Chapter 854 Super Saiyan

“Really!? Does this kind of power make you feel like you are in your hands!?” Mukuro tilted his head and looked at Kevila and said lightly: “You should have noticed just now. I used Ten Times Realm King. Fist. What about the Realm King’s Fist? It’s a stunt that can improve my own combat power. My fighting power has already increased to such a level at ten times the state. Then you say, if I open the Realm King’s fist twenty times, you will still Is there a chance of winning?”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Kevlar’s face suddenly changed.

Ten times the Realm King Fist increased this guy’s combat power ten times, and the combat power value increased by about three times. So if it were to be deduced by analogy, wouldn’t a twenty-fold Jie Wangquan increase its combat power by twenty times, or six or seven times its combat power value? !

In this case, wouldn’t it be stronger than yourself! ?

But within a moment, Kevera’s expression calmed down.

Looking at Mukuro, he said coldly: “Huh 16! The lowly Saiyan monkey, do you think you can intimidate me with words? If you can unlock twenty times the Realm King Fist. You will still be here with me now. Nonsense? A clumsy method.”

What Kevela said was indeed the general situation.

May I ask, in this situation, who might still hide strength?

Mukuro didn’t speak any more, but smiled instead of continuing the topic. But Mukuro’s appearance in Kevlar’s view was a real conjecture. I couldn’t help but sternly said: “Since you said you can become stronger, let me see. Uncle Kevera, I won’t stop you.” Kevera embraced his arms and looked at Mukuro with a sneer.

“Oh, you are dying, you know?” Mukuro looked at Kvera with pity.

Suddenly, Mukuro asked, “Do you know what anger is?”

“En!?” Kevlar frowned in confusion.

Without waiting for Kevera to speak, Mukuro said to himself: “Anger is an emotion, it is caused when a desire cannot be realized, or an action to achieve the goal is frustrated. Unpleasant emotions.

Anger, lust, gluttony, jealousy, laziness, arrogance, and greed are regarded as the seven deadly sins. Anger is the first of the seven deadly sins and the most instinctive emotion. There is no doubt that anger is a negative state of feeling. Generally include hostile thoughts, physiological reactions, and maladaptive behaviors. It usually happens because another person is considered to have unnecessary actions such as disrespect, derogation, threats, or negligence. In short, anger is not a positive emotion. ”

After listening to Mukuro’s words for a long time, Kevlar was already impatient. Interrupting Mukuro’s words: “Damn Saiyan monkey, what are you trying to say!? Explain to me quickly.”

“Really?! Originally thinking that this is the last conversation in your life, you would want to listen more. In that case, I will tell you directly. For Saiyans, anger is a kind of power. The source. It is the key to a stronger level of strength. It is the golden arrogant Saiyan that is passed down in the ancestral training of your Frozen race-Super Saiyan!”

There is no doubt that anger is not only a negative emotion, but also a force.

It can even be evaluated as a weapon of the soul and a source of strength. There are many examples to support this view: when a person is angry, he will often forget the pain and burst out with power far beyond his own strength. For example, Kurosaki Ichigo in the Shinigami world, the power of anger gave him a terrifying power. Another example is Luffy in the Pirate World. In the end, it basically relied on the explosion of anger to defeat the powerful enemy.

But often, anger gives strength at the same time.

The burning anger will also ignite the last trace of reason in the heart.

Let those who are burned with anger become slaves dominated by violent anger. But for Saiyans, the strongest fighting nation in the Dragon Ball universe, this is not the case. When the power of Saiyan reaches a certain limit, Ultimate’s anger can unlock Ultimate’s power.

This is the power of Super Saiyan!

“What are you talking about… the golden arrogant Saiyan!?” Kevela’s pupils shrank suddenly. The golden arrogant Saiyan is definitely a taboo among the Frozen Clan.

However, hundreds of Ten Thousand Years have been passed down from generation to generation, making the people of the Frozen tribe only think that this is a ridiculous legend. After all, hundreds of Ten Thousand Years have come, and the Frozen Clan attaches great importance to Saiyans. However, the Saiyans have not even seen a strong man with a combat power value of over 100,000. Even the weakest existence of the Frozen Clan can easily crush the entire Saiyans clan. If it weren’t for King Vegeta’s brainstorming to overthrow Frieza’s rule, it is estimated that the Saiyan clan would not be destroyed. Otherwise, the Saiyan clan would have been wiped out by the Frozen clan.

Mukuro didn’t continue to say anything, just looked at Kvera with a cold smile.

Suddenly, the aura of terror vented from Mukuro’s body.

The golden hair, the golden eyebrows…there is a layer of golden arrogance that is like a substance. The terrifying degree of combat power even made everything around it distorted. After transforming into a super Saiyan state.

Mukuro’s combat power at the moment is…4.5 billion247! ! !

Unlike Jiewangquan, Jiewangquan is only an improvement in combat power. Even if a tenfold Jie Wangquan increases ten times the strength, it is only a double increase in terms of combat power value. The status of Super Saiyan doubled but the combat power value. In the super-one state, the combat power value will be increased by fifty times, and the combat power will be increased by thousands of times! This is why, in the original plot, after Wukong turned into a Super Saiyan, he abused Frieza with just one finger. For the current Mukuro, torture Frieza doesn’t even need to do it.

Blowing is enough!

It’s so awesome, it’s so invincible!


Seeing that someone in the book review area is struggling with combat power and combat power values. Please, brothers, don’t skip chapters to read, take a closer look! Combat power and combat power values ​​are completely two different things. In the setting of Dragon Ball, Jie Wangquan improves combat power, that is, strength. A ten-fold increase in combat power does not mean that the combat power value has increased ten times.

If you don’t believe me, you can review the Dragon Ball comic again. Okay, this is the last time Lao Na has explained this issue. Thanks to everyone who spent money to subscribe.

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