Naruto: Obito

Chapter 034

The ninja trembled back in fear among the corpses of his companions, his hands grasping restlessly on the ground.

“You, you devil! Who are you! The ninja shouted in disbelief.

“You yourself are all carrying tasks to kill, can’t I take tasks to kill you?” Obito flicked his wrist and felt a burst of soreness, which was the pain caused by throwing the knife too much.

This should be the last wave of the Iwa Shinobi squad, and the strength of the seven people is averaged around Naka-Shinobu.

Obito also doesn’t need to reserve strength to deal with the next squad, so he simply chooses to attack directly, and with the Instant Technique and Sharingan, killing these weak Iwa Shinobi is simply a breeze.

“You, don’t come over, Lord Tsuchikage will definitely kill you! Destroy your Konoha! At that time, your relatives will definitely die at the hands of our Yanyin Village!” ”

Obito stopped when he heard this, and what he hated the most was to threaten him with this.

“Okay, then I won’t come.”

Seeing that Obito was no longer moving, Iwa Shinobu got up from the ground and fled with a hint of joy.

Obito did not approach him, but raised the knife in his hand.

Sun Halo Dance Technique Triple Strike!

Obito swung his sword three times in a row behind Iwa Shinobu!

Three slashes struck in the air with blazing enthusiasm on Iwa Shinobu’s back.

Eaten raw three times!

Even the magic leech was defeated by a sun halo dance, and although it has the element of the magic leech, it cannot withstand the burning of the sun halo dance. And Obito swung his knife at this Iwa Shinobu three times in a row, which was enough to see Obito’s hatred of this guy.

“Next, the forest of the Land of Fire should be much quieter, and it’s time to return to Konoha.” It was a long time to think that this mission lasted for nearly two weeks as soon as it came out.

Obito lowered his head and gently bit his thumb, and a trace of blood spilled out of the wound, forming a few prints on the ground.


A white dove flapped its wings and appeared out of thin air on Obito’s shoulder and landed.

This is a psychic beast that Obito used to report news when he was still in the Dark Division, as long as most of the members of the Dark Department had a communication pet.

I pulled a piece of paper from the pocket of my clothes I was wearing, added a few more strips with soil, and rolled it into a roll.

The pigeon cleverly shook its head, took the soil to its legs, tied a paper roll, and then skilfully flapped its wings and flew away.

……… Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation…………

“Naruto-sama! The three generations of the Earth Country Metokage sent an urgent report! It’s about being in the Land of Rain! The Hokage assistant pushed open the door in a panic and placed a roll of documents on the table in front of the three generations.

“Tsuchikage’s urgent report?” The three generations couldn’t see any joy or anger on their faces, and they spread out the urgent newspaper on the table and carefully browsed the content on it, and the more they looked, the breath of the three generations became heavier.

Looking at the three generations who were completely silent, the assistant was also a little uneasy: “Naruto-sama? ”

“Do you want us Konoha to give an explanation to Iwain? Hum! Ridiculous, is it really when we Konoha is a big soft persimmon?! The three generations slapped heavily on the table, and Shinobu’s posture reappeared.

The assistant did not dare to move, the current Hokage is on the verge of violence, if he says the wrong thing, he will be reprimanded, the usual three generations are kind, and now it is like a changed person, and it seems to have some peak appearance.

“Dead a demon leech and a few Iwa Shinobi, indiscriminately slandered our hands under Konoha, and asked us to apologize for compensation, this Onoki is really more and more arrogant, arrogant!! It is clear that he first tore up the treaty and attacked us Konoha ninjas in the Land of Fire, but now he bites back! “The three generations still have a tough attitude as the shadow of a village, but they rarely show it anymore.

It wasn’t Naruto’s time, and the three generations hadn’t completely lost their bloody nature, at least.

Goo, goo.

A white dove flapped its wings and descended outside the window of Hokage’s office.

The three generations temporarily put away their emotions, this white pigeon must have something important when he came, and went to the window to remove the paper roll from the pigeon’s leg.

After the pigeons flew away, the three generations pulled the paper roll apart and looked at what was on it.

Soon after reading the contents of the small paper, the expression of the three generations slowly became happy again.

The assistant watched the emotional transformation of the three generations in bewilderment, which was really rich.

“You hurry up and pass on all the news recorded above, and I will write a reply letter to Onoki later, so that he knows that Konoha is not a lamb that anyone can bite!” Such a brazen slaughter of our Konoha ninjas! ”

The third generation quickly handed the paper roll to the assistant, and hurriedly told the assistant to do what he said.

“Also, publicize in the village that Uchiha’s genius ninja Uchiha took the earth to make battle achievements for Konoha! Remember to complete the S-level mission once! First class battle merit! ”

The assistant was directly dumbfounded: “Won’t this reward be too much, Naruto-sama?” ”

“When you read the above, you will know that this is no longer a small battle exploit, one person annihilates a squad of more than a dozen middle ninjas, as well as an upper ninja, and an elite upper ninja. If this force has been lurking in the territory of the Fire Nation, I don’t know how many civilians and Konoha’s ninjas have been killed! You know this is no small battle feat! ”

The assistant trembled and looked at the contents of the paper roll, and after reading it, he walked out the door without saying a word and did what the three generations requested.

Even the magic leech was killed with soil… Has this child grown to this point? It seems that I still underestimated him, but I didn’t expect such a change after joining the dark department, which was really a wise decision.

Sitting in front of a pile of files, the three generations pondered and pulled out a blank scroll, on which he wrote condemning the rash use of force by Yanyin Village, causing the conflict and paying reparations.

Not long after, all of Konoha’s bulletin boards, even the bulletin boards in the school, had a consistent report.

“Commending Special Shinobu Uchiha Obito for successfully intercepting the surprise attack force in the village of Iwa Shinobu on the way to the mission, and completing the mission to eliminate it, maintaining peace in the Land of Fire!” Someone slowly read the content of the announcement, and this battle merit was no less than when Bo Feng Shuimen monopolized the limelight of many upper patience.

“It’s Obito! Take the soil and make a contribution! Lin was also watching the hastily replaced new announcement.

Kakashi, who had returned to the village from his mission next to Rin, left the crowd silently.

Since then, a wind has blown in the ninja world, and a shining new star in Konoha is rising, and at the age of eleven, it can wipe out a sophisticated Iwa Shinobi surprise attacking force, and even Tsuchikage’s right-hand man, the Demon Leech, died at the hands of Obito.

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