I understand, come with me! Mabuyi also knew that the situation was urgent, so he didn't ask any further questions, and took Samyi to meet the fourth-generation Raikage of Yunyin Village.

Soon, Mabuyi took Samui to an office, and he pushed in without knocking on the door.

At this time, the people in the office also appeared in Samui's line of sight. There were only three people, one of them was sitting in front of the desk, a middle-aged strong man with a big back, and he was the fourth generation of Yunyin Village. Raikage, Ai!

Ai, is the name of the Raiying of all dynasties. No matter what the previous name was, as long as he took over the position of Raiying in Yunyin Village, he would automatically change his name to Ai!

The two people standing behind Raikage are Raikage's guards. One of the ninjas with yellow hair is named Nishi, a perception ninja! The other is called Darui, the only successor of the black thunder, the Yunyin elite Shangin who has the limit of the blood of the cloud, and is the captain of the first team of the ninja alliance in the original Naruto. He showed great strength when he fought against the eagle with Raikage. He was skilled in using Shui Dun and Lei Dun, and he played superbly with swordsmanship. During the battle, he pressed Sasuke and pressed Shui Yue.

After Abuyi pushed the door of the office open, the three of them looked at Abuyi and Samyi behind her in surprise!

Mabuyi, what's going on? Lei Ying didn't blame Mabuyi for being rude, but frowned and asked Mabuyi, because he knew that Mabuyi was always calm, if it weren't for what happened Urgent things must not be so rushed.

Lord Raikage, an emergency has indeed occurred. It seems that members of the Akatsuki organization have infiltrated our Yunyin Village!

Xiao Organization? What's going on?

Let Samui explain this to you! Mabuyi replied, and then looked at Samui beside him: Samui, tell Raikage-sama what you want to say!

After hearing Mabuyi's words, the other three looked at Samui with the same doubts!

Yes! Here's the thing. Today, when I asked Yukito to go to the market together, I ran into them at the market. At that time, they seemed to have noticed that we had noticed them, so they left. We didn't know their purpose, so I negotiated with Yukito, and I came back to inform Raikage-sama, while Yukito kept up with the two members of Akatsuki's organization by himself, and had mastered their whereabouts.

Nani? Did Yukito catch up by himself? If it's really Akatsuki's organization, that's too bad. Although I don't know much about this organization, but according to some people in our village scattered all over the ninja world. The spy reported that this organization seems to be composed of some S-level rebels and ninjas, and each member's strength is higher than that of Shangnin. It is impossible for a wooden man to handle them alone. If they find out, she'll be in danger! After learning that Yukito was following Akatsuki's people alone, Darui behind Raikage put away his lazy look, and said solemnly.


Lei Ying, who was sitting behind the desk, suddenly threw a punch and slammed into the desk in front of him, directly blowing the desk.

I saw him stand up abruptly and said angrily: Damn! How dare you go to Yunyin Village to run wild, I don't care what organization they are, if they dare to offend our Yunyin Village, I will definitely take them one by one. Squeeze!

Boss, let's hurry up and chase after Yumu Ren. If he is discovered by the people of Xiao's organization, then she is in danger! The perceptive ninja, Xi hurriedly reminded.

Humph! Mabuyi, immediately ordered to go down, block all the exits of Yunyin Village, and do not allow anyone to leave the village. If you encounter any suspicious people, then arrest them.

Yes, Raikage-sama!

Dalui, Xi! Let's go! Raikage turned around and greeted the commanding guards after instructing Mabuyi, then jumped out directly from the glass window of the office building, followed by two guards .

the other side!

At this time, Chonggo and Shuiyue, who had already turned into a half-curse, joined forces and launched an attack on the half-tailed beast-turned Yumu. Facing the two people's pincer attack, Yumu was obviously not as easy as before, and he was still Gradually at a disadvantage, it is only a matter of time before he is defeated. I believe that if there is no accident, Yuki will be captured by Shigego and Suizuki soon. However, as a human pillar, of course, Yuki will not be defeated so easily. …

Looking at Shigego Hao Suizuki who fought with Yuki, Xianglin asked Chen: It seems that Shigego and Suizuki will not be able to solve the two-tailed Zhuri for a while, and you said Human Zhuli seems to have another ability called Tailed Beast Transformation. Human Zhuli who has entered Tailed Beast Transformation can use the power of Tailed Beast to make his own strength stronger. With the current strength of Chongwu and Shuiyue, although he can barely cope with it , but it seems a little difficult to capture the tailed beast-like human Zhuli! If we delay, the reinforcements of Yunyin Village will feel it. At that time, we may have to face a large number of ninjas in Yunyin Village, and it is even possible Even their Raikage will appear, then it won't be so easy for us to leave!

Hehe, it's too late!

Small tail: 475137322

I'm sorry, because I stayed in the hospital all day yesterday and came back very late. I was really tossed. When I got home, I slept straight away, only to wake up after twelve o'clock and then start coding. From now on, you don't need to go to the hospital so frequently, you only need to go to the next day for a massage, which will not affect the update! …

Chapter 141: Transformed by a wooden man's tail

Looking at the cooperation between Shigego and Shuiyue in the field, although the wooden man was forced into a desperate situation, but the wooden man could not be taken down for a while, Xianglin couldn't help it.

Some worry.

Aren't you going to take action? If we delay, the reinforcements in Yunyin Village will feel it, and it will not be so easy for us to leave.

Haha! It's too late, you sense, there is a powerful chakra rushing towards this side, I think it should be Yun Yin's fourth-generation Raikage's chakra, at that speed, at most three We can be here in minutes, and since he is here, the exits of Yunyin Village must have been blocked by his orders, even if we want to leave now, it will not be so easy! Compared to Xianglin's anxiety , Chen still looked relaxed, and said with a light smile, as if he didn't take those things to heart at all.

What? Lei Ying? After hearing Chen's words, Xianglin was startled, and quickly closed her eyes to sense, and opened them not long after, the expression on her face was even more horrified.

Three powerful chakras are approaching here, and it will take up to three minutes to get here, and one of these three chakras is even stronger than the previous Lord Orochimaru, could it be Yunyin Village's Raikage? What should we do? Are we going to retreat?

Retreat? As I said just now, all exits of Yunyin Village should have been blocked now. Even if we retreat now, we will definitely collide with the guards and catch up with us like Raikage. Yunyin Village and Raikage are not enough to let me Uchiha Chen escape!

Speaking of this, Chen's eyes directly entered the state of kaleidoscope writing round eyes, a sneer hung on his face, and his body was full of unparalleled confidence and arrogance, as if Yunyin Village, one of the five major ninja villages, and Lei Ying were in his presence. In his eyes, he was just like a chicken and a dog, and he didn't pay any attention to it.


Looking at Chen's arrogant expression and indomitable attitude, Xianglin was stunned for a moment, an unnatural blush appeared on his face, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

At this time, the battle between Shigego Suizuki and Yukito suddenly changed. Under the joint attack of the two people, Yukito has gradually lost his strength. After defending the attack of Shuiyue again, he failed to escape the attack of Chongwu in time. At the moment of the wooden man, the pipes on his left hand spurted out a mass of gas, like a propeller. The power of his left hand was increased to the extreme, and he suddenly vomited blood from the wooden man, and flew backwards far away. , When his body fell to the ground, he was pushed away from the ground for a certain distance before he stopped. It seemed that he was seriously injured, and there was no movement for a while, as if he had passed out.

Hehe~~ It's hard to be hit by Chongwu's attack. I still remember his fists vividly, but this way our mission is completed, and then we just need to take her away! Look! In the tragic state of Yuki, Shuiyue Chongwu did not attack again, and put the beheading sword on his shoulders again, and Chongwu's curse mark gradually faded back into the body, returning to its original gentle appearance.

Chongwu, carry her away, don't make the boss wait too long! Really, I didn't expect it would take so much effort to capture a person Zhuli!

However, just when Shuiyue was complaining, Yuki, who was lying on the ground in the distance, suddenly mutated, and a blue chakra constantly emerged from his body, and this chakra was full of ominous and violent , this is the scene where Ren Zhuli is about to enter the tail beast transformation.

What's going on? That person Zhuli... Seeing such a situation, Shuiyue withdrew her mocking expression and exclaimed.

It seems to be the tailed beast that Chen said, be careful! Her strength has become stronger than before! Shigego reminded Shuiyue, and at the same time, the curse mark on his face appeared again, entering the mode of the curse mark state. .

Damn! After Shuiyue complained, she also put down the beheading sword on her shoulders, assumed a defensive posture, and looked vigilantly at Yukito not far from the opposite.

At the same time, the opposite Yuki slowly stood up from the ground, his body was completely wrapped in the blue chakra, his eyes had become completely white, and even his teeth had become sharp and protruding, which were originally tied His long hair was scattered behind him, and was blown away by the violent Chakra.

You... completely angered me. I won't show mercy to you guys anymore. I bet on the reputation of my Yun Yin and the two Yumu people. I must kill you all! At this time, the Yumu people were already angry. She had planned to capture the years and Chonggo alive, and now she planned to kill them all.

During the conversation, the state of the wooden man changed again, and the blue chakra on his body became more intense and violent, and gradually formed the shape of a huge two-tailed cat demon, roaring at Shuiyue and Chonggo. , staring at them both, ready to attack at any time.

Hey! Chongwu, it seems very bad, should we retreat first and let the boss deal with her! Feeling the oppression emanating from the two-tailed cat in front of him, Shuiyue quickly said to Chongwu beside him.

However, just as he was talking, the cat on the opposite side suddenly launched an attack, and saw that the claws of the cat's chakra transformed into longer, and then grabbed towards Suizuki and Shigego.

Be careful! Shigego was startled, and hurriedly greeted Shuiyue, and at the same time jumped towards the open space beside him, and Shuiyue on the side also responded in time, skipping Catyou's attack. The cat's claws slammed into the open space where Shuiyue and Shigego were just now, and pulled out a huge pit on the ground.

One missed attack, the cat raised its head again, roared provocatively at Shuiyue, and retracted its claws. Then he arched his body, in a posture that he wanted to pounce on.

Damn it! Do you think of me as a soft persimmon? Seeing that the cat seemed to want to attack herself again, Shuiyue felt furious. He roared and threw the decapitation knife in his hand into the sky.

, and then quickly formed a seal with both hands, and soon completed a set of seals, then took a deep breath, and then spewed a water column from the mouth, and it became larger and larger, and soon formed a turbulent river, heading towards The cat in front ran away again.

This is the unique ninjutsu of Kiriyin Village, the technique of water escape and great waterfall!

Chapter 142: Chen's counterattack

Water Escape. The Great Waterfall Technique!

Shuiyue felt unhappy when she saw the cat as a target again, thinking that the cat thought he was easier to bully, so she made him a target.

Shuiyue, who felt underestimated, roared angrily, and performed the Water Escape Waterfall Technique directly at the cat.

This technique causes the water around the caster to form a waterfall, slamming the enemy with violent water. This technique is the same as the water escape and water dragon bullet technique, and belongs to the high-level ninjutsu in the water escape ninjutsu. This technique is the signature ninjutsu of Kiriyin Village Ninjas.

I saw that after Shuiyue completed the seal, he took a deep breath, and then sprayed a column of water from his mouth. The water column was fan-shaped, getting bigger and bigger, and instantly formed a turbulent river, the diameter of which attacked the cat again, and the cat was hit by the turbulent river, unable to stand firm for a while, was swept away by the big waves, and suddenly was swallowed up by the flood.

However, after the momentum of Shuiyue's Great Waterfall dissipated, Maoyou's figure was revealed again. Except for some embarrassment, the Great Waterfall Technique did not seem to have caused substantial damage to it. However, Shuiyue's attack seemed to have completely annoyed the cat again. I saw that the cat at this time once again assumed the previous posture, with two front paws on the ground, the body slightly arched, and then after a roar, Countless chakra balls were ejected from his body, and what happened next shocked Suizuki and Shigego.

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