The old man was very angry.

"What is the Konoha collapse plan? Explain it clearly!" the third generation asked loudly.

When it comes to the safety of Konoha, the third generation has no time to kill Mizuki.

Danzo's eyes flickered and said, "Hiruzen, don't be fooled by him. The Konoha collapse plan is definitely made up by him."

"He wants to create panic and use false information to get away with it. You can't believe him."

Mizuki smiled and said, "Elder Danzo, why are you so anxious? Are you also involved in the Konoha collapse plan?"

As soon as these words came out, the third generation's eyes condensed, turned his head, and stared at Danzo with eyes like a hawk.

Danzo had a blank expression on his face, but his eyes dodged for a moment.

"Mizuki, I am an elder of Konoha, how dare you slander me!" Danzo shouted.

He then said to the Sandai, "Huruzen, Mizuki has no respect for the superior or the inferior. I suggest that such a person be executed directly."

The Sandai had realized something, took a deep look at Danzo, and then turned to look at Mizuki again.

"This is related to the safety of the village. This matter must be investigated."

"Mizuki, tell us everything you know."

Danzo hurriedly shouted: "Hiruzen, you can't be fooled."

"Danzo!" Sandai whispered: "The safety of the village is more important than anything else!"

"In view of your repeated inappropriate remarks, leave the meeting room now. You are no longer suitable to continue to attend this meeting."

Danzo widened his eyes and said angrily: "Hiruzen, I am for the village."

"You will regret it if you don't convict and execute him!"

Sandai said coldly: "Danzo, I am the Hokage!"

"Now, leave immediately!"

Danzo was furious, stood up and pointed at Sandai, wanting to say something else.

The two committee consultants couldn't stand it anymore.

Koharu Utatane said: "Danzo, you are really not fit to attend this meeting. You should obey the Hokage's order and leave!"

Mitomon En said: "Yes, Danzo, the safety of the village is the most important. Whether it is true or not, it must be investigated clearly, so Mizuki can't die now."

Danzo is one against three, with no advantage.

But he still didn't resign himself.

"It is an indisputable fact that he peeked at the "Book of Seals" and secretly learned the Flying Thunder God Technique. He must be executed."

"If you want to know what the Konoha collapse plan is, why don't you kill him first and let Haiyi explore his memory?"

"Wouldn't it be more certain of the authenticity of the information this way?"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the jonin present changed slightly.

Let alone whether Mizuki peeked at the "Book of Seals" was true or not, even if it was true, he didn't have to die.

Even if someone committed a capital crime, he should be given a chance to atone for his sins.

The third generation slapped the table and shouted: "Danzo, shut up and get out now!"

Danzo saw that the third generation had made up his mind and knew that it was useless to say anything, so he had to turn around and leave.

"Hiruzen, you will regret it!"

After saying the last sentence, Danzo slammed the door and walked out.

Third generation: "Shuimu, now, tell me everything you know. If what you said is true, then the charge of peeking at the "Book of Sealing" can be exempted."

Shuimu smiled.

This level is considered passed.

So, Orochimaru, I'm sorry!

"That day, Orochimaru suddenly appeared in the Land of Waves with a boy named Kimimaro. The boy had the Blood Limit Corpse Vein..."

"Orochimaru's target was Uchiha Sasuke. He killed 3 Anbu and planted a curse seal on Uchiha..."

He picked out some of the battle situations that day, of course, some places were changed.

"I hid in the dense forest and overheard Orochimaru's plan."

"During the Chunin Exam, we will join forces with the Wind Country Sand Village to launch the Konoha collapse plan and completely destroy Konoha."

The third generation's expression remained unchanged.

He was very confident that even if the Sand Village came out in full force and joined forces with Orochimaru, it would not be enough to destroy Konoha.

Even if Konoha was defenseless, it would never be destroyed.

The foundation is there.

But he also knew Orochimaru's character. Since he said he wanted to destroy Konoha, he must have some trump card.

The third generation asked: "Besides that, what else did you hear?"

Mizuki continued: "There is someone inside Konoha to support, and the Sand Village will send out the strongest weapon!"

The third generation raised his eyebrows and thought: There is someone inside Konoha to support, who is it? And the strongest weapon of Sand Village, Shukaku?

Even the tailed beasts are involved, it's not just a small fight.

The third generation finally got serious.

The third generation asked again

: "Anything else?"

Mizuki frowned and said, "At that time, Kimimaro asked Orochimaru: Lord Orochimaru, it is rumored that the Third Hokage is the strongest in the ninja world and the strongest Hokage. Can we succeed with just us and the Sand Village?"

"Orochimaru smiled at the time and replied: If it is just us and the Sand Village, it is impossible to succeed. But I still have two trump cards. Even if the Third Hokage is very strong, he will never be able to defeat me."

The Third Hokage hurriedly asked, "What trump cards are they?"

Mizuki smiled and stopped answering.

The Third Hokage's face flashed with anger, but he was helpless.

"Tell me everything you know, and I will declare that you are forgiven for peeking at the "Book of Seales."

Mizuki looked at the Sandai and said lightly: "I have never peeked at the "Book of Seales". I don't know the so-called Flying Thunder God Technique. The technique I master is called Shapeshifting, which is an advanced ninjutsu of the Substitute Technique."

"Sir Sandai, there is no need for others to forgive the false accusation."

The Sandai was very anxious and wanted to know what Orochimaru's trump card was.

But now, Mizuki threatened him to change his words, which filled him with anger.

He finally compromised and said: "Show it and let everyone see whether it is Flying Thunder God, and you can prove your innocence!"

When saying this, the Sandai was full of frustration.

Mizuki smiled, turned his head and took a look, and finally focused his eyes on Asuma Sarutobi.

The next moment, Shapeshifting was activated, and he and Asuma exchanged positions.

Everyone's pupils shrank suddenly, even the third generation.

Although he had learned about Mizuki's teleportation through intelligence, the shock brought by seeing it with his own eyes was completely different.

At this time, everyone's eyes on Mizuki changed.

With this ninjutsu alone, Mizuki definitely has the killing power of a jonin, or even exceeds that of a jonin.

How could Minato Namikaze make great achievements during the Third World War and then successfully ascend to the position of Hokage?

Wasn't it the Flying Thunder God Technique?

"It's indeed not the Flying Thunder God Technique!"

After the third generation finished speaking, he announced: "The charge that Mizuki secretly read the "Book of Seals" is not established."

When he said this, his heart was bleeding.

Why is Mizuki always immortal for the nth time? Why?

"Thank you, Hokage, for giving me the opportunity to prove my innocence."

The Third Hokage waved his hand and said, "Now, tell me about Orochimaru's two trump cards."

Shuiki nodded and continued, "When Orochimaru said there were two trump cards, Kimimaro asked what they were."

"Orochimaru smiled and replied: Everyone says that the Third Hokage is the strongest Hokage, but he is not. For example, the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze is not weaker than the Third Hokage. The First and Second Hokage are far stronger than the Third Hokage."

The Third Hokage frowned and asked : "Why did Orochimaru suddenly talk about the strength of the successive generations of Hokage?"

Mizuki smiled and said, "Kimimaro asked the same question at that time."

"Orochimaru replied: Since he is the ace, of course he must be stronger than the third generation. Who do you think is stronger than the third generation?"

"Kimimaro said: According to what Lord Orochimaru said just now, the first and second generations of Hokage are stronger than the third generation of Hokage, but they are already dead!"

At this time, the third generation seemed to realize something, but he hadn't figured it out yet.

Mizuki continued: "In response to Kimimaro's question, Orochimaru's answer was: They are indeed dead, but who says that dead people can't fight?"

As soon as these words came out, the third generation stood up "swoosh", his face was extremely ugly.

No one else present understood why the third generation reacted so strongly.

Some senior ninjas also began to discuss.

"Why does it sound so unscientific? How can the dead fight?"

"Does Orochimaru have a way to revive the first and second generations?"

"Could it be that the bodies of the first and second generations were stolen and made into puppets? It is said that there is a puppeteer in the Sand Village who has mastered the method of making puppets with corpses and can bring out the abilities of the corpses when they were alive."

"Where did you hear that? Puppet masters are not that powerful."


At this time, the third generation's eyebrows have been gathered together, and the whole person is very impetuous.

Mizuki, did Orochimaru say anything else? Did he explain the art of fighting with the dead? "

Mizuki shook his head and said, "He only said this."

Menyan wanted to ask something else, but was interrupted by the third generation.

"Okay, don't ask anymore, I already know Orochimaru's plan."

At this time, the third generation believed Mizuki's plan to collapse Konoha 99%.

Because there are many things in Mizuki's words that cannot be fabricated.

For example, let the dead fight.

Even the two consultants don't know, Shuimu will never know


But since Mizuki knew it, it was definitely not made up.

"Today's meeting ends here, and the content of the meeting must not be leaked."

"Mizuki has brought back such important information, which is a great achievement."

"I declare that Mizuki will be rewarded with one million taels of money and the ninjutsu Earth Style. Earth Rising Spear, and Mizuki's ninja level will also be upgraded from Chunin to Special Jonin."


Looking at the Sandai walking out of the meeting room first, Mizuki's mouth flashed a hint of sarcasm.

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