National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 123 Crazy way home, meeting the fat man again

Angus took a quick step and came to the fence.

Su Fan already had a bad premonition, so he reacted quickly and rushed out almost immediately after him, trying to stop Angus's weird behavior.

At the same time, he said something as calmly as possible to let Angus focus on him.

Unexpectedly, Angus was completely indifferent to all this. He climbed up to the fence and stood firmly, dancing and not afraid of falling down.

He looked crazy and shouted with joy: "I'm going home, I'm going home!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he jumped up. His crazy and twisted expression was deeply engraved in Su Fan's mind, leaving an indelible mark.

Su Fan quickly stepped forward and tried to stop Angus, but his leader only grabbed a piece of air.

Angus's body fell straight down.

In an instant, he hit the concrete floor with his head, his head was like a thrown watermelon, it was smashed to pieces, and his limbs were also broken in many places.

The moment before he came into close contact with the ground, his face was full of longing for a better life in the future, and that enthusiastic look made people feel scared from the bottom of their hearts.

Su Fan squeezed the railing tightly with his palms, making the railing creak.

"It took a lot of effort to find a human being who could talk to him, but he committed suicide like this!"

And...there are still many mysteries left.

Su Fan sighed lightly, turned around and got into the room where Angus had been.

"Let's see if there's anything I want."

The light in the room where Angus was located was dark and the space was not large.

But there are quite a lot of things, including several bookshelves, a desk full of documents, several iron cabinets, and the most conspicuous safe.

"The configuration in the room is completely different from what I remembered."

Su Fan felt a little uneasy. Now he was not sure whether there was an access card here.

Su Fan made a brief observation and found that except for the password box, there was nothing else that could trigger the system prompts. It was probably the only thing that could interact with it.

He slowly approached the safe and fiddled with it for a while. He realized that it was an older safe with no screen showing the password. Instead, it had a roulette combination lock similar to that of a suitcase.

There were four roulette wheels in total. Su Fan pushed gently until the roulette wheel turned a complete circle.

It is the most common digital lock. The four roulette wheels correspond to the ten numbers "0-9". Obviously, you must find the correct password to open it.

If he wanted to force it open, Su Fan didn't have the tools at his disposal now, otherwise he could still try the skills of his youth.

He used to be called a "craftsman" after all.

Giving up the idea of ​​brute force destruction, Su Fan began to observe the surrounding environment.

The first thing he looked at was the desk. The safe was placed on top of the desk. According to common sense, there would usually be some mark on the desk as a reminder to the player.

But unfortunately, Su Fan guessed wrong. He turned over and over, searching almost every corner of the table, but still found nothing unusual.

Su Fan frowned slightly, straightened up, and began to focus on other places.

Ten minutes later, Su Fan sat on the desk, supporting the elbow of his left hand with his right hand, and holding his chin with his left hand, looking thoughtful.

"It's outrageous. It's very outrageous. I searched all over the room and didn't find any hints anywhere. The placement, location, and configuration of everything are similar to ordinary rooms."

"It shouldn't be." Su Fan raised his head and looked at the ceiling, and with this glance, he finally discovered something unusual.

It was an old-fashioned clock hanging on the wall. Because it was hung relatively high and it kept beeping, Su Fan subconsciously ignored it.

After all, if it rings, it works.

But now I see that there is a big problem.

Although the clock kept ringing, the hour, minute, and second hands did not move at all and stayed in place.

"Could it be?" Su Fan looked at the time on it, and a guess emerged in his heart.

He quickly came to the safe, fiddled with the turntable, and entered the password.

The time displayed on the clock is 10:15, and all the hands are strangely unchanged. From this point of view, the password is most likely "1015".


Su Fan looked happy, it was indeed like this.

With this sound, the safe opened, and the contents inside immediately came into Su Fan's eyes.

Sure enough, it was an access card.

Su Fan took out the access card, and at the same time, the system beeped.

"The main mission has been completed and the main mission has been updated."

Su Fan opened the menu again, and then focused on the taskbar.

"Escape from the fat man!"

Su Fan's expression changed, but before he could make any move, there was a roar of a monster outside the door, and after the roar, there was the sound of slight footsteps.

Su Fan immediately kicked the access card in his arms, and then scanned the room, looking for a place to hide.

Without even thinking about it, he directly chose strategic evasion. With Fatty's fighting power, confronting him head-on would be a recipe for death.

Snap, snap, snap...

The footsteps were neither urgent nor slow, with a strange rhythm. As the sound got closer and closer, the big rusty knife carried by the fat man had already reached the door of the room.

Su Fan glanced around and found that there were many places to choose from, including the blind spot behind the curtains, behind the iron cabinet, and under the desk.

Without thinking for too long, Su Fan immediately chose a hiding place - his desk.

There is a baffle in front of this desk that can completely cover Su Fan's figure.

This is why the desk is the main place for indescribable activities in some small movies.

But why not choose a metal cabinet as a hiding place? The defense there must be higher than here, right?

Yes, this is the thinking of ordinary people. In other words, it is probably the thinking of Fatty, so when he checked...

The fat man took a few steps forward, and his huge body had completely blocked the concierge.

Since the width of the door was not even as wide as the fat man's waist, he did not come in immediately.

Then, there was silence for ten seconds.

Even without looking, Su Fan knew that this guy was carefully sizing up the situation in the room.

But the fat man didn't remain silent for too long. He took a few steps back and took a charging stance. Then he heard a loud bang and knocked the wall around the door into a shape that fit his body. .

Su Fan, who was hiding under his desk, heard the sound and couldn't help but secretly lamented the fat man's physical strength.

Then, the fat man completely slipped into the room.

Of course, ordinary people would give priority to the most conspicuous iron cabinets for inspection, but is this person an ordinary person?

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