Orochimaru and Chiyu left the Hokage Building together.

At the entrance of the Hokage Building, Orochimaru said to Chiyu,"You will be going to the battlefield with me next. Go make some preparations. Replenish the ninja tools that need to be replenished. Just come to the base to find me tomorrow morning."

Chiyu nodded and said,"Yes, Teacher Orochimaru."

Chiyu and Orochimaru acted separately. Chiyu first went to the ninja tool shop and bought some kunai, shurikens and detonating tags.

Chiyu came out of the ninja tool shop with a flash of pain on his face.

Although Chiyu did not do many tasks, they were all C-level tasks, and Orochimaru did not take a commission. Chiyu had no place to spend money, so he saved it all.

Chiyu thought he had a lot of money, but after going to the ninja tool shop, he went bankrupt.

Kunai and shurikens are okay, but detonating tags are too expensive, about 300 taels each.

Detonating tags have a wide range of uses. For example, if you want to set up traps, you will definitely need a lot of detonating tags. Detonating tags are very useful. Sometimes they can play a very important role in battle, but you can't not prepare them.

After touching his flat wallet, Chiyu sighed.

Fortunately, Orochimaru is supporting him now, so he doesn't have to worry about food, clothing, housing and transportation.

After Chiyu left the ninja tool shop, he returned to his home.

Now Chiyu needs to look at his witness points.

That's right, because of the incident of the Cloud Village ninja kidnapping Uzumaki Kushina, Chiyu once again obtained a witness point.

[Witnessing the kidnapping of the important figure Uzumaki Kushina by the ninjas of the Hidden Cloud Village, 500 witness points will be awarded. At the same time, because the host directly participated in this incident, an additional 800 witness points will be awarded.

Looking at his witness point number, Qianyu took a deep breath, and the corners of his mouth could not help but bend up.

Compared to witnessing the enrollment of Uzumaki Kushina and gaining 50 witness points, and witnessing the birth of Might Guy and gaining 50 witness points, this time 1,300 witness points is a huge sum of money!

Qianyu checked his character panel by the way.

[Character: Qianyu]

[Bloodline: Uchiha clan, Senju clan]

[Bloodline Limit: Double Magatama Sharingan]

[Chakra: Kakashi with Sharingan activated]

[Ninjutsu: E-level Ninjutsu Three Body Technique, C-level Ninjutsu Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique....]

[Illusion: Magic·Jag-hang Technique, Illusion·Sharingan]

[Physical skills: Shuriken throwing mastery, C-rank physical skills...]

[Additional ability: Thunder Breathing Full Sword Type]

Qianyu looked at his attributes and couldn't help showing joy on his face.

All these years of hard work have not been in vain. Compared with the time when he was in the ninja school, his strength is simply a world of difference.

However, Qianyu did not spend any money, mainly because it was unnecessary.

Qianyu now has a total of 1310 witness points, which seems like a lot, but Qianyu can hardly use the things that can be bought.

With Orochimaru's teachings, he has no shortage of ninjutsu. If he wants to exchange for any ability, such as the double-eyed three-magatama Sharingan, these witness points are not enough.

"Alas, what a huge sum of money, but still a poor guy."

Qianyu closed the panel and took out a scroll from the ninja tool bag.

After unsealing the scroll, a ninja sword appeared.

This ninja sword is Oyuluo's ninja sword.

During the battle, Qianyu discovered that Oyuluo's ninja sword has very good chakra conductivity, and it is very likely that chakra metal is mixed in it.

When Qianyu was in the ninja tool shop, he also verified that this ninja sword was indeed mixed with chakra metal, but the amount was not much.

However, it is still a good weapon, better than the katana that Qianyu is using now. The katana that Qianyu spent 10 witness points to exchange has jagged edges on the blade.

Because of the gap caused by the battle, Qianyu honed it. Many times, so the blade is uneven.

With this ninja sword, Chiyu's katana can retire.

Chiyu stood up and looked around his house.

Since getting this house, Chiyu has not lived here for a few days.

Originally, Chiyu planned to stay here for one night before leaving Konoha for the battlefield, but when Chiyu saw the dust on the bed, he decided to give up.

Chiyu left the room and went to Uzumaki Mito's mansion, intending to tell Uzumaki Kushina that he was going to the battlefield.

After Chiyu arrived at Uzumaki Mito's mansion, it was Uzumaki Kushina who opened the door.

Chiyu said in surprise:"Kushina, you are awake."

Uzumaki Kushina thought of the previous kiss, her cheeks flushed, she lowered her head slightly shyly, and whispered"um".

Chiyu said to Uzumaki Kushina:"Kushina, I will go to the Kingdom of Hot Springs with Teacher Orochimaru soon for a long mission, and I may stay in the Kingdom of Hot Springs for a long time."


Uzumaki Kushina suddenly turned her head to look at Chiyu, her expression somewhat lost.

Chiyu reached out and rubbed Uzumaki Kushina's head, and said with a smile:"Although I may stay in the Land of Hot Springs for a long time, I will find a way to go back to Konoha to see you." Uzumaki

Kushina pouted. She had seen Chiyu for quite a while. Although this kind of thing happened, Uzumaki Kushina immediately washed up after waking up, changed into a beautiful dress, and looked forward to Chiyu coming to her later.

Even if she didn't go anywhere, it would be nice to find a place to sit and chat with Chiyu.

Unexpectedly, Chiyu was about to leave.

Looking at Uzumaki Kushina's expression, Chiyu said lovingly:"We're leaving tomorrow morning. We still have some time now. Do you want to go around and walk around?"

Uzumaki Kushina instantly became energetic and nodded her little head vigorously:"Okay, let's go right away!"

After greeting Uzumaki Kushina and Uzumaki Mito, she and Chiba wandered around Konoha.

As they were wandering, the two came to the woods of Konoha. Chiba and Kushina didn't say anything, enjoying this moment of tranquility and happiness.

It was not until it was dark that Chiba went out to send Uzumaki Kushina home.

At the door of Uzumaki Mito's mansion, Chiba instructed:"Kushina, Konoha has been uneasy these days. You should stay with Lord Mito for a while and don't leave. Also, you can ring the bell if you encounter any problems, and I will do my best to come here immediately...."

Chiyu explained a lot, and Uzumaki Kushina just looked at Chiyu's face and listened quietly.

After explaining, Uzumaki Kushina suddenly held Chiyu's right hand.

Chiyu's right hand was wrapped in a bandage, and Uzumaki Kushina looked at the bandage on Chiyu's right hand steadily.

Chiyu smiled and said,"It's just a minor injury. It will heal in two days. Don't worry."

Uzumaki Kushina looked at Chiyu's eyes with a serious expression, and said with a burning gaze,"Chiyu, I will work hard too! I will practice hard and will not be a burden to you anymore!"

Chiyu gently hugged Uzumaki Kushina into her arms and whispered,"You have never been a burden to me. You are my pride and the direction I work hard for."

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