Chen passed by Haruno Sakura with a disgusted expression: Idiot, it's an eyesore! But without paying more attention, he continued to walk outside the village.

After walking out the door and looking around, Chen's heart was also very excited, and finally he was about to leave this cage where he had lived for thirteen years. Although he has lived in Konoha for more than ten years, after the night of the genocide, Chen has been staying at home. Konoha has no sense of belonging to Chen, and the only bond is his fellow brother, Sasuke Uchiha. Although Chen did not like Sasuke in his previous life, it could even be said that he hated him. However, in this life, he has become Sasuke's brother Uchiha Chen by accident, and Sasuke has been taking care of him for the past few years. Although Sasuke shows disdain for him every time, Chen I can still feel Sasuke's concern for his brother. Now that Sasuke has left Konoha and went to Orochimaru, he has nothing to miss in Konoha.

Chen randomly chose a direction to walk, took a few steps, and looked back at Konoha Village: Konoha, goodbye! After saying that, he turned around and left, without any nostalgia!

Chen looked for a direction, and quickly flew towards the front. I kept running and running for a long time. Chen didn't know where this direction was going, and he didn't need to know. All he knew was that he was free, and that he no longer needed to hide and be timid as before. In the quiet night, Chen was running through the mountains and forests quickly, running and shouting: I want to add more, I want to add more!

After running for a long time, Chen finally passed through the forest and came to a pipeline. Since it was late at night, Chen did not meet anyone.

I've been running all night, it should be far away from Konoha. Take a break for a while, this is the official road, there will definitely be caravans coming and going tomorrow, and I'll leave after that. Thinking of this, Chen was on the side of the road. I randomly found a tree and jumped up, found a comfortable place to lie down, and spent the night there.

The next morning, Sakura, who was in a coma, was woken up, and then reported to the five generations of Hokage Tsunade that Sasuke had escaped. Tsunade ordered Shikamaru to form a pursuit team by himself, and let him lead the team to pursue Sasuke. However, all this has nothing to do with Chen, he is not worried that Sasuke will be captured, he has seen the anime in his previous life, and he already knows the result. Although there is a character like him in this life, but now he does not affect the plot.

Chen was awakened by a feeling of hunger, opened his eyes and saw that it was noon. When Chen woke up, he looked around in confusion, habitually thinking that he was still at home, and it took a while to reflect. Then came the ecstasy: This is not at home, nor in Konoha, I have already left the village, this is not a dream, haha! I am free! Chen shouted excitedly.

But the wailing of his stomach brought Chen back to reality. It looks like I need to get something to eat. I haven't eaten anything since yesterday, so it's no wonder that my stomach growls. He found a place to make a fire and waited for the little poodle. Every poodle is a natural hunter, and the little poodle that Chen psyched out brought back to Chen an unknown animal that looked like a rabbit. Chen didn't care so much, just peeled the skin and roasted it on the fire. After roasting, it was eaten. Although there was no seasoning, the taste was still good.

Chen eats the roasted rabbit while thinking about the way out in the future. I'm penniless now, and the top priority is to get some money, and I can't let my practice fall, which makes me think of a place. The underground exchange is a good choice. You can use the people on the reward order to practice your skills, not only can you Getting a large amount of rewards can also improve your strength, and more importantly, you can get points! Let’s just do it for now, anyway, I haven’t figured out where to go, just find a place.”

Chen quickly finished the food in his hand and walked on the official road alone. Not long after, a group of men and horses came behind Chen, pulling a few carts of goods on their way, which seemed to be a caravan. There are about seven or eight people in this caravan, all of them strong men. Two of them were riding a horse each, with a sword hanging from their waists. They should be the guards of the caravan. There were also four horses pulling four carriages, three of which were full of camels. The other carriage was the kind of wagon for people. The team also saw Chen, and found that Chen was walking on the official road by himself, which was a bit strange. After all, there is no shop in front of the village or in the back, and there is still a long way to go from the next station. Is this young man planning to walk by himself?

At this time, an old man stepped out of the caravan and asked Chen, Where is this little brother going? Why are you alone?

When Ben Chen saw the caravan coming, he was about to approach him and ask those people to take him for a ride. Before he could speak, an old man on the other side asked him first.

Chen Ye politely replied to the old man: Hello uncle, I want to go to the next town, can you take me for a ride?

Is that so? There is still a long way to go to the next station. If you don't dislike it, then let's go with us. If you are alone, you may encounter some danger. Ah, you can leave after the next station. After listening to Chen's words, the old man agreed to Chen, after all, Chen is not very old and doesn't look like a bad person. So I thought it wouldn't matter if I brought an extra child, just let Chen leave by himself at the next station.

Sir... At this time, the two warriors in the caravan wanted to say something to the old man. However, the old man waved his hand, indicating that they don't need to say more, and then continued to ask Chen: How is it?

Chen Dangrang was so desperate, he nodded and agreed without thinking about it.

Then you can sit in Zongtian's carriage, Zongtian, take this little brother with you.

said the man in a carriage.

Yes, my lord, replied the big man named Zongtian.

Go on, little brother, we have to hurry. We must feel the station before it gets dark, otherwise it will be in danger at night. The old man said to Chen, and then walked towards the caravan again.

Thank you uncle. Chen thanked the old man, then walked to the carriage of the big man named Zongtian and sat beside the big man.

Okay, continue on the road! The two warriors shouted to everyone after seeing the old man returning to the caravan, and then rode their horses to drive ahead, followed by the convoy behind.

ps: In the next chapter, ask for flowers! Ask for collection!

Group Tail: 475137322…

Chapter Thirty-Nine: Encountered by Robbers

Chen followed the convoy towards the unknown post station, and on the way talked with the big man next to him.

Uncle Zongtian, where are you going? Chen asked the man next to him.

We're going to take the food rich in the land of fire to a place called the land of bears, in exchange for their special products, and then bring Konoha. (Although I don't know if there are special products in the land of bears!)

The Country of Bears? What kind of place is this? I don't have the slightest impression. It's probably a small country! Chen stopped Zongtian's words and thought to himself.

Brother, how about you?

Me? I don't know where I should go.

Chen chatted with the big man named Zongtian, and Chen also learned from Zongtian's mouth where the place called Bear Country was. When it comes to the Kingdom of Bears, some people may know it, but if you want to talk about Xingnin Village, everyone must understand.

That's right, it is the Star Ninja Village in the original book. There is a meteorite in that village, which fell two hundred years ago, so the village is called Star Ninja Village. The ninjas in the village will practice around the meteorite, because the meteorite is radioactive and reacts to chakra. The Xing Nin people are good at peacock magic, which can make chakra attack in various shapes and even fly. The disadvantage is that it cannot defend against melee attacks during the spell. Although the energy contained in the meteorite has a strong increase in the chakra of the practitioners, not everyone can control this increase and cause damage to the body; so for ordinary people, the practice is at the cost of huge damage to the body, so The third generation Star Shadow stopped the practice.

It was just a small ninja village, and the number of ninjas was only about one or two hundred people, most of them were shinobi. The leaders of the villages of the past dynasties were given the title of Xingying, but they were self-proclaimed, which was far worse than the shadows of the Five Ninja Villages with the national title. The strongest star shadow is only the strength of the elite johnin.

I see, there is such a ninja village in the country of bears. Although the strength of the village is not very good, it seems that the star contains part of the power of the ten tails. It should be a very valuable thing. If it is sold to the system, it is estimated that Can sell for a good price hehe!! Chen Xin secretly said.

Ding! The system issues a mission, the host enters the country of bears, and snatch the stars of Xingnin Village. The mission reward: 10,000 points, mission failure: 10,000 points deducted, mission time limit: none, do you accept it? At this time, the system came to prompt.

Oh, hehe! The system and I have thought about it, and they want to snatch other people's things. What a badass. But... I like it! Of course I will.

After accepting the task, Chen asked Zongtian next to him for information about Xingnin Village, but Zongtian was just an ordinary person who didn't know much, so Chen had no choice but to give up. When Chen, who was sitting on the carriage, was drowsy by the shaking of the carriage, he suddenly sensed that there were dozens of people ambushing in the grass on both sides of the official road not far ahead. However, Chen did not remind the caravan. In Chen's induction, most of the opponents were ordinary people, and only one of them had a little bit of strength, probably the level of tolerance. This group of people should be just a group of robbers, and the person with the strength of tolerance should be their leader.

Oh! The story of dog blood is coming. Chen said with a sneer in his heart.

The caravan had entered the enemy's encirclement, but the two warriors didn't notice it at all. At this time, several bows and arrows were shot from the grass on both sides, and they were pinned in front of the caravan, blocking the way of the caravan. The two samurai were startled and hurriedly pulled out the daggers on their waists: Enemy attack, be careful! Turn back, turn back! The two samurai shouted at the caravan, telling them to turn around and leave. However, they had already entered the encirclement of the robbers, and just when they wanted to turn the carriage around, a group of robbers had already sped out from behind, blocking the escape route.

There is someone behind! Damn, it's a robber! The caravan's people were already confused. At this time, a group of robbers also sprang from the front and stopped in front of the caravan, and the caravan was blocked in the middle by two groups of robbers.

It's over, it's over! There used to be no robbers here. This must be a new robber. How could it be so unlucky today. I hope they will let us live after they get the money! Zong Tian, ​​who was sitting next to Chen Weeping sadly, praying. But when he saw the calm Chen, he asked strangely, Little brother, aren't you afraid?

Afraid? No, I'm penniless, those robbers will definitely not do anything to me. Chen said with a relaxed smile.

Won't do anything to you? They're robbers. If you don't have money, they'll kill you.

Then kill me! Anyway, I'm a bitch! it, I've never seen a person like you before, and I'm not afraid of death. That Zongtian was angry with Chen.

Hahaha! After waiting for a whole day, the uncle finally met a fat sheep. The robber chief looked at the carriages that were blocked in the middle.

on the goods, smiling happily.

You... what do you want to do? a samurai in the caravan asked the robber in front of him.

Haha! What do you want to do? You even ask us what we want to do? Youngsters, tell him, uncle, what do I want to do! the leader of the robber shouted arrogantly.

Boss, don't talk nonsense with them, just kill them all! A robber ran up to the leader and suggested, but was kicked to the ground by the leader: Stupid pig, you want to harm Are you going to kill us? If we kill them, the matter will be a big deal. At that time, there will be other caravans who will come to the Ninja Village to entrust a mission to destroy us, and we will have to run for our lives again. Then the robber leader was right. The person with the caravan said, You all know what I'm going to do. I just want the money, leave everything, and you can get out. Otherwise, don't blame me for being cruel.

At this time, the old man sitting in the caravan came out. Facing the numerous robbers, he did not show the slightest nervousness, as if he had something to rely on, and then calmly said to the robber in front of him: Hmph! I hate you the most. These robbers have no quality at all. Then he took out a money bag from his pocket and threw it in front of the robber leader: This money will be rewarded to you, hurry up, or what will happen later? But don't blame me. Then the old man turned around and planned to return to the caravan.

Chen looked at the old man thoughtfully, I didn't see it, this old man is quite capable of pretending! But what is he relying on? Are these two trash warriors? Impossible, these two trash, I He can be killed at will, if not, what does he rely on?

Hey! Old man, are you looking for death? It seems that you didn't understand what I said. The leader of the robber was a little impatient.

Hmph! The greedy robber, it seems that you can't be too kind to you. Let the two take action, I don't want to see him again. The old man said to the two samurai in the caravan.

This...this... The two warriors were timid, not daring to make a move.

Two, hurry up! The old man urged again when the two warriors hadn't started.

Are you finished? Since you don't make a move, then I'm welcome! The leader of the robber was impatient, and drew out the big knife from his waist to prepare to make a move.

Don't you two claim to be a hundred people? Hurry up and drive those robbers away! The old man anxiously shouted at the two warrior guards.

Big...sir, we...we... The two warriors hesitated, but they never dared to make a move.

Kameda, didn't you say that you killed 100 robbers by yourself? And you, Turtle, didn't you say that you killed a robber from a cottage alone? I hired you when you said that. Yes! You hurry up and drive away those robbers!

I'm sorry, that... that's all a lie to you. We are not a hundred people at all. We said this to get you to hire us. We didn't do this task.

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