Although Su Fan downplayed the patient's life and death, what he said was quite reasonable.

Rather than living without dignity and being dissected wantonly like a guinea pig, why not let the guy opposite give it a try? Anyway, isn't the worst result exactly what he wants?

Soon, a hoarse voice came from the restrained patient, "Come on."

"Very good, then without further ado..." Su Fan took a few steps forward, stood beside the patient and held his head with his left hand.

The patient's limbs were tightly bound by leather, so Su Fan was not worried about him resisting at all. The only thing that needed attention was the slightly movable head.

An evil smile appeared at the corner of Su Fan's mouth. Without saying a word, he used his right hand to forcefully insert the needle into the patient's neck, and then slowly injected the light blue liquid into the body.

At this moment, a look of pain appeared on the patient's bloody face, and then his whole body began to tremble uncontrollably.

The muscles in the patient's body expanded, contracted, expanded, contracted extremely erratically, repeating this process for some time.

The leather on his body couldn't bear this torture and began to crack one after another.

Su Fan watched quietly from the side, paying attention to the strange movements around him. Once he heard the news of Gabriel's return, he immediately ran away.

Soon, the wonderful changes in the patient stopped.

Gray skin gradually grew on his bloody body, and he looked like he had been reborn.

But soon, his muscles began to atrophy, and his whole body became skin and bones, and his breath was extremely weak. He lay on the hospital bed with his eyes closed, motionless like a dead body.

"Did it fail?" Su Fan raised his brows, and this thought emerged in his heart.

But then he thought about it, "vsn-7" was just an unfinished product, and there was nothing to say if it failed.

Just as Su Fan was about to run away, the patient on the bed groaned, followed by a violent cough.

"Uh, cough... cough, cough..." He opened his eyes instantly, then sat up with his elbows supporting his body.

"Wow, from a certain perspective, the effect of the potion is quite successful." Su Fan said with a faint smile, his pupils flashing with golden light.

Through the observation of the "Delirium Eye", Su Fan has intuitively learned part of the patient's information.

Of course, a lot of information has nothing to say, Su Fan just needs to be clear.

That is the patient called "John", whose comprehensive combat power was directly judged as "strong" by the "Eye of Delusion".

You must know that the fat man's combat power, known as the "Human Armored Vehicle", is "extremely strong", but compared with it, John is only one level behind.

In other words, although this Nagato has a chakra-depleted body, his strength is definitely Choji level.

"Thank you. My name is John. I don't know what you call me yet." John looked at Su Fan and thanked him sincerely.

"Just call me Su Buyu." Su Fan grinned. No matter how John understood it, the system would translate it into words he could understand.

John was about to chat with Su Fan for a few more words, but suddenly he heard the screams of the same kind. They were the same patients as him, who had their reproductive organs cut off and were forcibly restrained here. They could only survive as mice. .

He trembled all over, as if recalling some bad experiences, "Su, Mr. Su, do we have to leave here as soon as possible, Dr. Gabriel may..."

"That's not necessary!" Su Fan interrupted him directly.

Su Fan said in a very calm tone: "Calm down, John, take a deep breath, you can try punching the wall now..."

Su Fan's extremely calm tone and attitude were inexplicably reassuring.

John took a few deep breaths with conviction, then turned sideways and punched the wall.

There was only a "boom" sound, and the solid wall was dented inward by John's casual punch, and spider web-like cracks spread around at an extremely fast speed.

"This...I did this?" John's eyes flickered between the wall and his fist, and he seemed a little unbelievable.

"Of course, Mr. John, haven't you noticed? The endless power in your body." Su Fan calmly answered his question.

"I'm injecting you with vsn-7, a drug for mentally ill patients. It can mutate your body and turn you into..."

"Monster?" John shrank his neck in fear. Doctor Gabriel's cruel behavior and terrifying power had penetrated deep into his heart.

He was subconsciously repelled, worried that he would become that kind

"It's not a monster, it's a superman!" Su Fan said in an unquestionable tone: "Put aside your prejudices, John. Now you have the eyes of an eagle, the ears of a wolf, the speed of a leopard, and the strength of a bear."

Su Fan patted John on the shoulder and put his face in front of him, "I can tell you for sure that the fighting power you have now is enough to defeat Dr. Gabriel."

"What? this possible?" John breathed rapidly.

"Think about it, Dr. Gabriel, who you fear, can he break the wall with one punch like you?"

Su Fan said in a seductive tone.

"Or are you thinking about how he played with you in the first place? Huh? He cut off the symbol of man and used you as a guinea pig to dissect and experiment at will?"

"And the purpose is just to satisfy his ridiculous, one-sided desires?"

John's expression changed several times, and the hand hanging down by his side suddenly tightened.

Su Fan stared at John closely, "Now that you have my help, don't you have the confidence to take revenge? Don't you really want to make that self-righteous guy pay the price?"

John took a few deep breaths and slowly placed his hands on the support of the hospital bed.

John felt the steel bracket being kneaded randomly in his hands like waste paper, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Something called "confidence" is awakening in John's body, which stems from the power bursting out of his body that is far beyond ordinary people.

"Mr. Su, I only need to follow your orders and I can kill Dr. Gabriel smoothly, right?" John raised his head and asked.

When Su Fan heard this, he smiled calmly, "That's natural. Not only that, we will also have unexpected gains, which may to escape from this ghost place?"

"Okay, John." Su Fan motioned for him to stand up, "Next, all you need to do is do this."

"Oh, you are so lucky." Dr. Gabriel was covered in blood in the elevator. He was holding a pair of scissors in one hand and an "art piece" in the other, and said with satisfaction.

He would look at the adult prop in his hand with fascination, "Oh, sweetheart, you were almost sent to an extremely dirty part. It was only thanks to me that I got there in time."

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