National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 171 The purple-eyed giant is possessed by the Barbarian King!

The flow of time seemed to be infinitely slowed down at this moment. The armored giant looked at the five golden lotuses in front of him with cold eyes, and then looked at the purple thunder dragon above his head with its teeth and claws.

The five golden lotuses were just flipping lightly, causing the surrounding void to almost become distorted.

The power of the thunder dragon on the dome is even more extraordinary. The red light in its eyes is terrifying. Every time it wanders in the clouds, it causes the void to tremble, almost threatening to break.

The super powerful killing moves used by the two pets together made even the arrogant armored giant feel a hint of threat.

"Tremble, lower races!" The armored giant stood with his head held high, and with his hands dancing quickly, he pinched out several mysterious and extraordinary seals, "The Barbarian King is possessed!"

The skin under the armor of the armored giant was crystal clear, exuding endless divine light. Suddenly, the shadow of a giant who stood tall and proud in the world appeared behind him.

This giant's eyes were indifferent, and he regarded all living beings as ants, just like aloof gods.

His eyes were the most breathtaking, with a rich purple light like the stars at night shining on the heaven and earth, which seemed to contain the ultimate of everything in the world.

The moment the giant appeared, Su Fan felt his body freeze stiffly in mid-air, his heart in his chest roared deafeningly, and his blood rushed like a raging stream in his blood vessels, trying to urge his body to resist this. kind of pressure.

But to no avail.

Su Fan raised his finger slightly, it was the extremely spiritual three-foot sword of time struggling unsightly under the heavy load.

It's not just Su Fan, there's Xiao Huo who activates the "power of the sky demon", Yan Tian whose body is covered with "Xuan Lei Armor", Han Han whose eyes are condensed with khaki light, and five golden flowers that are turning over in the void trying to bloom. Lotus, the ferocious thunder dragon on the dome that wants to destroy the enemy.

Everything, even what they looked at - the fog spreading around, including the surrounding time, stood still, and the void seemed to be frozen.

And the reason is just the appearance of this purple-eyed giant like a god.

Fortunately, the indifferent and god-like giant only appeared for a moment. He just glanced at the armored giant with his purple pupils that reflected the stars and the sea, and then disappeared between heaven and earth like a mirror, a flower in the water, and the moon.

At this moment, both living and dead objects have regained control over their bodies, and the experience of being deprived of their freedom and unable to control themselves is gone forever.

The five golden lotuses still followed the trajectory and floated towards the armored giant, and the thunder dragon continued to attack him with its teeth and claws.


The veins on the armored giant's neck were exposed. After receiving the "Barbarian King's blessing", he seemed to have endless strength at this moment.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

A sound like a tsunami came out, and it was five golden lotuses that bloomed one after another and gave birth to the last fireworks in their lives. The endless dazzling light drowned the figure of the armored giant.

An extremely terrifying and blazing wave of fire spread out, forcing Su Fan at close range to activate his spiritual light armor to avoid being affected by this terrifying power.

The explosion produced by the golden lotus is a chain reaction. It is not just as simple as one plus one equals two. The indescribable terrifying power in the center increases geometrically.

The smoke gradually dissipated, and the armored giant had completely transformed into a huge burning man.

At a glance, the spiritual power in his body was completely ignited, his whole body was covered with flames, and every inch of skin on the surface of his body was scorched, making him look extremely miserable.


The armored giant stepped on his feet, and the sand tightly wrapped around his legs was instantly shaken away. The golden heat that was wrapped around his body and tried to penetrate into the bone marrow was also dispelled.

I saw his huge body leaping high into the sky, his speed reaching the extreme, and he didn't appear to be seriously injured at all.

"How is that possible!" Xiaohuo Yingying opened her mouth slightly, her eyes full of disbelief, "Obviously... the five golden lotuses hit him solidly."

Su Fan's eyes were solemn. What was even more terrifying was that the armored giant who resisted the "Red Lotus Fire" head-on not only was not harmed, but instead exploded at an even more outrageous speed than before.

"It is worthy of the Barbarian King's blessing." The god-like figure with purple pupils flashed in Su Fan's mind.

Su Fan's eyes were calm, and he stretched out three fingers lightly, "Three!"

The armored giant flew into the sky and easily tore a gap in the immortal thunder field that had restricted the illusory feather peacock.

He was on top of the dome in an instant, standing at the same height as the Brontosaurus.

With a gentle wave of the armored giant's big hand, the thundercloud symbolizing the natural disaster was blown away in an instant, revealing the thunder dragon hidden deep inside.

"Tsk, tsk, you are so domineering when you step up to meet the dragon." Su Fan praised lightly in his heart.

At this moment, the thunder clouds were blown away, and the originally extremely ferocious Thunder Dragon looked a little bit pitiful.

"Two!" Su Fan squinted one eye and squinted into the void above, then calmly lowered his finger.

Above, the Thunder Dragon let out a terrifying roar, activated its lightning speed, and used a movement technique that made ordinary practitioners unable to see its shadow, and suddenly appeared in front of the armored giant.

The armored giant's eyes were indifferent, looking at the terrifying beast in front of him as if it were nothing. The muscles on his arms bulged high, and he punched forward in a simple and unpretentious manner.

"Buzz buzz."

Void let out a harsh howl after being hit by this punch, and the simple shadow of the fist instantly descended on the Thunder Beast's huge and ferocious dragon head.


A slightly funny voice sounded, but there was no laughter on the faces of the three pets, and they were all solemn.

The extremely ferocious Thunder Dragon, which had been baring its teeth and claws just a moment ago, now received a punch from the Armored Giant. It was like a bubble bursting at the touch of a touch, without the ability to resist.

The Thunder Dragon exploded instantly, and the countless Thunder Snakes that made up its body rushed around like waves, as if they were afraid of the tall figure in front of them.


Only Su Fan remained calm and composed, not being shocked by the armored giant's earth-shattering performance, and kept reporting unknown numbers.

With a loud bang, the armored giant fell from the sky into the immortal thunder field again, splashing bursts of dust in the ancient bronze palace.

The three pets stared at the dust-shrouded figure as if facing a formidable enemy. In just a few seconds, they first resisted five lotuses containing tiny clusters of Golden Emperor's Burning Sky Flames, and then rose into the sky. One punch instantly killed the thunder dragon in the dark clouds.

Such achievements, with his level 28 strength, are enough to despise all practitioners in the world.

Not to mention the level 28, even the level 30 Huntian Xiaopeng King made a move. In a head-to-head encounter, Duan Ran was not able to take two major killing moves in an understatement like him.

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