National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 250 A big explosion that destroys the world! Bullets whizzing by!

Some of these dragon-shaped zombies flying in mid-air are extremely large, and the golden light in their eyes is as hot as rushing magma. Each of them is not inferior to the high-level dragon-shaped zombies that recently chased Su Fan and Zui Xiaoyao. Waiting for zombies.

Originally, these monsters, whether they were humanoid, snake-like or even dragon-like Deadpool zombies, stood quietly at their posts, waiting for their king to revive.

However, the sound of Su Fan and the others opening the gate was like a huge boulder being thrown into a lake that was too calm to make any waves, causing huge waves.

All the monsters invariably turned their attention to them, their countless golden pupils shining brightly, which could bring a great sense of oppression to people.

However, Su Fan and Zui Xiaoyao didn't feel anything at all, and they could even talk and laugh.

"It seems that our luck is good." Su Fan raised the corner of his mouth, "The first generation Dragon King is still in its initial sleep period, and the victory is basically determined."

"Yeah." Zui Xiaoyao finished smoking the last part of the cigarette, threw the butt of the cigarette on the ground, and then stepped on it, completely annihilating the still burning cigarette. "Just gotta deal with these ugly monsters."

At this moment, Zui Xiaoyao's eyes suddenly became sharp. He took off the alchemy rocket launcher on his back with incredible hand speed, and then instantly aimed at the place where Deadpool zombies were most densely packed.



Like the roar of an ancient ferocious beast, the steel monster that had been sleeping in Zui Xiaoyao's hand finally revealed its terrifying fangs at this moment. The dazzling fire light lit up, and the cannonballs, which were almost as thick and long as an adult's arm, rushed out at an incredible speed. .

The brilliant firelight almost covered up all the light, the strong light emitted by the incandescent lamp on the dome, the dazzling golden light in the eyes of the dead zombies, this was an earth-shattering blow, this was a devastating blow.


Noisy voices sounded, these voices were solemn and full of majesty, like the whispers of gods. Unfortunately, those who made these voices were not gods, but dead zombies. They were telling dragon language magic to activate the spirit of speech and use it. Some speech spirits resisted this terrible attack.

A deafening explosion sounded, and the terrifying impact shook the system-strengthened laboratory. Of course, Su Fan and the others knew that the laboratory would not simply collapse. As the final battlefield designated by the system, it would not It will collapse due to this attack.

These buildings are fine, but the deadpool zombies cannot remain intact. The words they pour out are as fragile as a piece of white paper.

It did not act as a hindrance at all. Many dead zombies were affected by the explosion, and they all died. Then, for a while, corpses were everywhere. The wave in the center, not to mention broken limbs, even dust. Less than.

With this blow, at least a hundred humanoid Deadpool zombies were killed, and even twenty snake-shaped Deadpool zombies were affected.

As for the dragon-shaped Deadpool zombies in the sky, they just flapped their bone wings gently to suppress the aftermath of the oncoming flames, without causing any damage to the cocoon in the center.

This is also the reason why Zui Xiaoyao did not choose to attack Dragon Cocoon. There were seven or eight dragon-shaped Deadpool zombies, including several high-level Dragon-shaped Deadpool zombies. Their combined power was too amazing.

Even with anti-tank weapons like the alchemical rocket launcher and the alchemical armor-piercing rockets, he was not sure that it would be able to affect the dragon cocoon in the middle.

After all, the alchemy rocket launcher combined with the alchemy armor-piercing rocket can easily severely damage the dragon-shaped Deadpool zombies, and it is easy to kill them instantly if you are lucky, but the target he is facing now is four dragon-shaped Deadpool zombies plus three high-level dragon-shaped zombies. Deadpool zombie.

Considering the unknown Yanling, the probability of blocking this attack is extremely high.

Calculating this way, it is better to deal with a large number of humanoid and snake-like Deadpool zombies. After all, the imps are difficult to deal with.

On the other hand, the dragon-shaped Deadpool zombies want to protect their king, so they will never leave the dragon cocoon, nor will they protect the low-level Deadpool zombies, which makes Zui Xiaoyao even more unscrupulous.

Zui Xiaoyao took action, and Su Fan on the side naturally couldn't be idle.

He already wielded the alchemy sniper rifle behind him, Barrett, known as the "King of Snipers".

Then in the thick smoke caused by the explosion of the armor-piercing rocket, an alchemical sniper bullet with a strong aura of death was shot out at an incredible speed, accurately finding its target.

Regarding this target, there are actually some considerations. The first shot of a sniper is often the most lethal. Especially when assassinating an extremely difficult target, there is only one chance. Therefore, a series of actions from preparation to shooting must be cautious.

And here, who to choose as the target becomes the most worthy of careful consideration.

Choose the dragon cocoon in the center?

At first glance, this seems to be a very good choice. After all, the target is the strongest Dragon King, the strongest enemy we have faced since entering the dungeon, and this enemy happens to be at its weakest and most defenseless period.

No matter from any aspect, this is undoubtedly the best choice, but...

But all of this is what the dragon universe says, and here, in the Raccoon City dungeon, it is unknown whether the first-generation dragon king has other abilities or whether it will have special abilities when hatched.

Once this initial shot loses its effect, not to mention the most important dragon cocoon, even ordinary dragon-shaped deadpool zombies will have little effect if they are prepared.

After all, Su Fan had already come out of the darkness at this time. If the sniper was not hiding in the dark, but standing under the dazzling light, his threat would definitely be much smaller.

On the other hand, even if the dragon cocoon has very weak defense as described in the dragon universe, it doesn't matter. According to that description, it takes a certain amount of time from birth to growing into a complete false king.

At this time, it was enough for Su Fan and Zui Xiaoyao to kill all the enemies except the Dragon King. After that, they would undoubtedly not feel too much pressure if they took the time to deal with the first-generation Dragon King who had not evolved to the peak of the first stage.

Therefore, Su Fan quickly identified the target, the high-level dragon-shaped Deadpool zombie, and he fired the alchemical sniper bullet at an excellent time.

That's when a high-level dragon-shaped Deadpool zombie and an ordinary dragon-shaped Deadpool zombie overlap.


Bullets whizzed past the heads of many Deadpool zombies, traveling through time and space and finally arriving in front of their target.

I saw a large amount of blood in front of a high-level dragon-shaped Deadpool zombie and an ordinary Dragon-shaped Deadpool zombie. This shot hit their chests at the same time.

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