"Get away!"

Two soft shouts came out, and Tuntian and Xiaohuo rushed out at the same time, using the strength of their bodies to hit the armored giant's fist.


It was like a sky thunder exploded, and it seemed that the entire ancient bronze palace was shaking. The golden, purple-black and khaki energy was extremely violent, spreading around like a raging tide.

The armored giant's huge figure couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Su Fan stared at the Armored Giant with indifferent eyes, "There is no limit to the number of times they can be restored. Theoretically, as long as I still have life, I can continue to restore them."

The armored giant had an ugly look on his face, and his palms creaked when he squeezed them. If this human being hadn't lied, he would probably be beaten to death by these lower races.

Even if the human being in front of him only has a hundred years of life left, it can be enough to restore the two pets three times, but it is impossible to restore his own physical strength.

Su Fan's eyelids were slightly raised, and there was a touch of fatigue in his pupils that was not easily noticeable. "After saying so much, you can just die obediently."

He waved his hand gently, signaling for the pets to rush forward.

With a loud bang, the armored giant's tattered corpse fell to the ground weakly, kicking up waves of dust.

His face was full of reluctance, as if until the end, he didn't want to believe that he, who was protected by gods and a higher being, would be wiped out by several lower races whose realms were inferior to his.

"Phew." Su Fan's face suddenly collapsed as he tried to pretend to be calm, "Finally, I didn't sacrifice the sealed person's left foot for the second time."

Once used, it will have a life span of 30 years. Although Su Fan is only 25 years old, it is still far away from the current limit of 640 years.

But no matter what, no one can bear it if it continues to be consumed like this.

What's more, Su Fan clearly felt a bone-deep fatigue ravaging his physical body. I'm afraid that frequent use of cards or treatment limits would have immeasurable consequences.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow [ww...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"

"In the end, I still couldn't keep those six tails." Xiaohuo pouted, his bright black pupils spinning in his eye sockets.

I saw her running up to Su Fan and looking at him with tears in her eyes.

Just when Su Fan was a little confused, the little fox suddenly put his hands on his hips arrogantly, "Humph, stinky master, I performed so well this time, didn't you say anything?"

Su Fan was stunned for a moment, shook his head with a smile, and commented, "Not bad."

The little fox suddenly narrowed his eyes with joy, rubbed his little head on the back of Su Fan's hand, and said charmingly: "Master, I want to touch you."

Su Fan smiled lightly, stretched out his hand and touched the little fox's head.

The little fox's long snow-white tail, which was several times shorter, curled up happily. The two furry ears on its head also hung down gently, and a happy blush appeared on its cheeks.

"Brother, what do you think that is?" Tuntian's eyes flashed with lightning. He seemed to have discovered something, pointing to a place and reminding him.

Su Fan looked in the direction he pointed with his wings and found a card flying lightly from the fog.

"Could it be?" Su Fan's heart skipped a beat when he looked at the familiar appearance of the card.

The back of that card was exactly the same as the "Sealed One's Right Foot".

"I'll get it!" Tuntian volunteered and rushed over.

Su Fan's eyes flickered, and he guessed that he might have received such a reward because he passed the trial set by "Huang".

There was some expectation in Su Fan's eyes. The human path contained in "The Right Foot of the Sealed One" had already given him great help. He didn't know what effect this new one would have.

Tun Tian used his lightning speed and flashed in front of the card. He gently reached forward with his talons and successfully grabbed the card close to his hand.

Su Fan in the distance nodded slightly. Although his guess was that, he didn't know if there would be any trap. After all, the methods of those peerless experts were too powerful and terrifying.

Su Fan took the card from Tuntian's hand and looked at it directly, and found that it was indeed a series of cards for the sealed person, and this one sealed the right wrist.

Su Fan activated the "Eye of Deception" and prepared to observe the hidden information contained in the card.

[The right wrist of the sealed person (this line has been painted out)]

Instead, there is the following line of text.

[The Lord of Reincarnation - Asura Path]

The rest of the information continues to be interpreted.

[After being combined with the other five designated cards, a humanoid spiritual pet with the highest level of qualifications will be summoned - the Lord of Samsara. 】

[Special Ability: Asura's Wrath]

[Conditions for using special abilities: None]

[Duration after use: five minutes]

[Cooling time after use: three days]

[Description: Asura's Wrath causes the target's murderous intent to expand, eventually causing it to fall into a violent state, showing a fighting power that far exceeds normal levels. 】

[Asura's Wrath is divided into three levels, the first level: rage mode; the second level: furious mode; the third level: madness mode. 】

[Rage Mode: Kill one person in ten steps and leave no trace behind for thousands of miles. Human words: Physical fitness is increased by 100%, spell damage is increased by 100%, physical resistance and magic resistance are increased by 100%, spiritual consciousness intensity is increased by 100%]

[Rage Mode: IQ decreases by 50%, physical fitness increases by 200%, spell damage increases by 200%, physical resistance and magic resistance increase by 200%, spiritual consciousness strength increases by 2% Hundred. 】

[Crazy mode: completely crazy! ! If someone stands in the way of a person, he will kill someone; if someone stands in the way of a Buddha, he will kill the Buddha! ! 】

[Human words: The IQ has dropped to zero, and there is no control over the battle situation. He does not distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, and will kill everyone he sees. 】

[Physical quality is enhanced by 500%, spell damage is enhanced by 500%, physical resistance and magic resistance are enhanced by 500%, and spiritual consciousness intensity is enhanced by 500%. 】

[Defects of rage mode: After the duration, you will fall into the "sage time". The whole person will feel relaxed physically and mentally, with no desires and desires, and his mind will reach a state of selflessness, like a sage and a saint. 】

[Defect duration: one day (can be supplemented by heaven and earth spiritual plants, such as: jade leek, purple ginseng, Shiquan Dabubu, etc.]

[Fruit of Fury Mode: After the duration, you will be immersed in this state and unable to extricate yourself. Even if you are freed from the effects of Asura's Wrath, you will still be violent inside and unable to use a trace of spiritual energy. 】

[Defect duration: three days (can be supplemented by heaven and earth spiritual plants)]

[Defects of the crazy mode: After the duration, it will fall into a state of stupidity. It will only repeat a few words such as "Abba Abba", and the whole body will be weak and weak to the point of being unable to move. And while it continues, there may also be a risk of death from exhaustion. 】

[Defect duration: one day (cannot be restored by heaven and earth spiritual plants)]

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