At this time, the civilians of Konoha ran to the shelter one after another under the command of some chunin. However, Chen did not follow those civilians to the shelter. He had been looking forward to this day for a long time, how could he hide!

Hum! The show has begun! Chen said with a little excitement as he looked at the giant snakes raging in Konoha Village in the distance.

Ding! The system issues a war mission, please choose a camp, the guardian: Konoha, the attacker: Sandyin Ninja Alliance. Mission conditions: Kill the enemy camp ninja, Shangnin: 5, Chunin: 10, Genin: 20. Mission reward: 50,000 points, mission failure penalty: 50,000 points deducted. Do you accept it?

If the mission fails, 50,000 points will be deducted? What should I do if I don't have that many points? Wouldn't it be to kill the host? Chen asked worriedly. In the novels he read in his previous life, the protagonist's golden finger would threaten the protagonist by killing the host. . If this is the case with the powerhouse system, Chen Ke should carefully consider whether or not to accept the mission.

Host, please rest assured, the problems the host is worried about will not happen. The strong system exists because of the host. The host has the highest command. If the host dies, the system will also disappear, so the system does not obliterate the host's power. The host cannot complete it. Task, the system will deduct the same amount of points. If the host has insufficient points to deduct, the system will default the host's points to a negative state, and the host will not be able to exchange any points. negative number.

That's it! Then there's no problem, accept the mission! Chen felt relieved when he heard the system's explanation.

Please choose a camp, the guardian: Konoha, and the attacker: Sandy Ninja Alliance.

Well, let's choose Konoha! Chen thought for a while, and didn't struggle too much, after all Konoha was his hometown.

Ding! The host has chosen the Konoha faction, triggering a hidden mission: Kill the leader of the enemy camp Orochimaru Mission reward: 100,000 points, the system will draw a lottery once! Mission failure penalty: none, please join the battlefield to perform the mission.

I'm going, let me kill Uncle Snake? The system wants to harm me! Fortunately, there is no punishment for failing the mission. In short, this mission is ignored. Chen heard the follow-up mission mentioned by the system. was taken aback.

No matter how much, the system will exchange a set of Anbu's costumes for me first.

Anbu Dress Up: Item Level: E-Class, Item Type: Item, Points Required: 100, do you want to exchange it?


After Chen put on Anbu's attire, he activated the instant body technique, left the house, and rushed towards the chaotic place outside.

On the other hand, Kakashi and Kai sent the three of Sakura Naruto Shikamaru away and asked them to catch up with Sasuke and deal with Gaara together. And they were surrounded by a group of ninjas from Sand Ninja Village.

Kakashi! Let's play our xxx match! Burn! My youth! Ah da! Kai shouted excitedly to Kakashi beside him, and then rushed towards the enemy in front.

Really! Kakashi also rushed over! The two instantly confronted Yin Ren.

Kakashi and Kai are worthy of being the elite Jōnin, like wolves entering the flock, and none of the Sand Ninjas are enemies of unity.

Too...too strong, we, we will all be killed! The remaining sands were terrified and wanted to turn around and run away. Suddenly, a cold light flashed, and a short man appeared behind them. The man was dressed as Konoha Anbu. At this moment, he was doing a movement, that is, he slowly put the knife in his hand into the one on his back. in the scabbard.

Fa... what happened? The people from Sha Yin still haven't figured out the situation. Immediately afterwards, without exception, those Shayin sprayed a blood mist from their necks!

Ding! The host kills five Chunin, reward points: 5000.

So fast! Before those sand ninjas could react, their throats were all cut in an instant. Kai looked at Anbu in front of him and thought in shock.

Kakashi looked at the little man in front of him and thought in his heart, Is Anbu?

Sorry! I stole your prey! At this moment, the little Anbu spoke! Sounds like you're young! This person is Chen who just arrived. (I don’t need to say here that you don’t dare to kill for the first time. You have to get used to it. Anyway, killing in Hokage is a must, so I won’t waste time talking about those useless things.)

You... you are Anbu? Kai said in surprise after hearing the little man's voice: You should still be a child! You actually joined Anbu.

Well! Don't look surprised! Kakashi-senpai joined Anbu when I was my age. I have heard about Kakashi-senpai's deeds. Although the information of seniors is classified, seniors His reputation is too loud, and we Anbu often refer to seniors in private, but I have always been full of admiration for seniors. Compared with Kakashi-senpai, I am nothing at all! Regarding Kakashi and Kai's comments said calmly.

Okay, if you don't have time to delay the gossip, let's stop talking, let's go first! Chen said and ignored Kakashi and Kai's reaction, and directly activated the blinking technique and disappeared in front of the two.

Kakashi... Kai wanted to say something to Kakashi.

Yeah! He's right, ninjas can't despise their opponents just because they're young, or they'll pay the price. Well, since it's settled here, let's go elsewhere!

That's right! Our game isn't over yet, and I've already killed 17 enemies, Kakashi!

Oh! I'm 18! Kakashi just said silently.

Ah! Really

As expected of my lifelong rival, Kakashi! However, I will not admit defeat.

On the other side, Chen came to the top of a building and watched the chaos under Konoha. The giant snake in the distance was roaring and raging all the way, but the ninjas of Konoha failed to hurt it in the slightest.

Erha, I found a good opponent for you, thank me! Then he jumped off the building, and quickly completed the seal after biting his thumb in mid-air.

The art of psychic!

ps: Ask for flowers, ask for a reward! …

Chapter 29: Kill the Serpent

Chen jumped off the building and quickly completed the seal after biting his thumb in midair.

The art of psychic!

Bang! A burst of smoke appeared out of thin air, and then a huge creature jumped from the smoke to the ground, raising a gust of sand, and cracks appeared in the ground beneath the huge creature's feet. It is the lion dog Liudao Wang! And Chen also fell on Liu Daowang's head.

At this time, Liudaowang is even bigger than before. The height of more than ten meters has grown to almost thirty meters. It is already a veritable monster!

Huh? That's... a psychic beast? Kakashi, who was planning to go to rescue with Kai, saw this scene after hearing the loud noise.

Is this... that kid made it out? Kai also found out that he was standing on Liudaowang's head, and said in surprise.

Kai, let's go there too, our ninjas can't stop it! Kakashi saw the raging snake over there, and Konoha's ninjas were desperately blocking, but they couldn't fight the giant snake. Inflicting damage, he said to Kai.

Yo Xi! A cough! Kai shouted excitedly, and rushed in the direction of the giant snake.

On the other hand, Chen looked at it in astonishment after he got the Six Paths Wang psychic out. This... is Erha? I haven't seen each other for three years. Has this Erha grown to this point? This psychic beast is growing too fast!

Break your little chrysanthemum! The six Wang Gang shouted a loud slogan as soon as he appeared, and then looked around.

Little devil, why did you call this uncle out again? If you still ask me to dig a hole, you will be dead!

Yo! Erha, long time no see, I didn't expect you to grow so big! Chen said to Liudaowang at his feet. Of course it's a good thing to call you out. There's a war going on here, Konoha is being attacked by Sandyin and Yinin, I want to kill the people of Sandyin and Yinin, and I need your help!

Oh! War? So I can have a good time today! Hehe~~~ I'm already boiling! Kid, you've finally done something right, as for those scumbags you said , leave it to me!

Hum! Tonight, have a good time hunting! Liu Daowang shouted excitedly, and planned to find someone to fight, but was stopped by Chen.

Erha, let's talk first! You can only deal with Sha Yin and Yin Ren, don't hurt Konoha's people. I don't want to make enemies with Konoha, it will be very troublesome. At least for now, I can't provoke Konoha. Ye, do you understand? Otherwise, if there is no fight in the future, I won't call you! Chen was really afraid that Liu Dao Wang's battle would come frantically and chop up everyone, so he reminded Liu Dao Wang.

Got it! Got it! What a wordy brat! Liudaowang replied impatiently.

Just when Chen was going to ask Erha to go to Yin Ren and Sha Yin for trouble, a howl suddenly came from a distance, Chen looked towards the sound, and saw a Konoha ninja being swallowed by a giant snake over there. Lose. And after swallowing a person, the giant snake raised its head and let out a burst of arrogant roars.

Beasts! Chen gritted his teeth and looked at the arrogant giant snakes and said to Liudaowang. Erha, those bugs are too arrogant, kill them!

Hum! It's exactly what I want, I've always wanted a belt! Now I even have leather boots. Liu Daowang said and rushed in the direction of the giant snakes.

At this time, Konoha's ninjas are desperately trying to stop the giant snake. Stop them, never let them enter the village. A Konoha ninja said to his companions while throwing Kunai at the giant snake.

Kunai hit the giant snake, but it seemed to hit a steel plate, and sparks splattered. Kunai was directly bounced, and it was impossible to hurt the snake at all.

Damn! Attack them with ninjutsu!

Seeing that both Kunai and Shuriken were ineffective, the ninja immediately used a ninjutsu attack, but it was also unable to cause damage to the giant snake. The fireball hit the giant snake and dissipated, and the giant snake was still unscathed. Instead, this ninja caught the attention of the giant snake. The giant snake opened its bloody mouth and rushed in front of him in an instant. Before the ninja could react, it was swallowed by the giant snake!

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