The old man was born in a different way.

If you compare a Konoha villager who knew Uzumaki Naruto from a year ago, you will be shocked!

The current Uzumaki Naruto is wearing neat and handsome black and white clothes, although not luxurious. He is no longer wearing a patched piece of clothing like before.

Because he thinks that Hyuga Neji looks particularly handsome in this outfit, he also bought the same one.

Of course, the clothes are made of the same material.

He paid for all these clothes himself.

Uzumaki Naruto was not poor before. Although his living expenses were not much, if he didn't spend lavishly, it was enough to cover a person's food, clothing, housing and transportation.

And the house he lives in is quite big, in the luxurious area of ​​the city center of Konoha Village, and the house is the inherited house of the fourth generation Hokage Namikaze Minato.

But it is a bit strange. When the neighbors living near Namikaze Minato see this blond kid living in the house of the fourth generation Hokage Namikaze Minato every day, don’t they feel a little curious?

Of course not!

Because the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen has already re-divided the nearby neighbors into better and bigger houses in advance.

Although far away from the current city center, the living environment and compensation have indeed greatly satisfied the villagers of Konoha Village.

And if Uzumaki Naruto lives in the city center, it is also convenient for the Hokage to send the Anbu to monitor.

Although the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen has a bug-like telescope technique, he can see what a person is doing now no matter where he is based on his chakra.

But he is also very busy at ordinary times. So he only observes when he thinks of it. Under normal circumstances, it is more reliable for full-time staff to use it.

Uzumaki Naruto's residence is not far from the Hokage building, just a few streets away.

But a Jinchūriki actually lives in the city center of the village, which shows that the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen did not abuse Uzumaki Naruto.

All in all, Uzumaki Naruto's life is not bad. The reason why he was so short before, even after graduating from the Ninja School, he was not as tall as Haruno Sakura, is because he is picky about food and has a carefree personality.

It is because he himself does not want to cook, does not like to cook, and can't cook, so he often goes to the store to buy a lot of instant noodles and a lot of milk.

Don't wonder why he can buy goods. After all, among the hundreds of thousands of people in Konoha Village, the majority are ordinary people without ninja talents.

Everyone came to Konoha Village mainly to get a peace in the troubled times. It's not like we stare at Naruto Uzumaki's face every day. We can only say that with the reminder of the people around us, everyone can remember that this is the incarnation of the demon fox. However, except for a few people who remember Naruto Uzumaki's face more vividly, most people, especially civilians, don't care.

In the original work, when Naruto Uzumaki went to take a photo for his ninja registration certificate, the owner of the photo studio didn't know him at all. Even if he heard his name, he didn't know who he was, let alone that he was the so-called demon fox incarnation.

On the top of the building, facing the Hokage Rock in the distance, according to Naruto Uzumaki's request, he took a handsome photo for his graduation ninja certificate.

Merchants, all for business.

Except for a few villagers who really have psychological burdens and are unwilling to do business with Naruto Uzumaki, there are still many villagers who are willing to sell goods to Naruto Uzumaki.

Otherwise, where did Naruto Uzumaki's clothes, food, drinks, goggles, various ninja tools and backpacks come from?

It's impossible that they were all given by the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen?

How could the Third Hokage have so much free time to study what kind of clothes Uzumaki Naruto likes to wear and what color bags he likes to use?

And he specially matched a whole set of clothes?

Do you really think the Hokage is so idle!

With his carefree personality, Uzumaki Naruto always stock up on instant ramen noodles and other things that fill up half of the house.

These instant foods are fine to keep, and the shelf life is quite long, but what about the milk?

Its shelf life is relatively short, and it is limited by the technological level of the ninja world, especially the technological development on the people's livelihood side, which is still somewhat insufficient.

So generally the longest shelf life is only one or two months. Uzumaki Naruto bought so much at once and drank milk as water, and many of the milks were expired, and Uzumaki Naruto didn't pay much attention to these expired milks. He would often drink

, but it does not mean that Uzumaki Naruto was abused and had to drink expired milk every day.

He just lacked someone to supervise and discipline him. He did not commit any great evil, but his living habits needed supervision.

Then after meeting Hyuga Neji and receiving Hyuga Hiashi's sincere gratitude, the Hyuga clan almost became Uzumaki Naruto's second home.

The Byakugan of the Hyuga clan has no illusion ability and cannot control the Nine-Tails to run away and destroy.

So there was no stress reaction on the side of the Hokage Building.

As we all know, the Hyuga clan is a noble clan with etiquette, so including Hyuga Hizashi, Hyuga Neji's father, are very strict with this dirty little boy, and strictly require him to wash himself, change clothes frequently, and keep clean and tidy.

Because the closer you are to the red, the redder you are, Uzumaki Naruto cherishes the hard-won friendship of Hyuga Neji, Tenten and Hyuga Hinata.

Therefore, his clothes tend to be simple and plain like Hyuga Neji, which is both dignified and does not affect his active hands and feet in battle.

Looking at the mental outlook and height of Uzumaki Naruto in front of him, who is very different from the original work, Hyuga Neji feels relieved.

Although the child in front of him is the son of the ninja world, the son of prophecy, and a cheating existence, he finally realized his childhood dream and became the seventh generation Hokage, protecting the entire Konoha Village and the peace of the entire ninja world.

However, the many pains he experienced in his childhood are unbearable for anyone. It is not easy for him to not actually turn black and become Uzumaki Menma who releases the "Great Rasengan Rinyu".

Fortunately, there have been some changes, right?

"Ningji! You are so slow!" Tenten's soft and slightly dissatisfied voice came from outside the door.


He poked his head out, but he looked at Hyuga Neji who was walking towards the door with his eyes slanted. Although he was handsome, he still had to say what he had to say.

"Today is the day we agreed to go to the back mountain training ground to train with everyone. The sun has risen high, so we must not be late."

Of course it was an exaggeration, the sun had just risen to the middle of the sky.

But we really have to leave early, otherwise the sun in the morning will be unbearable.

"Haha, wow wow, sorry sorry, I will definitely not be late, but I just had a whim and had to practice for a while."

"Has everyone had breakfast?" Hyuga Neji clasped his hands together to express his apology, and then cleverly changed the topic of whether he had breakfast or not.

Because he had already taken a bath last night, and just after practicing the chakra extraction technique, it only involved chakra, and he didn't sweat, so he didn't need to take a full body bath again.

So in fact, he just missed brushing his teeth and washing his face.

Hyuga Neji quickly washed his face and brushed his teeth with the underground spring water in the yard. Two minutes later, his face was white, his eyes were bright, his long black hair naturally hung behind his head, tied with an ordinary hair rope that cost 100,000 taels (luxury goods don’t cheat the poor~), and Hyuga Neji, whose pure white eyes radiated a cyan glow, had already arrived at the door.

"We have all eaten, are you so hard? Neji, you actually started practicing early in the morning!" Uzumaki Naruto looked at the boy with outstanding temperament with admiration.

After more than a year of getting along with Hyuga Neji, Tenten, Hinata and others, Uzumaki Naruto no longer yelled and deliberately made ugly faces without rules to attract others' attention.

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