Xiaohuo, who instantly moved above Binghu, had hot eyes. She stretched out her silky tongue and licked her red lips. She stretched out her lotus arms and shot out a golden flame downwards.

The hair on the little ice tiger's body stood up, and an irresistible burning sensation suddenly came from above. It didn't have time to make too many moves, and it didn't dare to attack. Instead, it rolled sideways, looking as embarrassed as a little ice tiger. white dog.

"Can you hide?" The excitement in Xiao Huo's pupils became more intense, and he stretched out his jade hands one after another, and shot a dozen terrifying golden beams towards the ice tiger on the ground.

"Boom." "Boom." "Boom."

It was like several thunderbolts exploded, making the hole tremble, and the golden fire surged like a tide, spreading around.

When the dust dispersed, the little ice tiger's body was in an extremely miserable state. The originally smooth and white hair was charred black in many places, and even the air was filled with a surprising smell of meat.

Xiao Huo tapped her naked feet lightly and landed gracefully on the ground.


A deafening howling sound came from the mouth of the little ice tiger. The clay man was still angry, let alone a violent beast with a bloodthirsty nature?

A huge icicle soared into the sky from Xiao Huo's feet, and in an instant, it enveloped her charming and natural body.

"Hoo, hoo."

Biting cold air was exhaled from the little ice tiger's mouth, its eyes flashed with a hint of contentment on its face.

When the vixen is frozen by his own ice crystals, the blood flow in his body will become extremely slow, the function of his body will be greatly reduced, and he will soon turn into a lifeless ice sculpture.


Several cracks emerged from the surface of the ice crystal, and before the little ice tiger could reinforce it, the ice crystal exploded.

Xiao Huo put a jade hand on her shoulder, her red lips parted lightly, "You seem very proud?!"

Her tone was quite soft, her pretty pink face was almost dripping with water, and her eyes were very moving, but it made people aware of the storm brewing beneath the calm.

"Aww...aoww..." The little ice tiger was frightened and howled in a low voice for a few times, then stuck out its tongue, and the hanging tiger head kept swaying, as if to please the vixen in front of him.

Xiaohuo was unmoved by the cuteness and cuteness of the ice tiger. He flashed his body and suddenly came to the front of Binghu and kicked him away...

The battle situation here has basically stabilized. The blessing of the "power of the sky demon" is too strong. Even if the ice crystal cub's qualifications and level are exactly the same as Xiao Huo's, it will be difficult to mount an effective resistance.

However, it is worth mentioning that if the little ice tiger can resist these ten minutes, the little fox will fall into a period of weakness, and it is hard to say who will win by then.

Different from the one-sided situation on their side, the situation on Hanhan's side was a bit anxious.

The two parties have different levels and qualifications, but overall, their combat power is almost the same.

Even though Hanhan may be stronger, there is a certain limit.

Leaving aside their discussion for the moment, General Hun, who had high hopes from Huangfuchuan, gave him a big fright.

He controlled the "Widow Maker" and while attacking Su Fan, he observed the situation on the field.

After being strengthened, the general's soul reached level 20, but he was still suppressed and beaten by Swallowing Heaven, and his life was even in danger. The situation was extremely dangerous. If he was not careful, he might fall under the claws of this eagle.

"What kind of qualifications does Thunder Eagle have? His combat power is simply terrifying to the extreme!!"

Huangfuchuan looked fearful, but something happened during his dazed moment.

Su Fan's beastmaster level was level 18, which was even stronger than Huangfuchuan's. How could he be manipulated to this point by a pair of scissors?

"Split Light, Shadow Sword!!"

In an instant, a frightening sword light popped out from the tip of the "Three-foot Sword of Time", and hundreds of afterimages suddenly appeared, covering the sky and the sun, as if they were blooming.

At this moment, the murderous intention in this space was shocking, and sword lights shot up into the sky. They stood in mid-air and rushed towards the "Widow Maker" at the same time.

"Whoosh." "Whoosh." "Whoosh."

The dazzling light was extremely bright, and each ray of sword light was like a dragon, hitting the scissors' body.

The tinkling sound kept coming out, cracking gold and cracking rocks, shaking the mine, and making Huangfuchuan's eardrums hurt.

He finally came to his senses and quickly gathered his energy, hoping to bring the "widowmaker" back.

"What? How could this happen!"

He looked ugly, and felt an uncontrollable feeling coming from the Widow Maker.

The scissors were continuously intercepted by hundreds of sword lights, and they were teetering in mid-air. They could not be retrieved by Huangfuchuan, and for a moment, they actually froze in mid-air.

Su Fan took one step forward, jumped up high, took advantage of the situation to pursue him, and activated the three-foot sword of time to strike.

This was a violent divine power, mixed with the unfathomable power of time. The golden brilliance dyed the surroundings of Su Fan in a gorgeous way, like a ball of blazing sun.

This powerful and heavy slash hit the "Widow Maker" heavily, causing her body to tremble constantly and even let out a few whines.

Huangfuchuan didn't care about anything else. He took three steps and two steps at a time, and rushed over at an extremely fast speed, trying to fight Su Fan hand-to-hand to save the ending of "The Widow Maker".

"It's too late!!" Two rays of light burst out from Su Fan's eyes, and his beard and hair were flying.

He struck the scissor blade with his sword and directly shattered this level 2 spiritual treasure.

At the same time, Huangfuchuan was sluggish due to the destruction of his treasures on the way, blood was bleeding from the corners of his mouth, and even the bluish-white light in his "white eyes" dimmed a lot.

It happened to be at this time that a shrill howl came from the distance. It was the voice of an ice crystal tiger cub.

Huangfuchuan's eyes widened in anger, and he coughed out blood again. Even the breath on his body began to dissipate, and there was a possibility of falling.

"Well done, Xiaohuo." Su Fan looked at the little fox not far away with a smile and praised him without hesitation.

The first one to end the battle was not the most powerful Tuntian, nor the bloodthirsty and cold Hanhan, but Xiaohuo, the lowest-level little lolita.

At this moment, Xiaohuo still maintained the state of being the royal sister who brought disaster to the country and the people. When she heard her master's approval, she immediately put her hands on Liu's waist and looked over with her charming eyes.

She stretched out her pink tongue and licked her slightly wet and alluring red lips, while her seductive pink eyes kept scanning Su Fan's lower body.

Su Fan's expression condensed and he secretly screamed that something was wrong. He had just destroyed a spiritual weapon that was a deterrent to that thing, but now another thing came with a similar effect but could not be destroyed.

Of course, the two kinds of "deterrence" are completely different. If Su Fan really wanted to comment, he still felt that Xiaohuo was more lethal.

"Ahem." Huangfuchuan was in a very bad state. He issued an order in his mind to have the two-headed snake and general soul return to the body quickly and prepare to run away.

Er Chong received the order and turned into a ball of light in unison.

But swallowing the sky with the strongest combat power and the fastest speed, how can he give you this opportunity?

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