At the same time, Chen also found Naruto standing in front of the gate. At this time, Naruto was in a very bad situation. The chakra flowing out from behind the gate was about to wrap him completely, and only the head was left. The department has not been covered by the dark red chakra, and Naruto is still desperately resisting.

Humph! Seeing this scene, Chen snorted coldly, then came to Naruto's side, stretched out his hand to grab Naruto's neck, and then suddenly pulled Naruto out of the dark red chakra, Then he threw Naruto on the ground, and at the same time looked inside the iron gate jokingly.

And after Naruto was thrown out by Chen, he first gasped violently, then raised his head in surprise, and exclaimed after seeing a person's back, You are... Chen? Why are you here?

Then he reflected it again, showing an angry expression, got up from the ground, and rushed towards Chen: You bastard...

Enough, I'm not in the mood to toss with you any more, just stay with me in peace! Hearing Naruto rushing towards him, Chen yelled at Naruto without looking back. : You already know that it's just an illusion, your companions are all right, don't worry!

After hearing Chen's words, Naruto stopped. Of course he knew that it was an illusion, but it was all too realistic, and he spent a long time in the moon reading space, listening to the misery of his companions. Crying and begging made him collapse, and he couldn't think about whether it was an illusion or real. Now that he was broken by Chen Dao, he also calmed down.

Damn, why did you do that? Although he calmed down, Naruto still couldn't let go of Huaichen's actions and questioned him.

Of course it's for... to force the monster out of your body, because I'm very curious about it!

The monster in my body, don't you already know...

Of course! Chen replied with a sneer, and then ignored Naruto, but said jokingly inside the iron gate: What's the matter, Jiuwei, come out and say hello!

As soon as Zai Chen's voice fell, a pair of huge eyes suddenly appeared inside the iron gate, followed by a huge mouth full of sharp fangs.

You are... Soga, you are a member of the Uchiha clan! I didn't expect to grow up to this point, to be able to see me in Naruto because of those forbidden writing wheels. The power of the cursed clan. ! Kyuubi said in his low voice.

It's not the first time you've seen Sharinyan... Jiuwei! Chen said to Jiuwei with a sneer.

That Hitomi, and Chakra, who is more ominous than me, are exactly the same as Madara Uchiha in the past, disgusting!

Really? But now I don't dare to be compared with Madara Uchiha. That's it, I'm here just to see the rumored nine-tailed demon fox. Since I've already seen it, I should leave. But , we will definitely meet again in the future, nine tails! Chen said meaningfully, and then disappeared in front of Naruto and nine tails with a chuckle.

Hehe~~ Let's meet again? What an interesting guy! Forget it, let's stop for today! Kyuubi chuckled a few times, then closed his eyes, ignoring Naruto. And the dark red chakra that had flowed out of the gate also slowly shrank back into the iron gate.

In the outside world, what Shikamaru and others saw was that Naruto, who was struggling desperately, stopped struggling instantly after being glared at by Chen, and became quiet, as if they had encountered something very terrifying. Immediately afterwards, Naruto's body changed, and the tailed beast coat that originally wrapped him was constantly degrading. Start with the head, then the body, and finally the tail is gone. Gradually, Naruto's original appearance was revealed. At this time, Naruto seemed to be severely burned, and the skin of his whole body was burned red, and he was still smoking.

And after Naruto recovered, Chen also lifted the wooden escape ninjutsu. Without the support of the wooden sticks, Naruto fell to the ground.

Naruto! Seeing this, Shikamaru and Kankuro, who had been worried about Naruto, hurried over and helped Naruto to sit up.

Chen didn't stop Shikamaru and the others from approaching, just looked at them playfully, then ignored them, turned and left, and Shikamaru and others knew that they couldn't stop Chen, so they didn't shout.

ps: Ask for flowers! Ask for a reward! ! Ball customization!

Little tail: 475137322…

Chapter 103: Main Quest

After meeting the nine tails, Chen also left the ruins, and Shikamaru and the others were also acquainted and did not come to entangle them again, so there was no need for Chen to kill them all.

For Chen, killing them is just a little effort, but it is not good for Chen. No matter what, in the previous life, Chen also admired Xiaoqiang. As long as it did not hinder him, he would not go down. killer.

I didn't expect that the harvest of this trip would be so great. Not only did the kaleidoscope evolve into eternity, but it was also exchanged for Mu Dun, and even the chakra of the nine tails was obtained. The matter has also been resolved! Thinking of this, Chen rushed back towards the road he came from.

Along the way, Chen has been thinking about a problem. Originally Chen's biggest purpose is to become stronger, and then return to Konoha to get rid of Konoha's elders to avenge the Uchiha family, and he has been running around for this goal.

Now, he already has enough power, and it is easy to kill Konoha for revenge, but what to do after killing Danzo again, he has never thought about this, it was because he had no strength before, and he was single-minded. I just wanted to take revenge, so I didn't think so much. Now that I have the strength, I have to plan my future path. And now that he has offended Konoha and Sandyin

, even if he wanted to settle down, these two Shinobi villages couldn't easily let him go.

There is also Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Madara. These two people have been calculating Sasuke's eyes in the original work. If they are told that they have a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, then they will definitely come to the door. No matter if they are coercing or enticing, they must want to be on their side.

The above two points all show that it is completely impossible for oneself to stay out of it! More importantly, he himself is also unwilling to settle down like this. After all, he still has an omnipotent system on his body, and he believes that he is no worse than others. If he wants to subdue him, he cannot do it.

Therefore, whether it is the Ninja Allied Forces or Uchiha Madara, there is no place for him. If he wants to stand in the gap between the two parties, he must have the strength or power that can make everyone jealous !

It seems that there is still a long way to go in the future. Since God has reborn me in this world and has given me the golden finger of the system, then let me do something big with vigor and vigor. I, Uchiha Chen, are doomed not to. It will be silent like this, I want to be above everyone, and let the entire ninja world surrender at the feet of my Uchiha Chen!

At this moment, Chen's body exudes a sense of confidence and arrogance.

At this moment, the system that never released tasks easily sounded the task prompt again: Ding! The system releases the task: Due to the change in the host's mind, the hidden ultimate task is inspired: become the strongest in this world. , to rule the entire Naruto world, mission time limit: ten years, mission reward: Heart of the World, 1,000,000 points, lottery draw: 10 times. Penalty for mission failure: The system will reclaim all the abilities redeemed by the host, and make the host's points negative With a status of 500,000, this mission is mandatory and cannot be refused.”

Oh? The ultimate mission? And it's still mandatory, but it's exactly what I want. It seems that I'm destined to not be able to settle down! When you want to do one thing well, the system will issue a task, and this time is of course no exception, but I didn't expect that the system issued a mandatory ultimate task. However, the content of this task is the same as Chen thought, which is exactly in Chen's mind.

Since it's been decided, let's go back to Orochimaru first, which will be my place of rise. Thinking of this, Chen didn't think about it any more, and accelerated the speed of his journey.

No accident happened along the way. Chen soon returned to the small town where Orochimaru sent someone to meet him. Seeing that it was getting late, Chen had to spend the night in the small town. The next morning, he left the small town and rushed towards Tian Zhiguo.

However, after Chen left the small town, he sensed that he was already being watched, and followed Chen all the way from the small town. It turned out to be four ninjas from Sandyin Village, and their strength has reached the level of Shangnin.

After intercepting Chen, the four Sand Shinobi quickly surrounded Chen to prevent Chen from escaping. One of Sand Shinobi stepped forward and asked Chen, Are you Uchiha Chen or Uchiha Sasuke?

Hehe, guess what! Chen couldn't help laughing when he heard that the other party asked such a dramatic question.

Damn, don't care if he is Uchiha Chen or Uchiha Sasuke, anyway, both of them are S-class traitors wanted by Konoha, and Uchiha Chen also killed and kidnapped our ninja, in short, let's put him first If you catch him, then you will know whether he is Uchiha Chen or Uchiha Sasuke, and then hand it over to Konoha and let Konoha give us justice. Another Sand Shinobi said.

Indeed, arrest him first! The other two Sand Ren also agreed.

Hehe~~ No matter whether you are Uchiha Chen or Uchiha Sasuke, but since you are an S-class wanted criminal of our ally Konoha, you dare to show up in our country of wind, if you let you escape like this, then we The Land of Wind is not a joke, so when you meet us, you should consider yourself unlucky! A sand ninja showed a cruel grin at Chen, and then directly attacked Chen.

The other three Sand Ren did not attack together, but looked at Chen with great interest. In their opinion, no matter how powerful Chen is, it is impossible for him to be the opponent of Shangren, not to mention that there are so many of them at this time. Chen couldn't escape, as if Chen was already meat on the chopping board in their eyes.

I don't know whether to live or die! Chen's expression turned cold when he saw that the other party was attacking him without knowing how to live or die, and then he directly turned on the eternal kaleidoscope. He ominously wasted time on these people, intending to fight quickly.

I saw that Sha Ren, who was attacking, was stunned when he saw Chen's eyes, and then suddenly found that his body was nailed by several huge wooden stakes at some point, and his body could not move. Not only him, but also the other three Sand Ninjas, their bodies were nailed by huge wooden stakes, unable to move at all.

Magic. The Art of Hanging.

One of the illusion abilities of Hypnosis Eye possessed by Sharing Wheel Eyes. In the spiritual world constructed by the magician, the limbs of the captured person will feel like they are being punched into wedges, and the freedom of the body will be completely lost. An illusion accompanied by physical pain! It exerts a powerful effect like torture. The supreme illusion that restrains the opponent's actions requires no seal, and can be activated simply by looking at the opponent.

Little tail: 475137322…

Chapter 104: Itachi is now

After Chen had dealt with the four Sha Ninjas, he planned to continue on his way. Those Sha Ninjas didn't cause any trouble to Chen except for giving Chen 40,000 points.

My stupid brother, you really gave me a big surprise!

Just when Chen had dealt with the few Sha Ren and was about to leave, a playful voice sounded behind Chen, causing Chen to frown, turning around silently, and found not far behind him, I don't know when two people are standing.

Both of them were dressed in black robes and red clouds. Although one of them was expressionless, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes, while the other had a shark face, small eyes, and a bandage behind him. The entwined weapon was looking at Chen with a playful expression at this time. The identities of these two people are about to be revealed, and they are the core members of the Akatsuki organization, Konoha's S-class rebel Uchiha Itachi and Kiriyin's S-class rebellion, Oni Shark.

It turned out that after Jue told Itachi about Chen's information, he had been monitoring Chen's movements outside Yinyin Village. When Chen left Yinyin Village, Jue immediately told Itachi about Chen's whereabouts. So Itachi set off for the country of wind, and finally intercepted Chen at this time.

After seeing the person coming, although Chen was a little surprised, he didn't care too much. With his current strength, there is no need to fear anyone at all. Even if Uchiha Itachi and Oni Shark join forces, they will not pose much threat to themselves.

But Chen was not in a hurry, he wanted to see what purpose Uchiha Itachi came to find him, so Chen also showed a playful expression, and said playfully: Yo, who am I here, it turns out to be mine Dearest brother!

You... how far can you see with those pair of writing wheel eyes? Itachi didn't pick up Chen's words, but looked at Chen's eyes indifferently, and said something inexplicably.

Huh? Itachi's words made Chen stunned for a moment, and then said with a sneer: How far can I see? Now what my eyes can the way you died!

Itachi suddenly felt that he had never seen through Chen. Chen was different from a simple Sasuke. He was very special since he was a child. Itachi always couldn't guess what Chen was thinking, especially on the day when Uchiha killed the clan, Chen came back and saw it. The scene of the tragic death of his parents was completely different from the emotions that Sasuke showed. He did not behave like a child at all. He even released the month to him and reproduced the whole process of genocide. She shed tears silently at Mikoto's cooled corpse, showing no other emotions.

After Chen turned into an idiot, Itachi was also full of self-blame, but there was also a trace of peace of mind in his heart, because then Chen or Sasuke would not be taken away by Danzo. Although he was not in Konoha, he had been following Konoha's every move. After the death of the third generation, he immediately rushed back to Konoha to let Konoha's elders know that Uchiha Itachi was not dead yet. In order to achieve the purpose of protecting Sasuke and Chen. Also, after Jue Chen's information was told to him, he couldn't wait to rush over.

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