The sword was sealed, and the sword was used to attack.

"Earth escape. Earth Dragon Bullet!" Zhu finished his seal and shouted.

In front of him, a dragon head of earth rose up and sprayed a large number of earth dragon bullets.

These earth dragon bullets were the size of basketballs, extremely fast, and had a long range.

Orochimaru sneered.

"You want to hurt me with this kind of ninjutsu?"

At the same time, Xiang also finished his seal.

"Fire escape. Flame Bullet!"

He sprayed a large fire from his mouth, and the target was not Orochimaru, but the earth dragon bullet released by Zhu.

The flame attached to the earth dragon bullet.

The flame bullet had a short range and slow speed. But after attaching to the earth dragon bullet, these weaknesses were immediately made up.

Earth and fire bombs flew towards Orochimaru.

In the woods nearby, Mizuki was watching the battle.

Although he was puzzled that Orochimaru had come all this way just for him.

However, he had no interest in joining Orochimaru.

He was not in a hurry to show up. The fight between Orochimaru and the Konoha Anbu was none of his business.

It would be best if all three Anbu died, so that the Third Generation would feel sorry for him.

"These two Anbu are really strong. They combined earth escape and fire escape to perform joint ninjutsu!"

"The earth dragon bullet has weak lethality, but has a long range and fast speed. Even if it hits the enemy, it will not cause effective damage; the fire bullet has strong lethality, but has a short range and slow speed. The enemy can easily dodge it."

"And by combining the two, the shortcomings are overcome and the power is multiplied by complementation."

"In the original anime, the third generation used this trick when fighting Orochimaru. However, the third generation used it alone, and here two people used it together."

"It's a pity that this level of ninjutsu is no threat to Orochimaru."

The next moment, Orochimaru was hit by several earth and fire bullets and screamed miserably.

In a blink of an eye, it was burned to ashes!

But Xiang and Zhu did not relax, because the Ten Thousand Snakes Array was still there, which meant that Orochimaru was not dead at all.

Seeing the snakes getting closer and closer, Xiang made a seal again.

"Thunder escape. Earth walk!" He pressed his hands on the ground, and the lightning spread along the ground to all directions.

Groups of venomous snakes were electrocuted to death, and in a blink of an eye, all the venomous snakes were lying dead.

The Ten Thousand Snakes Formation was broken!

But the price was also great.

Xiang bent his back, gasped for breath, and his legs were shaking.

"Zhu, my chakra is exhausted!"

After releasing multiple powerful and wide-range ninjutsu in succession, even a jonin could not hold on.

Xiang ate a soldier pill to restore his chakra, and at the same time, he scanned the surroundings with his eyes, concentrating on alert.

Zhu stood aside, with his hands raised, ready to make seals at any time.

Suddenly, Xiang shouted, "Here it comes!"

Zhu had seen it without being reminded.

Among the dead snakes, one snake suddenly moved, opened its mouth, and Orochimaru came out of it.

It was so sticky that Mizuki almost vomited the overnight meal.

"It's so disgusting!"

He couldn't stand it, but was also very curious.

How did Orochimaru hide in the belly of such a thin snake?

Orochimaru looked at the place where Mizuki was hiding, and laughed hoarsely: "I've seen enough, then, these two people are useless."

"Lurking Snake Hand!"

Orochimaru raised his hand, and several snakes as thick as his arms sprang out of his sleeves and shot towards Xiang and Zhu.

Zhu reacted quickly and quickly formed seals with both hands.

"Earth escape. Earth Flow Wall!"

Orochimaru sneered: "Naive!"

Although the Earth Flow Wall blocked the front, the snakes released by Orochimaru were not dead. These snakes bypassed the Earth Flow Wall directly and entangled Xiang and Zhu at a very fast speed.

But the next moment, Xiang turned into lightning and dispersed, and Zhu turned into a clay man.

"Thunder clone and earth clone?"

The Earth Flow Wall blocked part of Orochimaru's vision, so that when Orochimaru found it, the two had already run far away.

Orochimaru did not chase after her, but turned his head to look at the forest, and then looked at the unconscious Sakura on the ground.

"A talentless waste, don't deserve to live in this world."

"Shadow Snake Hand!"

The arm turned into a poisonous snake and bit towards Sakura.

The next moment, Sakura disappeared, replaced by Mizuki holding a kunai.


Blood spurted out, and the snake's head was cut off.

Orochimaru looked at Mizuki, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he spoke hoarse words.

"Do you know what eternal life is, Mizuki-kun?"

The old religious leader spoke first.

Mizuki looked at Orochimaru coldly and said, "You said this to Uchiha Itachi. You said it to me again today. Do you want to occupy my body?"

"It's a pity, I'm not Uchiha

, I am just a civilian ninja with ordinary blood. "

Orochimaru's pupils shrank suddenly, and a storm surged in his heart in an instant.

" did you know?"

"Did Kabuto tell you? No, even Kabuto didn't know about the conversation between Itachi and I in the illusion."

"Could it be that you are in contact with Itachi?"

Orochimaru suddenly panicked.

He even suspected that Uchiha Itachi was nearby.

"Hehe, you don't need to know how I know. Anyway, I know more than you think."

Orochimaru's face was gloomy, and the look he gave Mizuki began to be filled with murderous intent.

Mizuki smiled and said, "It's not that easy to kill me, I advise you not to waste your energy. In fact, I am not interested in being your enemy, and we can even cooperate."

Orochimaru sneered, "To cooperate with me, it depends on whether you have the qualifications."

"Shadow Snake Hand! "

They started fighting as soon as they disagreed.

Of course, Mizuki was faster.

The super dynamic vision gave him observation ability far beyond that of ordinary people. Mizuki saw every move of Orochimaru.

"It's not easy to get the approval of Orochimaru."

"Then, try the new ninjutsu!"

In his right hand, the Rasengan took shape instantly, and then threw it towards Orochimaru.

The shadow snake hand exploded the moment it touched the Rasengan, and the Rasengan was still strong and continued to shoot towards Orochimaru.

Looking at the Rasengan flying towards him, Orochimaru frowned slightly.

"This is... the fourth generation Hokage's technique, how do you know it? "

The next moment, the Rasengan came and hit Orochimaru's abdomen, and a powerful force burst out.

Amid screams, Orochimaru's body was torn apart, his chest and abdomen were completely blown to pieces, leaving only his neck, head and legs, falling to the ground.

If it were an ordinary person, he would have died long ago.

But Uncle Snake is best at saving his life.

"Now, am I qualified?" Mizuki asked indifferently.

The broken corpse on the ground suddenly opened its mouth, and a brand new Orochimaru came out.

Another sticky and disgusting scene!

"I didn't expect that you actually learned the Rasengan of the Fourth Hokage. The Third Hokage has been targeting you. Where did you learn the Rasengan?"

"Forget it, there's nothing to be curious about. However, you are still not qualified just by relying on the Rasengan. "

Mizuki said: "Then, what about this? "

He raised his right hand again, and the Rasengan appeared again, but this was not the end.

He controlled the Rasengan, moved it further away from the palm of his hand, and then injected wind attribute chakra into it.

A light blue high-speed rotating shuriken has taken shape.

"What, you not only learned the Rasengan, but also injected wind attribute chakra into it to change its nature. This is something that the four generations have not done."

"The power of this move has reached the level of S-level. How did you do it?"

Orochimaru finally changed his face.

He retreated quickly, biting his right hand finger at the same time, leaving a bloody mark on the palm of his left hand.

Then he pressed his hands on the ground and shouted: "Summoning Technique. Triple Rashomon! "

After the words fell, three huge Rashomon gates rose from the ground, like three small hills in a row, blocking Orochimaru.

The spiral shuriken in Mizuki's hand was thrown out, like a tailed beast ball, violently crossing the ground.

The first Rashomon gate was shattered in an instant, and then the second gate also failed.

Until the third gate, it barely supported for 1 second and then was knocked down.

But the spiral shuriken was also changed by the third gate. The flight trajectory was diagonally upwards to the sky.

Orochimaru's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his eyes were filled with fear.

The next moment, a smile bloomed from the corners of his mouth.

He stood up and looked at Mizuki, saying: "I admired you very much, and it happened that you were targeted in Konoha, so I planned to take you as my subordinate. "

"But seeing you today, your strength far exceeded my expectations, and cooperation is okay. "

"So tell me, what can you bring to me? ”

Shui Mu: "Konoha's collapse plan, when necessary, I can help you deal with the third generation."

Orochimaru was even more shocked.

He couldn't figure out why Shui Mu knew the Konoha's collapse plan?

Did the Sand Village leak the news, or was his own Sound Village completely infiltrated by Shui Mu?

Where did an ordinary Chunin of Konoha get the information?

"Heh, the third generation is old, I can kill him without help from others."

Shui Mu said: "Your old classmate, Jiraiya is about to return to the village. At that time, you may have to face a one-on-two situation."

Orochimaru frowned.

Shui Mu said again: "Don't worry, the third generation will eventually die in your hands, I won't fight with you."

Orochimaru stared at Shui Mu with his eyes, trying to see something from Shui Mu's face.

But Shui Mu's expression was indifferent, and he didn't give

any useful information.

"That's not enough, I also want Uchiha Sasuke." Orochimaru took the initiative to mention Sasuke.

Mizuki: "Sasuke is also very important to me, I will not give him up, we will each rely on our own abilities when the time comes."

Orochimaru was silent for a moment, and said: "What do you want?"

The key is here, Mizuki has been waiting for this moment for a while.

"I want ninjutsu scrolls, no matter what ninjutsu, no matter what level, in short, the more the better!"

"In addition, those three Anbu have been following me, which makes me upset, you help to get rid of them."

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