The whole morning, Liuyun stayed in the open-air training ground and practiced hard.

Lao Dai said goodbye to Liuyun and went to the Hokage Building because he had to complete tasks to earn money.


After Liuyun gritted his teeth and insisted on jumping 1000 frog jumps, he could no longer support himself and fell to the ground.

Originally, with his physical fitness, he was not enough to complete this training goal uninterruptedly, but with the chakra blessing on his feet, completing 1000 frog jumps became possible.

Frog jumps are mainly for training the explosive power of the legs, allowing blood and chakra to stay in the legs for a long time, thereby nourishing the activity of the leg muscles, and releasing the power of the legs at any time when needed. This is a necessary training project for the body and body instant technique.

Liuyun has already mastered the ability to control chakras and can easily guide chakras to stay in the legs, so he began to contact the training projects taught by Old Dai in advance.

Might Dai did not know this, because he did not believe that a primary school student could master the ability to control chakras, and did not think that Liuyun had much chakra to consume during training.

Lying on the ground for more than ten minutes, Liuyun forced his feet to walk back home tiredly.

Near noon, Liuyun fell into silence as he looked at the Japanese dishes in the lunch box.

Rice balls, sashimi, meatballs, and green vegetables, this is the nutritious lunch prepared by his mother Asuka for him. The lunch boxes at school are generally similar...

Because of work, Asuka usually does not go home at noon. Liuyun eats lunch by himself, and it is all cold food prepared for him by Asuka in the morning.

He almost vomited after eating the Japanese set meal in front of him. His original memory had a deep "resentment" about it...

Liuyun covered the lunch box, then took his pocket money and walked out of the house. He planned to buy some vegetables and make some hot food to improve his meals.

Because his family was not rich and he had little pocket money, he did not dare to buy too expensive ingredients.

He bought a few eggs, a cheap big taro, and gritted his teeth to buy some crab rolls.

After working for a while at home, he successfully made two Chao dishes that looked very good.

One was crab steamed egg, and the other was sugar frosted taro.

Making these two dishes requires skills, and ordinary people may not be able to make them without knowing the little tricks.

Liuyun ate with relish with rice balls, and soon finished half of it, with his belly bulging.

He put the other half of the dishes that he had divided in advance in a lunch box, and then walked out of the house, intending to send it to his mother Asuka to taste.

Although this is not in line with the original body's "personality" and will inevitably arouse Asuka's suspicion, Liuyun is not worried about it, because he can't completely hide himself without being discovered when he is with Asuka every day.

Besides, home is a place to relax, and he doesn't want to pretend to "wear a mask" at home. It's too tiring to live like this.

So he simply stopped pretending. Even if he didn't behave like his son Uchiha Liuyun, as long as he recognized Asuka in his heart and called her mother, he would still be Uchiha Liuyun.

Asuka has to work to earn money to support the family and take care of Liuyun's three meals a day. Life is not easy. Liuyun wants to help her reduce the burden, at least not to become a small burden in life like the original body.

At this moment, Asuka hasn't eaten lunch yet, and her lunch is also made in the morning, a cold meal set exactly the same as Liuyun's.

"Asuka, come out quickly, your son has brought you food!" A woman suddenly shouted.


Asuka, who was about to eat, was shocked.

Her son brought her food? Didn't she have food? What kind of food could her son bring her? She hurriedly got up and ran to the factory door.

"Mom, you probably haven't eaten yet, right? I just made two dishes and wanted to let you try them..."

Liuyun handed over the lunch box in his hand.

"This... are all made by you?"

Looking at the dishes in the lunch box, Asuka was incredulous.

"Well, I made it according to a recipe. Try it..." Liuyun nodded and smiled.

"Asuka, your child should still be in school, right? He can actually cook?"

A woman was shocked when she heard the conversation between the mother and son.

"Oh my God, this little guy is too sensible, isn't he?" Another woman in the factory spoke up.


The noise here instantly attracted many female workers to come and watch.

"Such a sensible and filial child, Asuka, how did you teach him?"

The women were talking in amazement, and everyone was praising the mother and son.

Asuka ignored all the discussions of the people present.

It was midsummer, and the sun outside the factory was extremely scorching. Looking at this son who was sweating all over, Asuka felt her throat choked and stiff for a while. She covered her mouth tightly, and tears instantly filled her eyes.

Did Asuka suspect that someone else had replaced her child? Of course she did!

Because Liuyun acted too sensible and too abnormal, it was hard for her not to doubt.

But looking at this good child in front of her, this sincere and pure love was real and could not be faked!

Especially the sincere and expectant look in Liuyun's eyes, which is clearly the look that a son would have when he wants to be praised and recognized by his mother...

From this look, Asuka can be 100% sure that this is her son-Uchiha Liuyun!

Only women who have been mothers can understand this look. From this moment on, Asuka will only think that her son has suddenly grown up and become sensible, and will no longer doubt whether this person is her son.

Asuka wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, reached out to take the lunch box and hugged Liuyun tightly again.

"Thank you, son!" There was a clear cry in her voice.

Liuyun stayed there for a long time, and finally gently broke free from Asuka's arms.

"Mom, you go eat first, I'll go home first..."

This damn weather is too hot, it's a bit uncomfortable to be hugged by someone, and it feels stuffy to be surrounded by a group of female workers.


Asuka nodded subconsciously.


Liuyun walked only a few steps when Asuka called him.

Asuka quickly took out a banknote from her pocket and stuffed it into Liuyun's hand.

"Son, the weather is too hot, go buy some ice cream and drinks to cool down..."

Looking at the banknote in his hand, Liuyun was stunned for a moment, but soon he came to his senses and smiled: "Thank you, Mom!"

"Mom, I'm leaving... You should go eat!"

"Yeah, it's too hot outside, stay home and don't run around..."

Asuka waved at him and warned him.

"Got it..."

Asuka looked at his thin back for a long time and couldn't come back to her senses until someone snatched the lunch box from her hand with a smile, and she quickly reacted.

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