Chiyu lived in Orochimaru's underground base.

And Orochimaru has made a package of training plans for Chiyu.

But Chiyu didn't know that the following days would be a nightmare for Chiyu.

The next morning, before dawn, Chiyu was awakened by a snake.

When the snake climbed onto Chiyu's bed, Chiyu woke up with a start.

Moreover, this snake could speak human language, it must be a summoned beast summoned by Orochimaru.

"Master Chiba, Master Orochimaru is waiting for you.

This is the first time someone...No, it was a snake calling him"sir", which felt weird.

When Chiyu came to Orochimaru's office, Orochimaru was already reading a scroll of ninjutsu.

"Now that you're up, let's get started. Follow me."

Orochimaru brought Chiyu to the training ground of the underground base.

In the center of the training ground, Orochimaru directly summoned a large number of snakes.

Orochimaru said to Chiyu,"You'll start with physical training in the morning. You can't use Lightning Chakra to activate your body. Just use the purest physical strength. Hit as many snakes as possible within one minute. You can only stop when I say stop. Are you ready?"

Chiyu, who had just woken up, was a little confused. This was too sudden. She hadn't even had breakfast!

Chiyu took a deep breath and nodded,"I'm ready, Teacher Orochimaru."

"Let's get started, the countdown begins."

Chiyu rushed out instantly, hitting the snake's body with his hands.

The snakes hit by Chiyu turned into smoke and disappeared.

And Orochimaru came to the edge of the training ground, sat on a chair that had been prepared long ago, and continued to read the unfinished ninjutsu scroll.

One minute passed quickly, and Chiyu felt very relaxed.

After all, it was only one minute.

Just when Chiyu wanted to report to Orochimaru that one minute had passed, Orochimaru said without even looking up:"Continue."

Chiyu continued to hit the snake.

One minute after another, another minute passed.

Chiyu didn't know how many minutes he had spent.

And Orochimaru was always those two words...


I don't know how many waves of snakes have been replaced on the training ground.

After so many times, Qianyu didn't even ask and took the initiative to start a new minute.

At the beginning, Qianyu was still very relaxed, but the longer the time, the more tired her body became.

Qianyu got up at five o'clock in the morning to start training, and now it is almost ten o'clock.

This one-minute training is still going on.

Qianyu's speed is getting slower and slower, and his steps are getting heavier. He has been bitten by snakes several times.

Fortunately, these snakes are not poisonous. If they were poisonous, Qianyu would have died countless times.

However, when he was bitten by a snake for the first time, Orochimaru allowed Qianyu to open Activate the Sharingan for training.

After activating the Sharingan, the increased dynamic vision made Chiyu's training easier.

However, the Sharingan could not increase Chiyu's physical strength, and these snakes were still as fast as before, so the training became difficult again after a short while.

And since Chiyu stopped asking questions, Orochimaru has been looking at the ninjutsu scroll over there, as if he had forgotten about him, which made Chiyu really depressed.

Chiyu was distracted and was instantly bitten on the arm by a snake.

When Chiyu shook off the snake and was about to continue for the next minute, Orochimaru's voice came:"Let's stop here for the physical training."

Qianyu had never felt that Orochimaru's hoarse voice was so pleasant, and she immediately collapsed on the ground and took a deep breath.

This training seems simple, and it is indeed simple, but it is a test of accuracy, concentration, endurance and speed.

Especially the eyes.

Qianyu's eyes were sore and bitter from staring at the snake's movements with full concentration, and it seemed that everything she saw was double.

Orochimaru closed the scroll in his hand, stood up and walked in front of Qianyu.

Orochimaru began to explain his problem to Qianyu:"You have a big problem. Your speed and endurance are completely stimulated by the lightning chakra to activate the body.

Without the blessing of the lightning chakra, you can hit about 120 snakes per minute on average at the beginning, about two snakes per second. This speed is already quite good compared with your peers, but for you who pursue speed, then this efficiency is completely unqualified.

And your endurance, after an hour, the speed at which you hit the snake has begun to drop sharply, that is to say, in battle, after an hour, your combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

Your concentration was barely acceptable, as you were not bitten by the snake until about two hours later, but your use of the Sharingan was too poor. The opening of the Sharingan has enhanced your dynamic vision, so you don't have to focus only on the few snakes in front of you like you did before the Sharingan was opened. You should make full use of your dynamic vision to judge the movements of more snakes around you and react in advance.

You rely too much on the blessing brought to you by the lightning attribute chakra. What you need to do now is to work hard to improve your physical fitness. After your physical fitness improves, you can use the lightning attribute chakra to activate your body, and your speed and endurance will also be greatly improved.

Therefore, in addition to the current training, strength training will be added to the physical training tomorrow morning."

Qianyu heard Orochimaru explain his problem, and Qianyu accepted it all with an open mind.

At the same time, Qianyu was still a little disappointed.

Qianyu believes that he has been working hard and should be quite good, but in Orochimaru's mouth, he seems to be quite bad.

There is more to learn....We need to work harder.

Chiyu thanked him,"Thank you, Mr. Orochimaru. I will work hard!"

Orochimaru nodded and said,"Come with me to eat first. We will start ninjutsu training in the afternoon."

Chiyu followed Orochimaru and left the training ground.

Chiyu never expected that Orochimaru would cook lunch himself, and he made omelette rice.

Looking at the omelette rice covered with sauce in front of him, it seemed to be delicious.

After taking a bite, it was really delicious.

Chiyu felt a little surprised.

And Orochimaru is really a ninjutsu madman now. Even when he was eating, he was holding a ninjutsu scroll and watching it.

The ninjutsu training in the afternoon also began.

Ninjutsu training is not easier than physical training, and it is even more difficult.

Because Chiyu does not know any other ninjutsu except thunder breathing, Orochimaru first taught Chiyu the four C-level ninjutsu of thunder, fire, water, and earth, and let Chiyu practice first.

Chiyu constantly consumes the chakra in his body to practice ninjutsu.

When the chakra is used up, he will refine the chakra on the spot, and then continue to practice.

The time of refining chakra is Qianyu's short rest time.

It is not until about six o'clock in the evening that Qianyu's day of practice stops.

After eating a few bites of dinner, Qianyu lay dead on the bed.

The main reason is that he can't squeeze out any more.

In the morning, he drained his physical strength, and in the afternoon, he drained his chakra. The first day of training was so torturous.

Thinking about the days to come, Qianyu couldn't help but shudder.

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