There were 34 bandits, and only 9 of them were still alive before they even touched the corner of Chiyu's clothes.

This is a ninja.

Ordinary people, even strong adults, cannot pose a threat to underage ninjas.

Like Kakashi, he graduated from the Ninja School at the age of five and started chopping people, and the people he chopped were ninjas.

The speed at which those 9 people escaped was as slow as a turtle in Chiyu's Sharingan.

Chiyu easily caught up with a bandit, and the sword in his hand slashed at the back of the bandit's neck without stopping.

The bandit felt that he was still running, but his vision was infinitely lowered, and finally fell to the ground.

Looking at the headless body falling beside him, the bandit suddenly realized.

Oh~ that's his own body, he was beheaded...

The beheaded bandit finally saw Qianyu's face clearly.

Was it just a child?

A child almost killed them all.

Judging from this situation, the others should not be spared.

‘Next Life...In my next life, I must become a ninja, and then go robbing! '

With the hope for the next life, the bandit's consciousness completely dissipated.

Qianyu continued to kill people while counting down.

Hearing Qianyu's somewhat childish countdown, the few bandits who survived were terrified.

This countdown number is completely their death warrant.

A scream represents the death of a companion, and the despair in their hearts can no longer be contained.

When Qianyu counted down to '3', the two bandits in front stopped running.

I can't escape even if I want to. I won't run anymore. I'm tired. I'll be destroyed. If I die, I'll die. I won't be afraid like this anymore.

The two bandits put down their weapons and waited for death to come.

Qianyu was merciless to the two bandits who put down their weapons and beheaded them directly. Qianyu counted down to '1'.

The only bandit left was the last bandit leader.

The bandit leader saw Qianyu killing his men one by one like cutting melons and vegetables, and he had already run away in fear.

The bandit leader is about to leave the village, still cursing.

"Bastard, he actually hired a ninja to deal with us. If I know who he is, I will torture him and then kill him!"

"Damn, all the money I robbed today is still there. I have to give up. Fortunately, there is still some money left from the previous robbery."

"Now we can't stay in Tian Country anymore, so we should go to Moon Country as planned, recruit soldiers and directly rob Moon Country's villages."

The bandit leader suddenly stopped because he felt his ankle hit something.

Looking down, it was a steel wire.

The bandit leader breathed a sigh of relief. When his ankle hit something, he felt a palpitation in his heart.

Just when the bandit leader didn't take it seriously and was about to move forward, he heard a"sizzling" sound.

The bandit leader looked down again and saw a piece of paper with the word"explosion" written on it, which was already half burned.

"Oh, it's a piece of paper...."

"Paper? Detonating Talisman?!"

The bandit leader's hair stood up instantly. When he wanted to run away, the detonating talisman had already exploded.

"With a"bang", the detonator exploded, and the shock wave of the explosion knocked the bandit leader heavily against the wall.

The bandit leader, who was dazed by the explosion, struggled to get up, but fell to the ground again. The bandit leader looked at his legs, and his eyes shrank into a point in fear.

His right leg was blown off in the explosion just now, and the wound was still bleeding.

""Ah~ my leg!!"

The bandit leader covered the wound of his broken leg and cried out miserably.

Qianyu walked up to the front of the bandit leader, staring at him with his scarlet Sharingan.

The bandit leader stared at Qianyu's Sharingan blankly, and even forgot to scream.

Looking at Qianyu's Sharingan, the bandit leader felt like falling into an ice cellar, which made people shudder.

Qianyu raised the katana in his hand, pointed the tip of the knife at the throat of the bandit leader, and whispered:"0."

Qianyu's katana pierced the throat of the bandit leader, and blood splattered immediately.

The bandit leader's eyes gradually became unfocused, and he went to hell with his"grand ambitions".

Qianyu swung the katana vigorously to shake off the blood on it, then clamped the katana on his arm and wiped it, wiping the remaining blood on the blade and putting it back into the sheath.


Qianyu exhaled a breath.

It was very easy for him to wipe out 34 bandits now. These bandits had no power to fight back.

If he could use the Thunder Breathing, it would be even easier. Qianyu was sure that he could kill all 34 bandits in a very short time, leaving no one alive.

However, this was a task that Orochimaru took on specifically to test Qianyu's training results for the past month.

If he used the Thunder Breathing, it would lose its meaning.

However, the feeling of using ninjutsu in training is really different from that of using ninjutsu in actual combat.

It seems to be more convenient.

Just when Qianyu turned around and was about to leave to find Orochimaru, Orochimaru had already appeared behind him.

Orochimaru looked at the corpse of the bandit leader, raised a curve at the corner of his mouth, and praised:"Well done, you can effectively conceal your breath during the assassination, and you also used those ninjutsu quite skillfully, and you also had a good idea, making full use of the characteristics of water escape and thunder escape, and matching them together.

The action was also quite rigorous, and the detonating talisman trap was arranged in advance to prevent any fish from escaping."

Hearing Orochimaru's praise, Qianyu couldn't help but laugh.

This month, it was the first time that Orochimaru praised him so much.

Every time during training, Orochimaru would ask Chiyu a lot of questions.

Chiyu almost thought that his talent was very poor several times.

Now that Orochimaru finally praised him once, Chiyu was in a very good mood.

Orochimaru continued,"Especially, you have a very good habit."

Chiyu was stunned. He has a habit?

What habit?

Chiyu pricked up his ears and listened carefully.

Orochimaru said,"That is, when you kill the enemy, you always target the opponent's head, either beheading or cutting the throat. There are only a few vital parts of the human body. Even if the heart is pierced, the opponent has a certain amount of time to act. During this time, it is very likely that the opponent will counterattack.

Whether it is beheading or cutting the throat, it is an effective means to make the opponent lose the battle immediately. This habit is quite good."

Hearing Orochimaru's evaluation, Chiyu touched his nose a little embarrassedly.

Thinking about it this way, it is true that cutting the throat and beheading has become his habit.

The reason is Thunder Breathing.

Because Thunder Breathing is a technique to kill ghosts, and the ghost's weakness is the neck, so all sword types are aimed at the neck.

Hearing Orochimaru's praise, Qianyu felt that this habit was really good~

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