After Chiyu left, Minato Namikaze stood there for a long time.

He thought a lot, but his mind was in a mess, and he just couldn't understand Chiyu.


Jiraiya appeared in front of Minato Namikaze. He heard all the conversation between Minato Namikaze and Chiba.

Minato Namikaze asked in a daze:"Teacher Jiraiya, am I wrong? But I don't think I am wrong.

Those are our companions.

I hope my companions can live, and I have never been soft-hearted to my enemies.

"Jiraiya put his hand on Minato Namikaze's shoulder and counseled:"Minato, you are not wrong, and Chiba is not wrong, but this is war.

There will always be sacrifices in war.

There is no way to have the best of both worlds.

Chiba is very similar to Orochimaru.

Both of them are very rational.

They will make plans based on the most favorable situation at the moment.

They will not be emotional.

As long as the benefits outweigh the losses, they will not care about the losses.

And you and I are very similar. You are unwilling to abandon your companions until the last moment and hope that your companions can live well.

But...This is the battlefield. You have been here for so long. Minato should be used to it. There is no war without sacrifice. We can only hide our feelings temporarily and act rationally.

We are all for Konoha, but Minato, you don't need to question yourself. You are better than Chiba, and the excellence I am talking about is not excellence in strength."

Namikaze Minato looked up at Jiraiya, not understanding what Jiraiya said that he was better than Chiba.

Jiraiya smiled and said:"Minato, you inherited the will of fire, which is a selfless spirit. You care about Konoha and regard all the people in Konoha as your companions. You want to protect the compatriots in the village and think that everyone in the village is a family.

And Chiba, like Orochimaru, has an indifferent temperament, some extreme behavior, and is a loner, and can't get along with anyone.

People like Chiba can be used as the 'general' in shogi, and people like you are more suitable to be the 'dama' who leads the 'general' in shogi.

In other words, you have the qualifications to become a Hokage."

Namakaze Minato was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Jiraiya to say that he had the qualifications to become Hokage.

Namakaze Minato said embarrassedly:"Teacher Jiraiya, I'm still far away."

Jiraiya laughed heartily a few times:"Of course you are still far away now, so you have to work harder and work hard to become a 'Dama' who can command the 'General'."

Jiraiya suddenly put his head close to Namakaze Minato and whispered:"Don't you want to pursue speed? I helped you apply for a ninjutsu from the old man and let you learn one of the ninjutsu in the Konoha Treasure Sealed Book.

It is a time-space ninjutsu created by the second generation Hokage, called the Flying Thunder God Technique. As long as you learn the Flying Thunder God Technique, you will be the fastest man in the ninja world!"

Namakaze Minato was very moved:"Teacher Jiraiya..."

Jiraiya patted Minato Namikaze's shoulder and said with a smile:"I am your master. Okay, go and have a good rest. We still have to fight a tough battle tomorrow night. If we want to reduce the sacrifice, we have to work harder to help our companions relieve the pressure."...

The next day.

All the ninjas in the Kingdom of Hot Springs gathered together.

There were less than a hundred ninjas in total.

There were about 150 Konoha ninjas originally sent to the Kingdom of Hot Springs, but some of them were sacrificed in the battle with the Cloud Ninjas.

Orochimaru's snake pupils scanned the people in front of him. When ordinary people face Orochimaru, because of his cold temperament, they can't help but be nervous and afraid.

But these people in front of them didn't have that.

These ninjas were all excited and looked at Orochimaru excitedly.

They have been defeated repeatedly these days, not to mention how aggrieved they are.

Now Orochimaru is here, and now there are two Sannins sitting here, and they are ready to counterattack the Cloud Ninjas, and they can finally vent their frustrations.

How can they not be excited?

Orochimaru said,"Now, line up according to the ninjutsu you are good at."

A group of ninjas began to stand in separate teams.

The ninjas who use fire escape ninjutsu are the most.

The ninjas who use earth escape and water escape ninjutsu are next, with about the same number.

Then there are the ninjas who are good at lightning escape ninjutsu.

Finally, there are the fewest ninjas who are proficient in wind-style ninjutsu.

There are 5 illusion ninjas and only 3 perception ninjas.

Orochimaru announced,"I think you all know that we are going to launch a surprise attack on the Hidden Cloud Village tonight. This action will directly determine whether all our subsequent actions in the Land of Hot Springs will go smoothly.

All of you are very important in this action. I will assign tasks to you. After the action begins, strictly follow the tasks I assign to you.

First, before the surprise attack begins, the perception ninjas will perceive the current situation in the Hidden Cloud Village.

Then Jiraiya and I will take the lead in entering the Hidden Cloud Village and destroy the place with the most people.

After the attention of the Cloud Ninjas was attracted by us, the ninjas who were good at using earth-style ninjutsu immediately took action and used earth-style ninjutsu to divide the battlefield so as not to let a large number of Cloud Ninjas and Hot Spring Ninjas gather together. After the battlefield was divided, the Earth-style ninjas and the Water-style ninjas cooperated with each other to create mudslides to hinder each other's actions..

Then it was the Fire Style Ninja, who separated a team and cooperated with the Wind Style Ninja to create flame winds in various places in the Hidden Tang Village.

The other Fire Style Ninjas advanced head-on, using Fire Style Ninja techniques to bomb from a distance to attract firepower.

The Lightning Style Ninjas provided support, and immediately provided support to whichever side showed signs of decline.

The Illusion Ninjas followed the Lightning Style Ninjas to provide support.

The purpose of this operation is not to occupy the Hidden Tang Village, but to remove the Cloud Ninja's base in the Hidden Tang Village. As long as the Cloud Ninja is driven out of the Hidden Tang Village, our goal will be achieved.

You each choose a team leader, and each team leader will receive a toad from Jiraiya. During the operation, Jiraiya's toad will inform the team leader of the latest mission, and the team leader will tell the ninjas in the team about the mission.

Start preparing now, and give you one hour to prepare."

The ninjas began to discuss who would be the team leader.

Orochimaru walked up to Chiyu and said,"Chiyu, you are very mobile, and I am confident in your strength. You act alone and find their commander to assassinate!"

Chiyu agreed seriously,"Yes, Teacher Orochimaru!"

At this time, Jiraiya said,"Minato's mobility and strength are also very strong. Let's add Minato to the task of assassinating the commander of the Cloud Ninja."

Orochimaru glanced at Minato Namikaze and said to Jiraiya,"This is your disciple, you can arrange it yourself."

Jiraiya asked Minato Namikaze,"Minato, are you confident that you can complete this task?"

Minato Namikaze looked at Chiyu and said firmly,"I am confident!"

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