National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 146 The unintentional monk, the stalwart man

Su Fan stood on the small stone street, preparing to go around the city. When he was getting the news, it was bright in the distance, and there was a violent roar, as if someone was fighting outside the city.

Su Fan frowned. He placed the survival base in a secret place outside the city, so as not to be affected.

"The Level 3 Nether Dragon Locking Heaven Formation is still too weak. We need to wait until the mall is unlocked and upgrade it to Level 4." Su Fan muttered a few words to himself. The formation was too weak and he was always uneasy, fearing that his home would be stolen. .

The sky not far away was shaking, and the fighting was extremely fierce.

"It's Gu Changqing, the first holy son of the Wangchen Sect. Who is the other one, who can actually compete with him?" someone exclaimed.

"The First Holy Son?" Su Fan muttered a few words. He remembered that Mo Chen, whom he killed not long ago, was once the Holy Son of the Wangchen Sect, but he probably couldn't compare to the First Holy Son.

"Haha, this benefactor."

Su Fan looked in the direction of the sound, and it turned out to be a monk wearing white robes.

He has a noble temperament and always has a smile on his lips. He is a man full of affinity and is more beautiful than women.

But this monk always gave Su Fan a feeling that something was not quite right. What it was specifically, he couldn't tell.

"This benefactor, the poor monk's Buddhist name is 'Wuxin', I don't know the benefactor..." The monk greeted Su Fan with a smile.

"Master, just call me Su Fan."

Wu Xin smiled kindly, "Just now I saw that the donor was a little confused about the title Holy Son?"

Su Fan's expression changed slightly, "I have been practicing within the sect and rarely enter the world, so I really don't know much about these things."

"Ah, that's it." Monk Wuxin nodded slightly, "The First Holy Son, as the name suggests, is the strongest among all the Holy Sons of the Wangchen Sect. Titles such as First Sequence, First Dao Son, etc. all have similar meanings. "

Su Fan was startled and nodded in response to Monk Wuxin.

After saying that, Monk Wuxin stood on tiptoes and looked in the direction of the battle, and said to himself: "Well, let's take a look. With white hair and super fighting power, he seems to be the Holy Son of Heaven, Li Mu."

Su Fan's eyes flickered. Tianji Sect was a righteous sect, and those who could be on par with Wangchen's Holy Son were probably people at the level of the First Holy Son.

It was worthy of the prosperous age that swept the entire Kyushu. Not long after entering Qicheng, he encountered a battle between two figures at the level of the First Saint Son.

Not far away, the two were like gods, shaking the heaven and earth, and quickly disappeared into the distance.

Monk Wuxin smiled slightly, looked at Su Fan and explained: "This prosperous age can be regarded as a warm-up for the battle for the world master."

"The battle for the realm master..." Su Fan was a little surprised in his eyes. Will this realm soon choose the future realm master?


There was a roaring sound in the distance, like thousands of troops and horses galloping. A closer look revealed that dozens of ancient chariots emerged from the sky and came crushing the sky.

"It's another big religion, it seems to be the troops of Dayanluo Palace."

The whispers of the people came to his ears, and Monk Wuxin said to Su Fan kindly: "Donor, standing here is not an option. Let's go to the inn and sit down and talk."

Su Fan remained calm on the surface, but in fact doubts had already arisen in his heart.

This is a little too enthusiastic. Could it be that he sees something in himself?

"Then, I'll trouble you, Master." After thinking about it, Su Fan decided to wait and see what happens. Anyway, he estimated the strength of Wuxin Monk, who was in the Void Realm (Level 21-30).

There are three pets in his body that look after each other, so it's not that easy to win in battle.

After a while, Monk Wuxin took Su Fan to a restaurant, ordered a few bottles of wine and a few dishes of side dishes, and sat down with Su Fan.

"Master actually drinks?" Su Fan was very surprised. He didn't know whether the monks in this world were different from Lan Xing, or whether the Wuxin monk opposite was different from ordinary monks.

Monk Wuxin poured himself a drink and narrowed his eyes involuntarily.

He smiled slightly and said the classic excuse, "Haha, after the wine and meat passed through the intestines, the Buddha kept it in his heart."

"Come on, Donor Su, please come and have some. His wine is not available anywhere else. It has a unique flavor."

Su Fan felt a little ashamed, took the wine glass gently, took a sip, and found that the taste was indeed extraordinary.

At the same time, he also listened to the conversations of the practitioners around him.

"Something happened again in the Netherworld Ghost Realm to the east. It seems that a famous ghost king has appeared. He broke out of the realm and slaughtered all the surrounding villages. It's really scary."

"Do you know about Falling Immortal Island in the South China Sea? Falling Immortal Island is the largest island in the South China Sea. I heard that the body of another immortal was dug up a few days ago."

"The Mogu Forbidden Land seems to have been a little restless in the past few days. There are too many ferocious beasts and raptors inside, and we dare not go deep into it. Although the border has always been stable, I am really afraid that the monsters from the Mogu Forbidden Land will one day rush out."

"I heard that the most mysterious killer organization in the world, 'Human World', actually succeeded in assassinating a half-step master. It is really unbelievable. The half-step master is a strong man at the peak of the out-of-body realm (level 40). I don't know, Who is the leader behind the scenes in this world?”

"It is said that during this golden age, the eight top sects, except for the White Horse Temple, all sent out their most powerful younger generation. There are even rumors that the older generation secretly followed them."

"This is indeed very possible. After all, even though the saints in the sequence are extremely talented, their training time is still short. If they really meet a master who has been practicing for a long time, I am afraid they will be at a disadvantage."

Su Fan's heart moved. As expected, in addition to the sequence of the Holy Son, he also had to be careful of those old monsters that had lived for a long time.

It's really troublesome. I just hope that I won't make too much noise when I enter the Ancient Bronze Palace.

Da, da, da.

The sound of mysterious footsteps sounded like it was ringing in everyone's hearts, making many people tense up.

At the top of the stairs, a boy of fifteen or sixteen years old walked up. He had extremely sharp eyes, a fair complexion, black hair shawl, and an unusually tall figure.

"The many great religions and the first rank are all bullshit in my opinion. In the end, I will be the only one who can win the first place in the grand ceremony."

The person who came had a majestic appearance and spoke in an unusually domineering manner. He did not take the many saints and their sequence into consideration at all.

Behind him were two old men, dressed in gray, very old and hunched over, like two loyal servants.

As soon as these words came out, they immediately aroused public anger.

Even if someone guessed the identity of the person, they couldn't help but sarcastically said.

"Where does this lunatic come from? He dares to talk nonsense when he opens his mouth without looking at how much he weighs?"

The visitor lightly glanced at the speaker, unwilling to say more, and gave him a gentle push with his palm.

The golden claws were dazzling and clawed at the speaker. This was an extremely terrifying attack.

Dare to talk about all the saints, you are really not a simple thing, you have such a demeanor when you take action at will.

There were also some real masters present. They couldn't stand this man's behavior, so they stepped forward to stop the golden claws.

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