Chapter 943 wake! Majin Buu

World King God and Gohan jumped into the side channel, World King God looked at Gohan and asked, “Gohan, that guy named Mukuro… is that really amazing?!”

“Huh? You said Mukuro-sensei.” Gohan smiled and said, “Mukuro-sensei may be the most powerful existence in the entire universe. When I transformed into Super Saiyan II, it was very difficult to fight. Sharu, in front of Mr. Mukuro, there was not even one move. At that time, Mrs. Mukuro hadn’t tried his best.

Although I have never seen Mr. Mukuro practice, but seven years have passed, Mr. Mukuro must have become stronger. Every time I compete with Ms. Mukuro, I have never lasted more than three minutes. “At the end, Gohan scratched his head in embarrassment.

“Moreover, Ms. Mukuro has always been the target of Dad’s pursuit.” Gohan added.

“Is it so powerful?!” The Realm King was dumbfounded.

Thinking of the horror that Gohan had when he exploded just now, even Gohan was no match. How terrifying the strength of this guy named Mukuro will be…

Then, his tone slightly complained: “Really, since he has such a strong strength, I don’t come to help prevent the awakening of the Demon 16 Buu. You know, if the Demon Buu awakens…not only the crisis of the entire planet. , It is a crisis of the entire universe.”

In the eyes of the Realm King God, the greater the power, the heavier the responsibility should be assumed.

“Don’t worry, Lord Realm King God.”

Gohan smiled and said, “Although Mukuro-sensei said that, if the situation becomes serious in the end, Mukuro-sensei will definitely not sit idly by.”

“But if you wait until Demon Buu is resurrected, everything will be over.” The realm king god’s voice was a little excited and mixed with fear.

“Don’t worry, Lord Realm King God. Majin Buu will definitely not be Mukuro-sensei’s opponent.” Gohan swore.

“Why?!” Seeing Gohan so sure, the Realm King was taken aback.

“Because Mukuro-sensei said it himself.” Gohan took it for granted.

“…” The Realm King was silent.

At this time, the Realm King God only wanted to say three words-Mom sells batches.

After jumping into the aisle, there is an empty spaceship cabin with a huge ball inside, and Babidi and Dapla stand beside the ball.

“Jie King God, long time no see.” Babidi looked at the Jie King God with a cruel smile.

“That thing…is the Devil Buu’s egg?!” Gohan asked aloud when he looked at a dented spherical object behind Babidi.

“Yes!” Jie Wangshen nodded, his eyes full of solemnity.

“Hey…you’re good! Realm King God…my father’s enemy…” Babidi looked at the Realm King God with hatred in his eyes.

“Babydi! My purpose is to defeat you! And to prevent the demon Buu from waking up.” The World King God looked at Babiedi and said coldly.

“Hey… you want to stop Majin Buu from waking up?! This is not easy, don’t forget, I still have Dapla.” Babidi said with a sneer.

Dapla is the strongest existence he controls, the king of the demon world. According to Babidi, Dapla is the second most powerful existence in the universe under Majin Buu.


Hearing what Babidi said, Dapla took a few steps forward and stood in front of Babidi.

“Gohan!!! Hurry up!!! When we talk, maybe Goku and their energy have been passed on to the demon Buu. Dapla will be handed over to you, I will deal with Babidi.” said the world king god , Time can’t stand the delay.

“Okay, Lord Realm King God.” Gohan nodded and said.

At this time, another battlefield.

Goku and Vegeta are facing each other, but Mukuro doesn’t know where to get a recliner and a big bag of popcorn, watching with relish.

“Vegeta, I don’t want to be hurt by you, but give my energy to that demon Buu. I will try my best to end the battle as soon as possible.” Wukong solemnly said.

Hearing Goku’s words, Mukuro, who was watching the play, curled his lips. Ready to fight as hard as you can? Goku, are you sure you are not teasing me… right, teasing Vegeta? ! Explosive super three state, even Vegeta controlled by Babidi, can also kill every minute.

“Okay… let me see how much you have become stronger over the years.” Vegeta said proudly, he didn’t think Goku would be stronger than himself.

“Ah ah ah ah ah–”

Wukong exploded and immediately transformed into a super-two state.

“As expected of Kakarot, I have to admit that if I hadn’t been controlled by Babidi, I really might not be your opponent.” Vegeta said coldly.

“But now… ah ah ah ah -”

Vegeta also exploded with horror, not weaker than Wukong. Looking at Wukong, he roared with a ferocious expression: “Come on! Kakarot! I’m going to kill you!!”

With that, Goku and Vegeta fought each other. Both of them are in the current state that Super Saiyan II can reach, and Wukong did not want to transform into a super three state, so the two are evenly matched, and no one can do anything.

Mukuro can also guess the reason why Wukong has not become a super three. It is estimated that he wants to keep it against his 787, and then surprises himself.

Sometimes, Wukong’s thinking is really like a child.

Since it is a close battle, injuries are inevitable.

Soon, there were a lot of bruises on Wukong’s body. The energy was sucked from Wukong and replenished to Majin Buu through the channel.

Babidi could feel the energy of Majin Buu increasing rapidly, and she couldn’t help but express his joy: “Majin Buu may be coming out soon, and it will be completely full of power… By then, his power may change. Destroy this spaceship, let’s go to the ground.” As Babidi chanted the spell, the scene in front of the four suddenly changed.

“No matter what! I must defeat you to prevent the demon Buu from resurrecting.” The World King God looked at Babidi and roared.

But no matter how you look at it, there is a feeling of lack of confidence.

“How is it? Dapla, are you confident to defeat the earthling?” Babidi asked.

“Of course, I have already dealt with it just now. That kind of waste can be solved very easily.” Dapla said confidently.

“Dididididi——” At this moment, a string of sounds suddenly sounded.

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