"Hurry up and catch up!"

"Didn't you have any meal?"

"If you don't catch up, you won't be able to eat later!"

Chiyu was walking slowly in front, while Kakashi gritted his teeth and tried his best to follow Chiyu with his staggering body.

Kakashi was following Chiyu with his willpower now, and he didn't have the extra energy to speak.

Kakashi was full of complaints now.

He was really not treated as a human being. How could the training intensity be so high at the beginning?

The intensity didn't seem to be high, but what was the point of not letting people breathe well?!

In this state, it was already difficult to walk, and I was dizzy and dazed. How could I train?

After walking for a distance, Chiyu stopped and said something that sounded like heavenly music to Kakashi.

"Take a break."

Kakashi immediately slumped down on the ground and wanted to breathe deeply, but because of the mask, the more he wanted to breathe, the more suffocated he felt.

Qianyu reminded:"Adjust your breathing, slow and rhythmic long breaths, so that your breathing can be smooth."

Kakashi slowly adjusted his breathing, and after gradually adjusting it, he finally calmed down.

Qianyu asked:"How do you feel?"

Kakashi complained:"It feels terrible!"

Qianyu smiled and said:"Although only one day has passed, your current condition is much better than yesterday, you should be able to feel it yourself."

Kakashi felt it carefully, and it was true.

Yesterday he really couldn't even breathe, and now, although the feeling of suffocation is still there, he can breathe slowly.

Qianyu explained:"You are in the process of adapting now, because it is just the beginning, so the changes will be very obvious. As long as you wear this thickened mask and breathe as usual, then you will succeed, and you can almost absorb a lot of oxygen in a short time."

Kakashi was surprised:"It's that simple?"

Qianyu looked at Kakashi, whose skin was pale, with a subtle expression:"Is it really that simple?"

"Well..."Kakashi quickly changed his words and said,"It's not simple, not simple at all!"

Kakashi felt that it must be the lack of oxygen that caused him to feel dizzy, which made his brain slow down a bit and he said something like"it's that simple".

It's not simple at all, okay?

Waiting until the breathing is the same as usual doesn't mean it's over.

According to Chiyu's requirements, breathing the same as usual must mean that even fighting must be the same as usual.

Normal breathing and breathing during fighting are two different situations.

In fact, Kakashi now believes that this breathing method can allow the blood to absorb a large amount of oxygen in a short period of time, and greatly increase physical ability in an instant.

Because at that time, his cardiopulmonary function must be very strong.

Chiyu got up from the ground and said,"It's almost time to rest, let's continue."

Kakashi laughed bitterly,"So fast, can you rest for a while?"

Chiyu refused mercilessly,"No, I want to squeeze you now. If you meet the Rock Ninja later, I plan to let you go."


Kakashi was confused.

Will he have to fight against the Rock Ninja later?

In this state, isn't he just a fish on the chopping board, at the mercy of others?

Is it necessary to be so strong?

Kakashi had always been looking forward to receiving the mission to fight against the ninja.

But now, Kakashi has never hoped to avoid encountering the enemy as much as he does now.

But the more you fear something, the more likely it will come.

Chiyu suddenly stopped.

"There are three ninjas at the three o'clock position. This area is in the contact area between our Konoha ninjas and the Rock ninjas, so it is basically confirmed that they are the Rock ninjas. Go ahead, Kakashi."

Kakashi looked at Chiyu in disbelief:"Teacher Chiyu, are you really going to let me go in this state?"

Chiyu squinted at Kakashi:"Do you think I'm joking? I said that I prefer to teach in actual combat, so unless you want to be killed, I will never take action."

Kakashi's eyes widened:"Really? You want me to go one on three?!"

"Why didn't I notice that you have so many problems before? If it was when I was in the Kingdom of Soup, I would have taken action against them if they didn't act even after I gave the order. It's because you are my disciple that I have some patience with you, but I don't have much patience."

""Okay, okay, I'll go."

Kakashi, who had been given an ultimatum by Chiyu, had to set off reluctantly.

Kakashi quietly approached the three ninjas sensed by Chiyu.

As expected, they were Iwagakure ninjas.

Kakashi muttered in confusion:"I didn't see Chiyu teacher use the perception ninjutsu, how did Chiyu teacher sense it?" Kakashi sighed again

:"Forget it, I'd better take care of myself first. My current state is equivalent to being tied up. How can I fight?"

Kakashi didn't expect Chiba to come to his rescue.

As a genius, Kakashi has his own pride.

Even though he is in a very bad state now, he is still thinking about how to kill the enemy.

Instead of rushing out recklessly and expecting Chiba to come to his rescue.

Just when Kakashi was thinking about how to deal with the three Iwagakure, Kakashi's heavy breathing had attracted the attention of the three Iwagakure.

The three Iwagakure did not act rashly, but looked at each other obscurely, pretending to be nothing and continued to move forward.

Kakashi suddenly felt something was wrong.

Because the footsteps of the three Iwagakure No.

On the battlefield, Kakashi is used to observing the opponent first.

Just now, the steps of the three Iwagakure ninjas were very casual, but now, the steps of the three Iwagakure ninjas have increased, and their bodies are slightly tilted in his direction.

Kakashi's pupils shrank.

He was discovered!

Kakashi's current state is not advantageous, and he is still thinking about taking down the opponent through sneak attacks.

But now that he has been discovered, he is in an absolute disadvantage.

Kakashi did not hesitate at all and immediately retreated.

The three Iwagakure ninjas noticed that Kakashi retreated, and they also realized that Kakashi had discovered that they had discovered him.

An Iwagakure���Seal now

"Earth escape! Earthquake core!"

The Rock Ninja controlled the ground under Kakashi's feet to drop.

Feeling the vibration of the ground, Kakashi immediately jumped to the left.

A deep pit appeared where Kakashi was just now. If Kakashi had not jumped quickly, he would have fallen into it. After a slightly intense exercise, Kakashi had difficulty breathing and his ears began to buzz. He wanted to stand up, but his feet softened and he fell to the ground again. The three Rock Ninjas had surrounded Kakashi.

Looking at Kakashi's current state, the three Rock Ninjas also felt very strange.

Why does this Konoha ninja look like a sickly person?

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