Shabi Taiyi, what nonsense are you talking about? I'm not your bride. Xiaojing shouted at Shabi Taiyi angrily. Then he said to Chen: Chen, don't pay attention to him, he is a lunatic, let's go.

Oh, is Uchiha's genius going to hide behind a girl? It's too timid! Haha~ That's right! That's it! Needless to say, such an arrogant tone must be the two of Inuzuka Tooth and Uzumaki Naruto. An idiot who is afraid that the world will not be in chaos.

What? Are you afraid? Aren't you Uchihas geniuses? Why don't you dare to duel with me? Shabi Tai sneered at Chen.

Damn, how dare you insult Uchiha, you are courting death! Sasuke on the side did not see anyone insulting Uchiha, so he jumped out and rushed towards Shabi Taiyi. He used to practice with Itachi, although he could not extract Chakra, but Physical skills are still much stronger than ordinary children, so he is not afraid of Shabi Taiyi, who is stronger than him.

However, Sasuke, who was about to rush towards Shabi Taichi, was stopped by Chen reaching out his hand.

What are you doing? You don't dare to go up, I'll go up. Get out of the way. Sasuke said dissatisfied with Chen.

That's my business, I don't need your intervention. Chen said coldly to Sasuke.

Humph! You two can go together, I don't mind the number of you. Tai Shabi said disdainfully to Sasuke and Chen.

Idiot, I don't need a helper to deal with garbage like you. Chen said to Shabi Taiyi expressionlessly.

You're courting death! Shabi Tai shouted and rushed towards Chen, raising his fist and hitting Chen's head.

Ah! Chen Jun, be careful! The nervous Xiaojing shouted to Chen. Chen-Jun, get out of the way. Ino, who was standing in the crowd, couldn't help but remind Chen. Some of the female students in the class had already closed their eyes in fright and dared not look.

Go to hell! When Shabi Taiyi's fist was about to hit Chen's head, Chen moved. As soon as he raised his right hand, he caught Shabi Taiyi's menacing fist in the palm of his hand. No matter how hard Shabi Taichi tried, he couldn't pull his fist back.

As early as three years ago, after Chen knew that this was the world of Hokage, he has been training himself, because he knew that this world was too dangerous, and he would be killed inexplicably if he was not careful, so Chen has not let up for the past three years. , I insist on exercising every day, and my physical fitness has long left these ordinary children a few streets away.

Trash, it's too weak. Chen said sarcastically at Shabi Taiyi, and then pulled hard with his right hand, Shabi Taiyi was savagely pulled in front of Chen, and Chen hit Taiyi's stomach with a knee. , Taiyi immediately bowed in pain and groaned in pain while holding his stomach with both hands. Chen again kicked Shabitai, who was hunched over, and kicked him directly to the ground. Although the action seems to be quite a lot, in fact, only a few seconds have passed.

Hey, trash. Chen said disdainfully to the sand wall on the ground, and turned to leave.

And Shabi Taiyi stood up with his teeth gritted, and rushed towards Chen again, his fist smashed at Chen's head, only to see Chen's head tilted, dodging Taiyi's punch, and then after everyone was still returning When he didn't react, he quickly turned around and grabbed Taiyi's neck with his left hand: Looking for death! Chen shouted, and then exerted his strength, and threw Taiyi to the ground. All his strength was concentrated on the index finger of his right hand. His head... stabbed the floor next to him. All actions are done in one go.

Pfft! The finger entered in response, and the whole finger did not enter the floor. Shabi Taiyi was so frightened that he didn't dare to move.

This time, the little friends were stunned! This...this... At this time, the arrogant expression on Fang's face was no longer there, and there was only shock and fear.

This... actually pierced the floor, if this stabbed someone... Thinking of this, even the fearless Naruto shuddered.

Bastard, how come, how can this guy be so strong, I obviously have practiced with Brother Itachi, and this guy only goes out to play every day, why is he so strong? Sasuke clenched his fists, thinking unwillingly.

Wow! It's amazing! Too strong, is this Uchiha's genius? Too strong. After the shock, the friends looked at Chen with admiration. And those female students screamed Chen Jun is so handsome! Chen Jun is so good, so strong, I like it! Chen Jun, I want to give you monkeys! Even Sakura and Ino No exceptions.

Aiya~~ Aiya~~ handsome guy really pleases women! Shikamaru complained helplessly on the side.

嘁! Chen retracted his fingers from the floor, stood up, turned around and walked out towards the door of the classroom.

ps: I'm sorry, the kitten really doesn't know much about fighting, so everyone will make up their own minds first, and it will be improved in the future!

Chapter 7: Meeting Ino by chance

Everyone in the classroom, looking at the back of Chen's departure, sighed: This is the genius of the big family!

Genius? All the so-called geniuses are forced out by myself. Can a simple genius kill my efforts? Chen listened to the discussion behind him and thought with disdain.

The difference between the so-called genius of a big family and an ordinary commoner is that the former has been taught by the elders in the family since childhood, while the latter has not. So people with families start much earlier than people without families.

This is equivalent to two people racing on the same starting line, one person runs first, while the other is still posing on the starting line. 's back.

Of course, if the former is only satisfied with the status quo and does not want to make progress, the latter will surpass the former through hard work.


, There is no natural genius, only hardworking genius.

Chen ignored the discussion behind him and walked towards the house.

I'm back! Chen returned home and found that only Uchiha Mikoto was alone, Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Fugaku were not at home.

It's Chen coming back! Huh? Didn't Sasuke come back with you? Although Chen and Sasuke looked exactly the same, as a mother, Uchiha Mikoto could recognize Sasuke and Chen at a glance.

Well, he's in the back, he'll be back soon. Chen replied to Uchiha Mikoto, his tone and expression were not as cold as usual. Every time Chen and Uchiha Mikoto were alone, seeing the doting on her in Mikoto's eyes, she couldn't help but pretend to be cold.

It would be a lie to say that Chen has no feelings for this family. After all, he was also born in Mikoto's tenth month of pregnancy. In the past six years, from babbling to toddlerhood, Mikoto has always accompanied him.

Even though he deliberately pretended to be indifferent after he learned about the world and identity he was in, Mikoto still smiled at him and pampered him, letting him enjoy the long-lost maternal love.

Even a dog that has been raised for six years will have a deep affection for its owner, let alone a person with flesh and soul?

However, Uchiha's fate was already doomed, even if the result was known long ago. What can Yichen's weak strength do? What can be changed? Could it be that he ran to Uchiha Fuyue and told him not to launch a coup, otherwise he would be exterminated? Even if Uchiha Fuyue has such a 1 in 1,000 chance of believing it, what about Uchiha's elders? You must know that such an important matter is definitely not something that the patriarch has the final say. If Chen really did this, he would probably be caught as a traitor. Even if he wasn't killed for the sake of the patriarch, it was certain that he would be imprisoned.

The result was still the same, there was nothing to prevent the Uchiha coup at all. In the original work, even the three generations and Itachi tried their best to prevent it but failed, and finally had to let Itachi carry out the genocide. Even Sandai and Itachi failed to succeed, Chen Ke would not naively think that his strength and status have surpassed Uchiha Itachi and Sandai Hokage.

Therefore, Uchiha was doomed to be exterminated. Chen has no power to change anything at all, all he can do is improve his strength as much as possible, so that he can have more chances to save his life in that big event. After all, there is no such character in the original work, who knows if it will change the plot.

It is precisely because the tragedy of being exterminated cannot be changed, so Chen will deliberately want to alienate this family. In a previous life, Chen's parents had a car accident and both passed away. Chen really didn't want to experience the heart-wrenching feeling of his parents dying in front of his eyes again, so he kept telling himself not to have too many feelings for this family.

Because Chen deliberately showed indifference, the family mistakenly thought that Chen had autism, depression or something, so the family unconsciously cared more about Chen than Sasuke. It is also for this reason that Sasuke's dissatisfaction with Chen led to the poor relationship between the two who were originally twins.

I'm back. At this time, Sasuke also returned home.

Sasuke is back. It's the first day of school today, how are you feeling? Mikoto asked Sasuke with a smile.

Sasuke glanced at Chen with a complicated look, and said to Mikoto, I didn't do well at school today, I didn't learn anything. By the way, Mom, what about Brother Itachi? Has he not returned yet?

Yeah, I heard that Itachi went on a mission today, and probably won't be back until tomorrow. Mikoto touched Sasuke's head and smiled at him. Oh, it's another mission, why are there so many missions? Sasuke said dissatisfied. Hehe, I can't help it, my brother is a ninja, and Sasuke will become a ninja in the future. Mikoto comforted Sasuke.

Okay, let's go play by yourself first. Mom will cook first. Mikoto said to Chen and Sasuke, then got up and went to the kitchen to cook.

It's still early before dinner time. Let's go out for a stroll. I haven't been able to visit Konoha when I'm so old. Chen thought to himself that he hadn't visited Konoha Village yet, so he took advantage of this time to go out for a stroll.

Chen, where are you going? Sasuke asked Chen, who was about to go out.

Huh? Chen felt very strange, this Sasuke usually doesn't care about him, how could he stop him so abnormally today. Although it was strange, Chen still answered him, I didn't go anywhere, just went out for a walk.

Then I'm going too. Sasuke said and got up and followed.

Huh? What's going on with this guy today? Not only did he take the initiative to talk to me, but he also went out with me? Chen looked at Sasuke and thought in doubt.

In fact, today's Chen gave Sasuke a big shock. Chen, who usually doesn't like to talk or play with him at home, has such a strong strength. This is completely beyond Sasuke's understanding of Chen. He often accompanies Itachi to practice, but he has never seen Chen practice. He is very curious about how Chen has such a strong strength. So today he plans to follow Chen to see what he usually does.

Oh, whatever you want. Although Chen felt strange in his heart, he didn't show it. Anyway, I was just going out for a walk, so let him follow if he wants to.

Afterwards, the two brothers went out together.

The two walked on the streets of Konoha, and neither of them spoke. After a while, Sasuke couldn't bear it anymore, and asked Chen, Do you usually just go shopping like this when you go out? Huh? Do you have any opinions? Chen said to Sasuke coldly. Damn, then how can you have such a strong strength? Oh! You said this? Chen said suddenly, he finally knew Sasuke's abnormality. Of course I practiced it myself. Chen didn't plan to hide it from Sasuke, because Chen knew that Sasuke would never say it. What? I cultivated by myself.

? how can that be. Sasuke said in surprise: I obviously followed Brother Itachi to cultivate, and I'm not that strong. How could you cultivate to that level on your own? That's your business. Chen ignored Sasuke and walked on his own.

Damn, damn, I won't lose to you. Sasuke didn't follow, but ran back home, probably to go back to practice.

Hey! It's better to go, little brat. Chen ignored Sasuke's departure and continued to stroll by himself.

Huh? That's... Chen Jun? On Konoha Street, a little girl's suspicious voice came from a flower shop, It's really Chen Jun! Hey, Chen Jun! Chen Jun! The girl faced the street Chen on the top shouted.

Chen, who was walking on the street, suddenly heard someone calling him, and looked in the direction of the voice suspiciously. I saw a little yellow-haired loli with an apron standing at the door of a flower shop and a shower in her hand, waving at her.

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