Chiba gathered together the 17 Flying Thunder God Kunai that had nailed Minato Namikaze to the ground with silk threads.

Minato Namikaze's expression sank.

Chiba had not been attacking, but was only defending, waiting for him to use up all the Flying Thunder God Kunai in his ninja tool bag. He was careless, too careless.

Minato Namikaze was a little annoyed that he had not been more rigorous in the previous battle.

Since Minato Namikaze learned the Flying Thunder God Technique, he has never lost a single battle.

Facing any enemy, Minato Namikaze always won by crushing. So much so that in this battle between Minato Namikaze and Chiba, even though he reminded himself countless times not to underestimate Chiba, Chiba's blind defense still made him think that he had suppressed Chiba, and he was careless. Minato

Namikaze took a deep breath.

Things have come to this point, and no matter how annoyed he is, it cannot be reversed.

Minato Namikaze glanced at the Flying Thunder God Kunai in his hand, and his eyes became extremely sharp.

Just as Minato Namikaze was about to throw the Flying Thunder God Kunai at Chiyu, Chiyu had already taken the lead.

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!"

Qianyu gathered chakra in her throat and blew a huge fireball from her mouth towards Minato Namikaze.

At the moment the fireball exploded, a Flying Thunder God Kunai flew straight towards Qianyu's face from the flames.

"Thunder Breathing·Fourth Form·Far Thunder!"

Qianyu burst out with lightning all over his body, and rushed towards the Flying Thunder God Kunai at an extremely fast speed.

However, the figure of Minato Namikaze did not appear in front of Qianyu, but appeared at the location of another pile of Flying Thunder God Kunai.

"Wind Style: Wind Cutting Technique!"

Namikaze Minato exhaled, turned the wind into a sharp blade, and cut the silk threads that bound the 17 Flying Thunder God Kunai.

Chiyu's mouth curled up:"I've been preparing for this move of yours!"

Chiyu's shadow clone instantly drew out his ninja sword

""Thunder Breathing·Land Type·Lightning and Thunder Boom!"

Qianyu's shadow clone used itself as the center and instantly released countless lightning-like slashes in all directions.

The wind blade released by Minato Namikaze was instantly annihilated by these countless lightning-like slashes.

Minato Namikaze cannot use the Flying Thunder God Technique now.

Because that Flying Thunder God Kunai is guarded by Qianyu's body, and these 17 Flying Thunder God Kunai are guarded by Qianyu's shadow clones.

And he can't take the attack of Qianyu's shadow clone head-on.

Because once the lightning and thunder are hit, the body will be paralyzed for a while, and the next attack will be impossible to avoid.

Minato Namikaze can only dance on the tip of a knife, relying on his own reaction speed to avoid the lightning-like slashes.

After dodging the thunder and lightning, Minato Namikaze immediately distanced himself from Chiyu.

Minato Namikaze panted slightly and looked at Chiyu's real body and shadow clone.

Chiyu's real body was playing with his Flying Thunder God Kunai in his hand.

And Chiyu's shadow clone continued to guard the 17 Flying Thunder God Kunai.

Minato Namikaze frowned slightly.

Because of Chiyu's defense, he couldn't use the Flying Thunder God Technique easily next time.

Just when Minato Namikaze was thinking about countermeasures, Chiyu took the initiative to release the shadow clone, then threw the Flying Thunder God Kunai to the ground, clapped his hands and left. Minato

Namikaze frowned and asked in confusion:"Chiyu, where are you going? The battle is not over yet!"

But Chiyu's voice came from another direction:"It's over."

The Chiyu in Minato Namikaze's vision gradually became illusory until it disappeared.

Minato Namikaze looked in the direction where the sound came from, and Chiyu's figure appeared from there.

Minato Namikaze's pupils shrank.

He was just caught in an illusion?!

When did he get caught in an illusion?

During the battle, he deliberately did not look at Chiyu's eyes, so it should not be possible for him to be caught in an illusion.

Minato Namikaze wondered which link went wrong.

After a few minutes of silence, Minato Namikaze smiled bitterly.

"It was at that time."

Minato Namikaze figured it out. The only time he would be caught in the illusion was when Chiyu said, 'There are only 18 Flying Thunder God Kunai in total.'

He was shocked and subconsciously looked at Chiyu. Only at that time would he have a chance to be caught in the illusion.

"It's really hard to guard against. I can't let my guard down against Chiyu. But even if I hadn't been hit by the illusion, I would have lost."

Namikaze Minato didn't feel discouraged, but was full of fighting spirit.

Because in this battle with Chiyu, he learned a lot.

For example, the number of Flying Thunder God Kunai, he must not let the other side know how many Flying Thunder God Kunai he has, otherwise, he is likely to face a situation like this battle with Chiyu.

If the Flying Thunder God Kunai is controlled, then he will be passive.


Minato Namikaze heaved a sigh of relief, recovered all the Flying Thunder God Kunai on the ground, and disappeared into the night. After

Chiyu returned to his room, he also reviewed the battle with Minato Namikaze just now.

Unless his reaction speed is faster than Minato Namikaze, there is really no good way to deal with Minato Namikaze.

The only thing Minato Namikaze can show now is the Flying Thunder God Technique, and he has no other means of attack.

It seems that Jiraiya taught Minato Namikaze the skills of fighting. Because he is not good at wind-style ninjutsu, Minato Namikaze only knows some common wind-style ninjutsu. It will be even more troublesome if Minato Namikaze learns the Sage Mode in the future.

And after suffering a loss this time, Minato Namikaze will definitely correct it next time. It will be a bit troublesome to face Minato Namikaze in the future....

Two days later.

Chiyu came to the combat meeting room.

Orochimaru said to Chiyu:"Your transfer order has been approved. When you return to Konoha, go directly to find Sarutobi Sensei. He will give you the appointment letter, and then you can set off for the Land of Grass."

Chiyu nodded and said:"I see, thank you Sensei Orochimaru."

Orochimaru continued:"There is one more thing. You should have known it last time. As a Jonin, you need to lead a team of Genin."

Chiyu's face wrinkled immediately:"Teacher Orochimaru, I want to refuse this. I don't have time to lead Genin to fight."

Orochimaru shook his head and reminded:"I know you don't want to, but now as a member of the Hokage faction, You'd better not refuse this kind of thing.

Because even if you find the orphan of the Uzumaki clan, it is not an easy task to make Konoha give up Kushina, who has been trained, and choose the orphan you brought back as the container of the Nine-Tails.

So now you must not only improve your strength, but also keep up with your influence. And the most important thing is that you must be obedient, at least in front of them.

Only in this way can the top management choose the alternative among the two backup containers of the Nine-Tails, because they will also evaluate your value."

Hearing Orochimaru's analysis, Chiyu suddenly became serious.

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