It seems that Kakashi really used the tricks that he used on Zaibuzhan, and he also used it on me. But... I'm not as easy to deal with as Zaibujian! Chen secretly said in his heart, his hands also moved, and his hands quickly went away End print.

Soon, there was a sound under the surrounding land where Chensuo was standing.


Chen secretly said in his heart, the movements in his hands also stopped.

Suddenly, eight ninja dogs broke out from the ground around where Chen was, and opened their mouths and rushed towards Chen, with unusual ferocity. However, when the ninja dog was about to pounce on Chen... Thunder escape. Chidoriyu!

The seal made by Chen just now is exactly the seal of Chidori, which was completed just when the ninja dog broke out of the ground, and then spread it out. Those ninja dogs that rushed towards Chen, without exception, were all within the attack range of Chen's Chidori-ryu. Of course, they were all injured by the thunder and lightning released by Chen. Smoke, gone.

On the other side, Kakashi knew something was wrong after hearing the wailing of the ninja dog. Sure enough, all the ninja dogs he channeled were automatically returned to the psychic world. Huh? The eight dogs' chasing teeth actually failed, and isn't this ninjutsu the ninjutsu performed by the mysterious Anbu back then? Use your body to release Chidori, forming an area full of lightning around the main body. This formed an absolute defense in a certain sense, and even used this move to break my Hachiken chasing teeth. But how did he know the attack method of my Hachiken chasing teeth? And which ninjutsu would he use? , is he the same boy who pretended to be Anbu back then? There is indeed a possibility...

Although the ninja dog just now failed, Kakashi already knew where Chen was.

Humph! These fogs are really troublesome, let's find out where Kakashi is first! After breaking Kakashi's eight dogs, Chen continued to look around, hoping to find out where Kakashi was. The place. However, there was a thick white fog all around, and it was impossible to see clearly. No, it seems that I still have to find a way to remove these fogs, otherwise it will be very detrimental to me.

Kakashi on the other side saw that the ninja dog didn't work, and immediately resorted to another move. I saw that he had formed the seal and formed the thunder and lightning into a dog shape. Once, it turned out to be two thunder dogs.

Since the ninja can't work, then try this! After speaking, he controlled the thunder dog, constantly changing directions and running towards the place where Chen was.

The thunder dog roared all the way and rushed towards Chen at a very fast speed, and after Chen heard the roar of the thunder dog, he also looked around vigilantly.

It's here again, is it still a ninja dog? Since it didn't work the first time, Kakashi shouldn't use the same trick again, he's definitely not that stupid.

Even though he thought so, Chen didn't take it lightly, and his hands still made the mark of a thousand birds, just in case.

Soon, two thunder dogs formed by thunder and lightning rushed towards Chen from both directions.

It's the Thunder Dog! Chen exclaimed, the Chidori flow that Chen used was ineffective, and was instantly attacked by Kakashi's Thunder Dog. There was an explosion and there was a loud bang.

Did you succeed? After hearing the explosion, Kakashi looked at Chen's direction and said to himself, but he couldn't see Chen's current situation.

If these two tricks don't work, then this fog-hidden technique is useless, let's go! Then he lifted the fog-hidden technique.

Soon, the thick fog created by Kakashi gradually dissipated, and the line of sight gradually became clear, and Chen's figure also appeared in Kakashi's line of sight.

After seeing Chen, Kakashi stared, looked at Chen, and said incredulously: That is...

ps: sorry, sorry! I have been working hard to improve my writing, so let's take a look at it first. If the bread is wrong, please bear with me. thank you all! Also, the protagonist cannot return to Konoha again. …

Chapter 72: Leaving

When Kakashi dissipated the fog-hidden technique, a giant arm made of chakra stretched out from the thick fog that had not yet dispersed. He pulled Kakashi into the palm of his hand and pinched it. (Grab the body directly!)

Nani, what is this... After being caught, Kakashi struggled desperately, trying to pull the fingers of the giant hand with both hands, but it took a lot of effort to no avail. Helpless, Kakashi quickly formed the seal and then concentrated the chakra on his right hand, forming a thunderbolt, which is Kakashi's signature ninjutsu, Rachel!

Rachel! Kakashi smashed the right hand holding Rachel on the arm. Unfortunately, Rachel's smashing on the giant hand also had no effect. Damn... What the hell is this thing, even Rachel couldn't break it! Was it made by Uchiha Chen?

Soon, the thick fog slowly dissipated, and Chen's figure gradually appeared in Kakashi's sight. After seeing Chen's appearance clearly, Kakashi's eyes widened and he was shocked.

That...what is it...

I saw Chen at this time, just standing in the same place and didn't make any movement, but there were two more big pits around him, which should have been caused by the Thunder Tiger Tong kill just now, and Chen standing in the middle of the two ninjutsu. But it was unscathed. Because at this time, Chen is being wrapped by a pair of gray-white chakras condensed into ribs, and that pair of ribs also exudes a strange gray-white chakra. A hand stretched out from the skeleton, and Kakashi was held tightly by this hand. It is Chen's kaleidoscope ability, Susanoo!

Just now, Chen's Chidori flow was unable to defend against Thunder Tiger's kill, and the two thunder dogs formed by thunder and lightning directly exploded beside Chen after contacting Chen's Chidori flow, producing a huge formidable power. , it was too late to dodge, so Chen in a hurry directly cast Susanoo to defend, blocking

The power of the explosion left Lingchen unscathed.

At this moment, a new change appeared in the skeleton attached to Chen's body. I saw that another arm quickly grew from the other side of Suzuo, followed by a neck, and finally a head condensed. Looking from a distance, Just like an ancient demon god, it exudes a fascinating aura.

Are you surprised? Kakashi! This time, let me show you my trump card... Susanoo! Seeing Kakashi being subdued by himself, Chen didn't hurt Kakashi immediately, because he still had to pretend .

Susanoh? Naoga, is that the name of this ninjutsu? Is this another ability of the Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye? After realizing that he couldn't break free, Kakashi also calmed down and did not do any more useless things. achievement.

That's right, the third power that can only be unlocked by turning on the ability of a pair of kaleidoscope writing wheels is called the power of God. Chen looked at Kakashi and explained proudly. No matter what kind of attack you use, whether it's ninjutsu or taijutsu, under the absolute defense of Susanohuo, it has no effect at all.

So that's it, you just relied on this Susanoo to block the attack of Thunder Tiger, right? And Xingyin Village, you destroyed Xingyin Village with this ninjutsu, right?

Well, that's right, that's exactly what it is! Also, let alone a small ninja village, it's not difficult for me to destroy a country with Susanoo.

Uchiha, Konoha has never been sorry to you, why do you still betray Konoha?

Rebel? No, no, you seem to have forgotten that, apart from studying at Konoha's ninja school for two years, I never stayed at Konoha's school for a while, so I didn't learn from the ninja at all. Graduated from school, that is to say, I am not a Konoha ninja, at most I can only be regarded as a Konoha resident, is there a rule in Konoha that civilians cannot leave the village?

Well... Kakashi was silent. As Chen said, Chen did not graduate from the ninja school, so he could not be regarded as a ninja. Without a ninja file, Konoha really couldn't regard him as a traitor.

Then can you tell me that when Orochimaru and Sandyin attacked Konoha during the Chunin exam, was it you Anbu who appeared in front of me and Kai?

Well, it's me, so what?

Sure enough, it's you, since you fought for Konoha at the beginning, you should still have feelings for Konoha, or you wouldn't risk the secret being discovered and pretend to be someone from Anbu to protect Konoha.

I fight for Konoha? Have feelings for Konoha? You think too much, what happens to Konoha, I don't care at all, even if Konoha is destroyed by something today, I won't have any I don't care. The people who attacked Sandyin and Orochimaru at the beginning were entirely because I was bored and wanted to find someone to relieve my boredom. That's all. Don't think I'm fighting for Konoha, to protect Konoha. Ye or something, that would make me feel ridiculous. Hearing Kakashi's words, Chen sneered a few times and said disdainfully.

Don't you really have any feelings for Konoha? Kakashi asked Chen.

No! Chen shrugged and said indifferently.

Really? However, even so, I still want to persuade you, you should still be with us Konoha, your identity has been discovered by us, for the mistakes you made, Tsunade-sama will definitely treat you lightly. , we Konoha will also accept you again. Otherwise, you will definitely be wanted by Konoha, and then you will be hunted by the people sent by Konoha. Kakashi still did not give up, persuaded Chen. .

Hunt me? Do you think I'll be afraid? Let me tell you clearly, Konoha, I will definitely go, but not as a traitor, but as an avenger. When the time comes, I will be with you. Konoha made a decision. I believe it won't be too long at that time. Now, let those guys live for a few more days. Chen's eyes turned cold and his tone was calm.

What? The identity of the Avengers? What's going on here? Kakashi was surprised when he heard Chen's words, why Uchiha Chen betrayed the village, and even pretended to be a mocking idiot in order to escape from the village, Why would he call himself an Avenger. There must be some secret in this.

Humph! For the sake of my time in Konoha, I will spare you all today. But, this is the only time, if you dare to hinder me next time we meet. I will show you what cruelty is!

Chen didn't plan to kill Kakashi. Anyway, Kakashi is really good, and he doesn't have any grievances with Chen. It would be a pity to kill him like this. I'll let him go this time. If you don’t know how to trouble yourself again, then you will definitely not be soft-hearted.

Okay, my pretense is over, it's time to leave, as for you... let you suffer a little. Chen said and controlled Susa, squeezed hard, Kakashi let out a painful scream, and then tried harder He slammed his fist on the ground, shaking Kakashi's head full of Venus, and finally Chen threw Kakashi in the direction of Shikamaru and the others.

After Kakashi let go of Chen, he flew directly in the direction of Shikamaru and the others, like a cannonball unloaded. Then it hit the ground heavily, smashing the surrounding land into a hole.

That's... Kakashi-sensei! Naruto and the others also exclaimed when they discovered the smashed Kakashi.

What's going on? What happened! Let's go and have a look. Shikamaru greeted the others and ran to the place where Kakashi landed first. The others quickly followed, and the comatose Ino was arrested by Dingji On the body, he has not woken up at this time.

Cough! I actually... After Kakashi was smashed to the ground, all of a sudden

He was badly injured and struggled to sit up. Mr. Kakashi! How are you? Are you okay! At this time, Naruto and the others also came to Kakashi, and after sitting up with Kakashi, they asked worriedly.

Let me heal Kakashi-sensei. Haruno Sakura stepped forward, performed medical ninjutsu on Kakashi, and transmitted Chakra of medical injuries to Kakashi's body!

Okay, Kakashi-sensei, what happened, Chen? After finishing the treatment, Naruto couldn't wait to ask Kakashi, and Shikamaru and others also wanted to know.

Hey~ I lost the fight with Uchiha Chen, I'm not his opponent! Kakashi said to Naruto and the others after sitting up.

What? How is this possible? Hearing Kakashi's words, every Xiaoqiang present was surprised. Shikamaru said with a wry smile, Kakashi-sensei is not an opponent, is it too exaggerated?

Yes, I was defeated by Uchiha Chen. Fortunately, he was not interested in my life and threw me back.

So what about Chen? Where is Chen? Naruto asked Kakashi anxiously.

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