Naruto Pickup

Chapter 092

Chapter 92

“Natsuki-kun, please use tea!”

Not long after Natsuki sat down, Hinata served her a cup of tea.

Taking the teacup, Natsuki said with a smile:

“Thank you, Hinata!”

Hinata smiled, winked at Natsuki, and left the living room.

After Hinata left, the atmosphere in the living room was slightly dull——

Natsuki couldn’t figure out Hinata’s personality and mood, so it was difficult to open his mouth, and he felt that Hinata Hinata seemed to be waiting for an opportunity to speak, so he could only wait.



Natsuki’s mood was quite complicated.

Seeing this kind of thing as the old man, he is also a big girl on the sedan car, the first time, no experience!

Fortunately, Hinata Hiashi did not let the atmosphere continue to be silent.

After Natsuki took a sip of tea, Hinata Hiashi spoke:

“Friend, may I call you that?”

Hearing Hinata’s words, Natsuki straightened up and said with a smile:

“Uncle, you are casual!”

Can I say no? Just be happy!

In Natsuki’s heart, he complained a little, but his face was straight, he knew that Hinata Hiashi was going to get down to business, and a serious person like Hinata Hiashi would basically not be tactful.

“Friend, you know?”

Hinata Hinata said with a serious face:

“Initially, I discussed with the third generation of Hokage to train you into the fifth generation of Hokage in Konoha… But the world is unpredictable, during the Naka Shinobi exam, the third generation of Mekage died, and then you are too young. ”

Speaking of this, Hinata Ninji looked at Natsuki in surprise, and his eyes were slightly strange-

Obviously, although he used to talk about fate and fate or something, but the dirty world of adults, this guy is obviously not deeply involved, otherwise, there would be no such surprise.

“But fortunately, the current fifth generation Hokage is Tsunade-sama, and you will also be the sixth generation Hokage, and when you become the sixth generation Hokage, I will be absolutely sure of what I want to do.”

Hinata Hiashi looked apologetic, with a lonely color on his face, and looked at Natsuki:

“Sorry, friend! As a father, I am unqualified, and I attach such an exchange of benefits to my daughter’s happiness, if you want to resent me, I have no complaints, but I will still do it. ”

Speaking of this, Hinata Hiashi spoke:

“Here, I want to ask you to promise me that when you become Hokage, you will change the fate of the Hyuga clan!”

Open the skylight and say open words!

As soon as Hinata Hinata at this moment came, he directly stated these things-

The dissatisfaction that was originally hidden in Xia Mu’s heart slowly dissipated.

Although he didn’t know what was the inevitable connection between becoming a Hokage and unravaging the fate carried by the Hyuga clan, this request still had to be granted!

Because Hinata he wants to marry, Hokage he also wants to be!

“Uncle, although I don’t know what kind of fate the Hyuga clan is carrying.”

After a deep groan, Natsuki spoke:

“But if you need my help, just say so!”

This is promised down!

Hearing Natsuki’s answer, a smile appeared on Hinata’s face:

“Thank you!”

After thanking him, Hinata continued:

“The fate of the Hyuga clan… No, it should be said that this fate is simply the fate that Hinata has carried! ”

Slowly, Hinata Hiashi directly told Natsuki the difference between the Hyuga clan and the separation of the family.

And also let Hinata Ninji take off the forehead guard, let him take a look at the “caged bird” mark.

After listening to the whole thing about the “caged bird”, Natsuki took a sip of tea and asked:

“‘Caged bird’? I understand. ”

It doesn’t matter what the reason is, as long as there is.

Sometimes, in-depth analysis can only bring trouble to yourself!

Natsuki wants only one result——

Willing to let Hinata marry him.

That’s enough!

As for what Hinata Hiashi said, about the future fate of the Hyuga clan, he didn’t care too much, but since he agreed, when he became Hokage, he could solve this matter.

The rest, less important.

Not long after the business chat, Hinata and Hanabi came over to call for dinner.

And Natsuki also met his future mother-in-law-

She is a typical Fuzi-type housewife who resembles Hinata’s personality, and is very gentle and kind.

Hinata’s previous nature is completely inherited from this mother!

Because before the meal, it has already been discussed, so at the dinner table, it is not too serious, there is a firework this little lo | li pistachio is there, this meal makes Xia Mu very comfortable.


After dinner, Natsuki stayed at Hinata’s house until after eight o’clock before leaving.

On the street outside the Hyuga clan, Natsuki and Hinata walked side by side.

“In this way, I can be regarded as officially recognized by your father!”

Looking at Hinata, who had a rosy face around him and was full of joy between his eyebrows, Natsuki said with emotion:

“Next, I should be ready, do more tasks, earn more task fees, and then when we are older, I will be engaged to you, and when we are twenty years old, I will marry you!”

Holding Hinata’s little hand, Natsuki’s tone carried a sense of happiness and spoke:

“Then we’ll have a lovely daughter and it’s called … Well, when I go back and think about it, after deciding on our child’s name, I will definitely choose a very nice name! ”

Hearing Natsuki’s words, Hinata’s face had a happy smile on her face, and she was shy in her heart, but she was also attracted by the bright future of the two described by Natsuki, especially –

Have a daughter!

But speaking of her daughter, Hinata asked cautiously:

“Natsuki-kun, don’t you like your son?”

Stunned for a moment, Natsuki smiled slightly, looked at Hinata beside him, and spoke:

“Loved it too! I prefer my daughter though. ”

A hand stroked Hinata’s face, and Natsume spoke:

“Because Hinata is like my angel, our daughter will definitely be as cute and kind as you!”

Natsuki’s words made Hinata’s little head can’t help but lower, because it is too shy, and there are some who dare not look at Natsuki.


After kissing Hinata’s forehead, Natsuki said with a confident face:

“Okay, Hinata, you can send it here! It’s too far away, I’m not assured! Starting tomorrow, I will work harder for our future, so you can rest assured that I will propose to my uncle! ”

Hinata Mime looked at Natsuki with strong affection and nodded vigorously:

“I know! I will always wait for Natsuki-kun, always wait! ”

Scratching Hinata’s little Qiong’s nose, Natsuki smiled and said:

“Well, good night, Hinata, then!”

Hinata nodded:

“Good night, Natsuki-kun!”

After saying good night, under Hinata’s gaze, Natsuki left the Hyuga clan with ease-

Starting tomorrow, you have to work harder!

Blessings for a better future!

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