The morning class was over and it was time to get out of class.

After class, Uzumaki Kushina was surrounded by several boys in the class.

"Tomato, from today on you will be called Tomato! A chubby round face and red hair, isn't that a tomato?"

"How could Tomato become Hokage?"

"I hate tomatoes the most!"

"Me too, if there are tomatoes in my salad I leave them!"

"How could an unpopular tomato gain the approval of the villagers?"


Uzumaki Kushina pouted, but she couldn't refute it.

Because after hearing what they said, she really looked like a tomato.

"An unpopular tomato and an unpopular traitor. No wonder you two can sit at the same table."

"Tomato and tuna, a perfect match"...

Chiyu pouted his lips in disgust, he also had a nickname in school, and traitor was his nickname.

The reason why his nickname was traitor was because that was what the parents of these kids called him.

Seeing that these kids were getting more and more excessive, and even dragged him into it to make fun of Uzumaki Kushina, Chiyu could no longer turn a blind eye. The most important thing was that Chiyu glanced at Namikaze Minato, and although Namikaze Minato was looking at Uzumaki Kushina, he didn't seem to have any intention of helping out.

Just as Chiyu got up and walked over, one of the kids grabbed Uzumaki Kushina's hair.

"They are all ripe, it’s tomato festival, let’s harvest the fruits!"

Uzumaki Kushina grabbed the hand of the brat and was about to get mad, but Chiyu had already walked behind the brat who grabbed Uzumaki Kushina’s hair.

""Hey, can you give way?"

Several little ghosts surrounding Uzumaki Kushina immediately pointed their spearheads at Qianyu:"What qualifications do you have for us to give way? Get away!"

Qianyu said faintly:"It must be very embarrassing for you to fight here, right?"

Qianyu was blocked by several students not long after entering school, but perhaps as Qianyu has half the blood of the Senju clan, his physical fitness is very good, and he can fight several people alone.

Later, although Qianyu's strength is not as good as Namikaze Minato, he is also among the best in the school.

Gradually, these bullies no longer come to trouble Qianyu.

Hearing what Qianyu said, the faces of these little ghosts froze.

Qianyu walked forward, used his shoulder to push away the little ghost who was still holding Uzumaki Kushina's hair, and walked out of the classroom.

Qianyu, who walked out of the classroom, was suddenly stunned. He remembered.

Uzumaki Kushina...It seems that he is not needed to rescue her.

Uzumaki Kushina herself is a person who never gives up, and the physique of the Uzumaki clan is different from that of ordinary people.

The next second.

Chiyu heard a voice in the classroom.

"Who are you calling Tomato! Let me make it clear that I hate Tomato, too!"

Uzumaki Kushina grabbed the arm of the brat who had grabbed her hair before, and then swung it hard, directly throwing all the brats around her away.

Then Uzumaki Kushina rode on a brat, and her little fists kept falling on the brat's head:"If you underestimate me again and call me Tomato, I will make you pay for it!" At this time, Uzumaki Kushina saw the smiling Namikaze Minato, and Uzumaki Kushina said unhappily:"What's so funny?!"

Namikaze Minato turned his head away instantly, and only dared to look at Uzumaki Kushina with his peripheral vision.

The afternoon class was about to begin.

Chiyu went to the convenience store to buy a rice ball, and returned to her seat in the classroom while eating.

Uzumaki Kushina pouted and looked very angry.

Chiyu glanced at the little devils who had blocked Uzumaki Kushina before, with bumps all over their heads.

Was he angry because he felt that the beating was not light?

Chiyu listened to Masada Hayabusa's lecture in silence.

During class.

Uzumaki Kushina's frequency of peeking at Chiyu increased significantly.

An afternoon made Chiyu feel uncomfortable all over.

Finally, the afternoon class was over, and school was finally over. Chiyu couldn't wait to leave the classroom.

Now Chiyu's mind was full of thunder breath.

However, Chiyu didn't notice that Uzumaki Kushina's hand was half raised. In the air, the expression was a little awkward.

Just now, Uzumaki Kushina wanted to talk to Chiyu, because Chiyu was an isolated person, and she, Uzumaki Kushina, was also an isolated person.

As a child, Uzumaki Kushina was still eager for friends, especially when she came to a strange place for the first time.

Chiyu's behavior of helping her out just now made Uzumaki Kushina want to be friends with Chiyu.

Looking at Chiyu's departing back, Uzumaki Kushina clenched her two small fists together, her eyes full of determination, and chased after her.

But Chiyu is now eager to go home, and she almost ran to her home.

In order to catch up with Chiyu, Uzumaki Kushina also chased Chiyu with her two short legs madly.

Until they left the streets of Konoha, in the edge area of Konoha, Uzumaki Kushina, who was chasing Chiyu, shouted with difficulty:"Hey! Wait!"

When Qianyu heard the familiar voice, she turned around in surprise and was very surprised to see Uzumaki Kushina. Uzumaki Kushina saw that Qianyu finally stopped, put her hands on her thighs, and breathed heavily.

Qianyu took the initiative to walk in front of Uzumaki Kushina and asked,"Is there something you want to talk to me about?"

After taking a deep breath, Uzumaki Kushina stretched out her little hand towards Qianyu and said loudly,"My name is Uzumaki Kushina!"

Qianyu looked at Uzumaki Kushina with strange eyes.

Uzumaki Kushina felt uneasy when she was looked at by Qianyu.

"My name is Qianyu."

Qianyu stretched out her hand and shook Uzumaki Kushina's hand lightly, then immediately let go.

Uzumaki Kushina asked in confusion:"Qianyu? Is this your surname or your first name?"

"First name, I don't have a last name"

"Huh? No last name��"

Uzumaki Kushina's little head was a little confused. Is there anyone else without a surname?

Qianyu asked again,"Do you want to talk to me about something?"

Uzumaki Kushina plucked up the courage to say,"I want to be friends with you!"

Qianyu thought to himself,"As expected."

"Uzumaki Kushina-san, you should have seen my situation in the class."

Uzumaki Kushina said innocently,"Well, I know, you and I are both isolated."

Chiyu smiled and said,"Your situation is different from mine. I am isolated by the whole village. If you make friends with me, you may also be isolated by everyone.

Today is just your first day at school, and you have met some bad students. You can still find friends in the future.

Try to ask the teacher to change your seat, because even if you sit at the same table with me, it will be difficult for you to find friends. It's getting late, and you should go back. Goodbye."

After Chiyu politely rejected Uzumaki Kushina, she waved to Uzumaki Kushina and turned away.

Uzumaki Kushina looked at Chiyu's receding back and lowered her head in disappointment.

She finally mustered up the courage to be friends with Chiyu, but was rejected, and felt a little uncomfortable.

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