“Who the hell is this old guy Onoki who has any plans? Hold the Five Shadows talks? Is it necessary to hold such a meeting in its current form? ”

Receiving the order issued by the daimyo of the Land of Water, Terumi was particularly puzzled. The current situation is still very unstable, and there are countless small countries at the junction of the five major powers, and these small countries are not affiliated with the five major countries. Even if the five major powers reach any agreement, it is simply impossible to implement it in these small countries, and in Zhaomei’s opinion, the giant Five Shadows talks are not necessary at all at this time!

“Really, who does that old guy think he is? Want to end this chaotic situation? He thought he loved who he was, and that Konoha’s original Hokage Senjukuma-sama did not end the ninja world war by himself, and he was also surrounded by the help of Senju-sama and the Uchiha family. ”

Although Terumi was reluctant in every way, there was no way to refuse the daimyo’s order, so he had to take him with him and set off for Yunnin Village.

However, in the Wind Shadow Office of the Land of Sand, the three generations of Wind Shadow who are deeper in the city government are not thinking about this.

“Kazekage-sama, whether we go or not, I heard that the other four countries agreed, and even the Land of Thunder agreed that this meeting would be held in Yunnin Village.”

“I don’t understand how Onoki, who has always longed for peace, would take the initiative to provoke a war this time?”

The three generations of wind shadows looked at the yellow sand flying outside the window, and their locked brows could not be untied for a long time. This time the Five Shadows Talks were chosen in Yunnin Village in the Land of Thunder in order to explore the truth. If the army of 1.1 million really disappears, then the Land of Thunder is finished. If that information is false, those small countries around the five major countries are afraid that the day is precarious.

“Provoking a war? Kazekage-sama, I don’t think Onoki-senpai would do that, right? Wasn’t Konoha’s original Hokage Senjukuma-sama holding talks to solve the war problem? ”

“Onoki’s purpose is this, and he will definitely propose to eliminate the surrounding small countries for the sake of greater stability in the ninja world. Because the surrounding small countries are in war all year round, in the eyes of our five major countries, it is also fat, and everyone wants to make their country’s territory bigger. ”

“Moreover, if the country of thunder has really fallen to the lowest point in its national strength as in the intelligence, I am afraid that this time the purge will include the country of thunder, so that the five major powers can become the four major countries.” Who would disagree with such a good thing, even the country of thunder, if it really lost so much combat power, I am afraid that it would have to agree. ”

The ninja beside him was speechless for a while, as if he had seen an impending bloody storm, one after another night night when he and his companions did not dare to sleep peacefully. War, is it really coming?

“Stop thinking about it, let’s go.”

The ninja came back to his senses, and he seemed to hear it, and the third generation of Kazekage-sama sighed.

“Are you all here?”

Yang Yu stayed in Lei Zhi during this time. He didn’t even have the mind to return to Konoha. Yu knows very well that a storm is coming, and it is very likely that this storm will be against himself!

The other four countries must have had the information that the herdsman had taken over the fourth generation of Thunder Kage, and they also knew that Yumaki had disappeared for a while as an emissary to Konoha, and they thought that there must be someone behind Yuherd.

Moreover, Yunnin Village was unprecedentedly empty in strength after being destroyed by Yang Yu’s 1.1 million troops, and at this time, he had to come here to hold the Five Shadows Talks, and Yang Yu couldn’t help but wonder if the force behind it was starting to target him.

“It’s all here, just wait for the Five Shadows talks tomorrow.”

“Then wait quietly.”

Yang Yu intends to respond to all changes with no change, the simulated worm has long entered the body of the Yu Shepherd, and he can control the body of the Yu Shepherd at any time. Yang Yu planned to personally participate in this Five Shadows meeting to see what the old guy of Onoki was paying attention to.

“Lord Tsuchikage, someone sent out to inquire about the news has already returned. The country of thunder is indeed greatly reduced, and there is no place around where 1.1 million people can be hidden. ”

“Have you been to Yunlei Gorge? It was a very important place, and no one knew what was in it except the high-level of the Thunder Country. ”


“What’s wrong?”

Onoki frowned, could it be that the information that the person gave him was true?

“Except for the ninja who went to search for Yunlei Gap, the rest have returned, and the people who went there can no longer be contacted.”

Sure enough, it’s true! Onoki frowned, so that things could become more serious.

“There are obviously no more powerful ninjas in the Land of Thunder, and the people we sent out are all elite, but it is very strange to lose contact.”

The ninja still wanted to explain, but Onoki just waved his hand to signal him to stand down. If it was really as the information given by that person said, the seven-year-old copy-eyed demon might be in Yunlei Gorge. Not to mention the elite of Iwa Shinobi Village, even if you go by yourself, you may not be able to come back!

It seems that tomorrow’s Five Shadows talks are imperative!

The next day, the Thunder Shadow Building in Yunnin Village, the Five Shadows talks officially began!

“Onoki, I didn’t expect you to be able to say that the daimyo of the Land of Fire asked us Konoha to come to this meeting, I am curious what kind of plan you will propose.”

Among the five shadows, only the ape flying sun chopped a beautiful look, and even the pipe in his mouth has not been extinguished.

Yang Yu had completely controlled Yumu’s body at this time, and looked at the old man of the three generations of Hokage with joy. The three generations of wind shadows are as usual, as if they are in the land of yellow sand all year round, and even their expressions have been blown stiff by the wind and sand.

Only Zhaomei gave Yang Yu a lot of surprises, and at this time he looked completely girly, and even pouted and looked unhappy.

“Since everyone has come to participate in this meeting led by the old man, the old man will not beat around the bush. The purpose of this meeting is only one, that is, our five major countries will unite to eliminate the small neighboring countries so that the people of the neighboring small countries will no longer suffer from war! “_

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