Damn, just let us go... The group of sand ninjas were still struggling and making noise, which made Chen feel very irritable. Then suddenly it occurred to him, doesn't he have a space where living creatures can be put in? Throwing these sand ninjas into that space would make me quiet, wouldn't it? Thinking of this, Chen looked at the few Sha Ren, his mind moved, and just wanted to bring them all into the space, but it was unsuccessful. Those Sha Ren were still outside and were not brought into the space by Chen.

System, why can't I put these people in the space? Isn't that space capable of storing living things? Chen asked the system after trying several times but still unsuccessful.

Answer to the host, if you want to put the target into the space, it must be voluntary for the target to succeed. If the target has a trace of resistance, it cannot be included in the space.

I knew it wasn't that cheap! Chen said helplessly. Hearing the system say that, Chen had no choice but to give up and give up the plan to put those people into the space.

What Chen didn't know was that just after he left Shayin Village, Shayin's Temari had already gone to Konoha to rescue soldiers.

At night, the residents of Konoha had already fallen asleep. Since no one of Konoha's guards found out when Uchiha Sasuke defected before, the five generations of Hokage Tsunade strengthened Konoha's guard. Ichiro Honda is a Chunin of Konoha, and he is usually responsible for guarding the gate of Konoha Village.

Originally today, as usual, he and his companions stood guard at night. Suddenly, the sharp-eyed Honda Ichiro noticed a figure appearing in his sight. The figure was rushing towards them from a distance, which refreshed him.

Hey, pay attention! There is a situation ahead! At the Konoha gate, Ichiro Honda hurriedly reminded his companions.

The guards were startled, and they all showed alert expressions, and some even took out the signal flares, planning to notify the village immediately if something went wrong. After all, it is already midnight, and the sudden appearance of a person will always make people vigilant.

Soon, the figure came to them. It turned out to be a female ninja, and on her forehead was Sand Hidden's forehead guard.

Who are you? What do you want to do? A Konoha ninja asked the sand ninja.

I'm the ninja of Sandyin, Temari. I need to see Naruto-sama in an urgent matter now, bring me in! The woman Sandin was the one who came to Konoha to rescue the soldiers. The direction of the country of fire rushed desperately without stopping, and finally arrived at Konoha when it was dark.

You want to see Hokage-sama? Is there something wrong?

Yes! I have very important information. I want to see Hokage-sama immediately, hurry up and report it!

However, Hokage-sama has rested, you should talk about it tomorrow!

Damn... That piece of information is very important. It's about your Konoha's S-rank rebel, Sasuke Uchiha. He appeared in our Sandyin Village and took some of our Sandyin's ninjas to threaten us. If we don't have it before noon tomorrow. Satisfy his conditions, he will kill the sand ninja who is taken away by him. Temari shouted excitedly, after all, Chen's condition is to ask Gaara to go to the appointment, and with Gaara's current personality, he will definitely go, no one will I don't know what Chen will do to Gaara, so Temari is so anxious, after all, Gaara is his younger brother. Although they used to have a bad relationship, they were even afraid of Gaara. But now Gaara is not the same as before, she has completely accepted the younger brother of Gaara.

It turned out to be Sasuke Uchiha! The situation is urgent, and you must report it to Lord Hokage immediately. Honda, take her to Mr. Mute immediately, and Mr. Mute will take her to meet Mr. Hokage.

I see! Ichiro Honda said,

Soon, Honda brought Temari to the door of a dormitory and knocked on the door. After knocking twice, there was movement in the room, and then came a mute voice: Who is it?

Sir Mute, I'm Ichiro Honda, and I have something very important to report. Honda said outside the door.

Wait a minute! Mute said, and then there was the sound of Xixi Susuo in the room, it should be wearing clothes. Not long after, Mute with a drowsy face opened the door and asked Honda, What important thing has to be said now?

I'm sorry, Mute-sama. Due to the emergency, I have no choice but to do this. Honda Taichi quickly explained to Mute.

It's okay, first tell me what is the urgent matter! Mute didn't blame Honda, but asked him what happened.

Then, Honda asked Temari to repeat what she just said to Mute again. After Mute learned about it, she instructed Honda to go back to stand guard, and she immediately took Temari to find Tsunade. After that, Tsunade who was sleeping was also woken up by Mute, and after losing his temper, Tsunade had to resign and bring Mute and Temari to Hokage's office building.

Mute! What time is it now? Tsunade sat on the chair behind the desk and asked Mute.

Sir Tsunade, it's already 1 o'clock in the morning.

It's 1 o'clock? There are still about 10 hours before noon tomorrow. If you drive at full speed, you should be able to reach Sandyin Village within ten hours. Tsunade thought about it in his head, and then suddenly shouted : Come on!

As soon as Tsunade's voice fell, he heard the sound of Shu!, and three figures appeared out of thin air, half-kneeling in front of Tsunade. It is the Hokage Guardian... Anbu.

Lord Hokage, what are your orders?

You immediately go and summon the tenth class members led by Asma and Kakashi's group!

Yes! Several Anbu took orders, and then there was another Shu!\

,"All disappeared.

Anbu's work efficiency is very high. It didn't take long for six people including Yamanaka Ino, Nara Shikamaru, Akimichi Choji from the tenth class, and Hatake Kakashi, Uzumaki Naruto, and Haruno Sakura from the seventh class to be summoned. coming.

Hey~ pulled us out of bed in the middle of the night, I guess something trouble happened again, really, why don't you find someone else! Shikamaru started to complain as soon as he came in, and then found that standing beside Mute Temari, said in surprise, It's you, the woman!

Humph! Before the change, Temari would have choked Shikamaru, but now she is not in that mood, just snorted coldly.

Haha~~ Granny! What's the matter? Naruto yawned as soon as he came in, then rubbed his eyes and asked Tsunade.

I'm sorry, everyone! I called you here so late, and now there is another urgent task that you need to complete, and that is to go to Sandyin Village to arrest Konoha Rebel... Uchiha Sasuke!

What? After Tsunade said the mission this time, all the Xiaoqiangs present showed a surprised expression.

Lord Tsunade, do you want us to catch Sasuke? Is there any news of Sasuke already? Haruno Sakura asked excitedly upon hearing Sasuke's name.

Grandma Tsunade! Is it true?

Yeah! That's right, news came from Sandyin's Temari just now that Uchiha Sasuke appeared in their Sandyin Village, and he also captured a few of their Sandyin and threatened Gaara. So, I ordered you to follow Temari. Going to Sandyin Village, be sure to arrive at Sandyin at noon, and then bring Sasuke Uchiha back. This time the mission is led by Kakashi, and the situation is urgent, so I won't say more, and let Temari explain to you on the road, Go now!


Group Tail: 475137322…

Chapter 58: Fighting Shouhe

After Tsunade arrived and hunted down Sasuke Uchiha this time, Chunin showed a surprised expression. Then the seven of them rushed in the direction of the Land of Wind overnight.

The seven people kept jumping forward in the woods, and then Kakashi asked Temari: Temari, what's going on, tell us what happened!

Actually, I don't know very well. It's just that the guards of our Sandyin Village were attacked and taken away yesterday, and the other party only left one person to come back and report that Gaara must go to the place he designated before noon today, otherwise Kill Sand Shinobi who was taken away by him. And the Sand Shinobi who came back to report said that it was Sasuke Uchiha who attacked them!

Impossible, how could Sasuke do such a thing, you must be mistaken! As soon as Temari finished speaking, Haruno Sakura jumped out and retorted. In fact, Haruno Sakura is very contradictory now. On the one hand, I hope that person is that person, and on the other hand, I don't want to admit that Sasuke is that kind of person.

Humph! I don't care if he is Sasuke Uchiha. I only know that if he wants to be unfavorable to Gaara, I will not let him succeed.

Alright! Alright! Is it Sasuke Uchiha? I'll know when the time comes! Shikamaru on the side said quickly.

Okay, don't talk, speed up, we have to get to Sandyin Village before noon! At this time, Kakashi spoke. Then he took the lead in increasing the speed, and suddenly left the others behind. Temari and the others also closed their mouths and increased the speed when they saw this.

Sasuke Uchiha, where did you take Chen, I must ask you to find out! Ino secretly said in his heart.

Time passed quickly, and it was already morning in the blink of an eye.

It's already morning, I guess Gaara is already on his way! Chen, who had just woken up, said to himself, looking at the rising sun. Last night, Chen asked Saatchi to hang the huge net that tied Sand Ninja on a big tree, and then let Saatchi go back. He re-channeled a little poodle to be on guard, and he himself entered his own space and went to sleep.

At this time, in the sand hidden village.

Let's go! Gaara carried his sand gourd and walked out of the village, and next to him was his older brother, Kankuro!

After the two left the village, they walked towards the forest that Chen mentioned. They did not hurry, but walked unhurriedly, as if they were taking a walk.

It was noon soon, and Gaara and Kankuro were not too late. They arrived at the forest where Chen was at noon, and finally met Chen.

Oh! I knew you were back!

Sasuke Uchiha, I didn't expect it was really you!

Surprise? Why can't it be me?

I'm really surprised. I didn't expect that the proud Sasuke Uchiha would actually do something to threaten people!

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