National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 175 The bloody corpse breaking into the void corridor

Chenzhou flipped his palm and held out a stone platform that exuded space fluctuations. He scratched and carved on it with his fingers like a knife, with a very focused expression. The stone chips were flying, and the complicated Dao lines were densely packed and deeply imprinted. It is so profound that ordinary people cannot understand it.

Several powerful people present did not question Chen Zhou's move.

The Ancient Bronze Palace is mysterious and extraordinary, and it is likely to be related to the inheritance left by the immortals. There are rumors that when the Ancient Bronze Palace was born last time, the Blood God Sect brought out the corpse of an immortal from it.

Therefore, even with their methods, they must use foreign objects to carve out the domain gate that leads directly to the ancient bronze palace.

The hall was quiet except for the rustling sound from Chen Zhou. The stone platform made of mysterious jade was transparent and carved with groups of mysterious patterns.

Xia Jiuyou and the other great masters ignored him and remained sitting on the bamboo chairs without getting up. Bored, he picked up a spirit fruit and put it into his mouth, looking at Chen Zhou and carving Taoist patterns with his peripheral vision.


The suspended stone platform shook for a while, and the mysterious jade bloomed with brilliance. The Dao pattern was engraved on it and took shape. Chen Zhou stretched out a hand and pressed it on the stone platform.

The void twisted and collapsed, and then a dark door opened, and the domain door was successfully opened.

"The coordinates are directly in front of the Ancient Bronze Palace. Let's go, everyone." Chen Zhou stood with his hands behind his back and stepped into the domain gate.

Several powerful men followed closely behind. As the world's most powerful men who were famous in all major domains, they naturally had no shortage of determination.

Even though they may face the inheritance of immortals, or the alliance between Wangchen Sect and Daxia Dynasty, they still don't have much fear.

The group of them appeared in the silent void, where nothing could be sensed, eternal darkness, and boundless silence.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie!!" A sudden burst of strange laughter made several powerful people move in their hearts.

"Who?" Tianjizi asked with narrowed eyes.

"How is that possible?!" Thunder God General said with a look of astonishment on his face, "This is the transmission channel in the domain gate. Can anyone intervene?"

Even Xia Jiuyou calmed down his playful expression. Things took an unexpected turn. Someone actually stopped them in the transmission channel.


There was a strange noise.

The powerful men heard the sound and ran away. It turned out that a blood corpse stretched out its palm from the void. This monster was covered in blood and looked very much like a skinned human being.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie!!"

The bloody corpse laughed ferociously again.

Although the aura of the blood corpse in front of him was not strong, the appearance was too strange, so the powerful men did not take action directly for the moment, and each had their own plans.

"Tianji Sect, Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons, Wangchen Sect, Great Xia Dynasty, Immortality Aspect." The bloody corpse twitched his fingers that were still dripping with blood, and told the sects of all the powerful sects present like a treasure trove.

"You..." The blood corpse paused for a moment and said in an extremely ugly voice: "Are you planning to take over the ancient bronze palace alone with the other supreme sects behind your back? Take away the opportunity to become an immortal?"

All the powerful men were slightly focused. As expected, the ugly and strange bloody corpse in front of them came for the ancient bronze palace.

"Which supreme religion does your Excellency represent?" Chenzhou asked flatly, his green clothes fluttering.

The aura of the blood corpse is very strange. It is not the true body of the cultivator. It is probably an incarnation, or just a puppet.

It can be seen that the people behind it do not want to reveal the sect they belong to.

And Chen Zhou asked this question just to see if the other party would reveal any useful information.

"You don't need to know which sect I belong to." Xue Zhi said with a cold face, "I'm just here to tell you one thing. If you don't give other sects face, try to monopolize the opportunity to become an immortal."

"Then I will unite with the great powers of other sects to kill the lone disciples of your sect." The voice of the blood corpse suddenly became extremely sinister, "The blood will flow into rivers and the sky will be darkened!!"

The blood corpse's words were resounding and aroused a wave of waves in the hearts of several powerful men.

Xia Jiuyou sealed the thousand-mile realm outside Qicheng as quickly as possible, making it impossible for outsiders to easily cross the void and come here, so the blood corpse began to negotiate terms.

"Are you crazy?!" Chenzhou frowned slightly and asked, "Do you know what doing this means?"

What does it mean? Needless to say, it means that a top-notch competition among the Holy Lands may begin.

This kind of killing of the younger generation of major sects, and even ordinary elders, definitely triggered the bottom line in the unspoken rules.

You must know that with the powerful strength, killing the younger generation, even the so-called first saint son level figure, is just like picking flowers and willows, picking them at your fingertips.

Even elder-level figures, even powerful elders, beings that can rival a half-step almighty, would find it extremely difficult to survive ten moves in front of a true almighty.

Once the other powerful sects join forces to kill, the nature of the ancient bronze palace will completely change.

"Bastard!" Tianjizi howled angrily. As a sect of the righteous way, he didn't like evil things. Now this weird bloody corpse across from him opened his mouth to do such inhumane and bottom-line things. It was really unbearable.

"Why do you represent the other sects?" Xia Jiuyou asked.

It is possible that the Hehuan Sect of the Demonic Blood God Sect would do such a thing, but the White Horse Temple and the Sword Holding Sect of the righteous path are not here either. It is impossible for them to do such a disgraceful act.

If there were only two major sects, the powerful people present would not be too worried. The two major sects could not and would not dare to fall out with all the forces represented by the powerful people present.

If such thoughtless things were really done, the worst possible outcome would be a joint suppression.

"Hehehe." The blood corpse glanced at Xia Jiuyou mockingly, "You imagine that the right path is too noble, and at the same time you underestimate the influence of the opportunity to become an immortal."

"That is a power that will drive countless practitioners crazy. It involves immortality. How can you be the only one to have something that many old monsters desire?!"

"You said I just stand behind you?" Thor General was dismissive. He didn't believe the Bloody Corpse's words at all.

The blood corpse only responded to him with a sneer, making it impossible for the powerful men to distinguish the true from the false.

On the other hand, the previous shock of the Thunder God General was not unreasonable. Ordinary powers could not forcibly intervene in the void. In other words, the method behind the blood corpse was unusual, and the controller was probably the leader of the Supreme Sect.

The weight of such a character's words is completely different, and the credibility is further improved.

The powerful men were silent for a while. What the blood corpse said was indeed true. No cultivator could ignore the opportunity of immortality, especially the old people in the top sects who had half of their feet in the coffin, or even lay down completely in the coffin to sleep.

Moreover, it was difficult to discern the authenticity of the threat, which made the situation suddenly freeze.

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