poked their heads out. Some policemen who were not attracted by the sound of gongs and drums were also distracted by the cries. They asked questions in low voices. Finally, they found out that they were the parents of abducted children. All speechless.

Any normal person will feel a deep sense of powerlessness when exposed to this type of incident. Especially in an era that claims to be civilized, people are sold as commodities for profit, and criminals are not dealt with as hard as those who sell wild animals. This sense of absurdity, and the ethical confusion it brings, They are all unbearable for ordinary people.

The couple who cried first gradually stopped. The wife fell to the ground twitching, feeling a little faint from physical and mental exhaustion.

Husband Hao Tie managed to get up and said: "Let's not interfere with the normal order in other people's workplaces. The police comrades must still have a lot of work and tasks to do. Well, put the eucalyptus, and let's line up again." "

Hao Tie is the group leader of several groups. He often organizes members to search for children in suspected locations, and has actually helped group members find children, so he is very popular.

The fellow prisoners, who were almost crying, gradually stood up, placed the eucalyptus they had just brought over, put the offering fruits on it, and then started beating the gongs and drums noisily.

The flags and banners were also raised one by one.

"The people's police serve the people and lend a helping hand in critical moments"

"Love the people, kindness is as heavy as a mountain"

"Tracking thousands of miles, breaking the news quickly"

"The heroic policeman and the nemesis of criminals"

The police department, which received the news in advance, took photos excitedly. It is rare to have so many banners at one time, and these can be regarded as everyone's political achievements.

Huang Qiangmin also nodded with great relief. Everyone knows that he sold Jiang Yuan, repaired the building, replaced the car, and purchased new equipment, but it would be more appropriate if he could also receive a package of honors.

Gao Yuyan also went down to the yard and saw some people holding flags seriously and some pretending to take pictures. She felt a little funny, a little sad, and at the same time had a strong sense of envy.

The police career she wants is like this...

Gao Yuyan got a little closer to the crowd, listened to the noise, and watched the crowd disperse. When everyone went back one after another, she came to Jiang Yuan with unfinished thoughts and whispered: "Captain Jiang, I found a eucalyptus."

"Huh? Don't you want to take a little more rest?" Jiang Yuan also felt relieved and said, "Don't be too anxious about the accumulation. You can start slowly later."

"It's not eucalyptus." Gao Yuyan said.

"Now?" Jiang Yuan looked at Gao Yuyan in surprise.

Gao Yuyan, who is good at fighting, has broad shoulders and a thick neck. She nodded solemnly, as if knocking someone with her chin, and said: "I saw it when I was browsing the eucalyptus. A small restaurant called the police, saying that someone gave him a meal after eating." I bought a counterfeit currency with a face value of 20 yuan, and then I thought that a while ago in our Guqi City, someone also used a counterfeit currency with a face value of 20 yuan..."

"If the currency is counterfeit, it can be regarded as a piece of economic investigation." The Criminal Police Brigade and the Economic Investigation Brigade are also two units that are not under each other.

Gao Yuyan said nonchalantly: "Your boss has become a prostitute. You still don't care if he is a spy of the criminal police brigade. Anyway, if you break the trap, the yellow trap will be happy, and so will the offender. We will also break the trap." Now, social security is stable, and everyone is happy."

Jiang Yuan laughed: "This is not a reason to get involved in the economic investigation."

"It's probably a chain incident. Counterfeit 20-yuan banknotes appeared in our Guqi City half a month ago. At this time, it's likely that a new counterfeit banknote gang has appeared. This kind of incident, It's best to break things off in time, and the impact on society will be minimal." Gao Yuyan wanted to make a big deal and persuaded Jiang Yuan wholeheartedly.

Jiang Yuan was slightly moved, thought for a moment, and asked, "What's the current situation of this guy?"

"Maybe someone is investigating, but there's not much progress."

"What's the reason they're not making progress?"

"If I look at it, all resources are not in place." Gao Yuyan spread her hands and made an expression like I'm messing with you.

"Let me ask." Jiang Yuan was somewhat interested.

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