Chapter 836 Complete abuse

“Mukuro… don’t kill him, he is my opponent.” Goku said eagerly beside him. Obviously compared to the great thing of saving the earth. What Wukong cares more about is being able to play against Vegeta and being able to compete against stronger opponents.

However, Vegeta didn’t hear Goku’s voice at all at this moment.

He turned into a great ape, and he was sluggish on the spot!

Actually… Someone can withstand his own attack with just one finger! ? There are such powerful people in the universe! ? Even Frieza can’t do it… Isn’t the Saiyan in front of him even more powerful than Frieza! ?

Vegeta would not know that Frieza was able to resist his attack with a finger.

However, it is a fact that Mukuro is stronger than Frieza.

“Really, I didn’t want to ask you about it. I didn’t expect you to do it yourself!” Mukuro said. At the same time, with a flick of his finger, the huge giant ape-shaped Vegeta was directly blown out by Mukuro. A series of rocky peaks were shattered by the bombardment.

“Impossible… it is absolutely impossible!!”

“There is absolutely no 557 Saiyan stronger than me in this world!”

“Either you or Kakarot will die for me!”

The great ape-like Vegeta is almost mad. He can’t tolerate a Saiyan who is stronger than himself, obviously he is a super genius, a prince of Saiyan. Now there is more than one Saiyan who is stronger than himself.

“Super Magical Cannon!!”

The great ape opened his mouth and blasted a giant shock wave.

“Couldn’t you be a little self-aware!? Or is it because Saiyans have muscles in their brains!?”

“The Eighty-Eight of Hadō-Flying Dragons Strike Thieves and Shake Thunder Cannons!!”

Instead of using the Dragon Ball World Shockwave, Hadō on the eighty-eighth.

Although the level of power in the Shinigami world is very different from the Dragon Ball world. Even Urahara Kisuke’s full force release of the dragon strike thieves shock thunder cannon. Putting it in the Dragon Ball world, it will end up with hundreds of combat power attacks. But if it is released by Mukuro using the qi of the Dragon Ball world, then the power will not be able to speak the same way, it will definitely not be inferior to the power of the shock wave released by the same amount of qi.

The flying dragon smashed the thieves and thunder cannons destroyed Vegeta’s super magic cannons like they were decayed.

The next second, it directly hit the body of the great ape Vegeta.

Mukuro could hear Vegeta’s painful cry of being hit by the Flying Dragon Smasher Thunder Cannon, until the blue Flying Dragon Smasher Thunder Cannon gradually dissipated.

“Yeah…you can still stand.” Mukuro was surprised. Although Vegeta’s battle suit had been completely broken, it still floated in the air with air, just a little shaky. You must know that Mukuro’s flying dragon strikes the thunder cannon, but it is equivalent to a full blow from a 100,000 strong combat force, enough to make Vegeta, a great ape with only 80,000 combat effectiveness, lose its combat effectiveness. The reason why Vegeta can still stand there now is completely supported by perseverance.

If anyone has the strongest perseverance in the Dragon Ball world!

Well, Vegeta is definitely the one!

No matter how many times it was defeated by Wukong, or how far away it was.

Vegeta will not despair, but will only train herself more cruelly! Because of this, Vegeta was able to transform into a super blue god just like Goku in the end.

“Although it makes me look different…but it’s just ants.”

“Ninety of Hadō-Black Coffin!!”

Mukuro’s voice fell, and a black light curtain rose up around Vegeta, like a dark coffin wrapped Vegeta in it. After the formation of Black Coffin, countless black swords appeared around Black Coffin, densely packed.

The next moment, they all pierced into Black Coffin.

Black Coffin dispersed, and the great ape Vegeta was full of blood holes!

Among them was a black sword, which happened to cut off the tail of the great ape-shaped Vegeta. So that Vegeta could no longer maintain the great ape-like state, shrank and fell to the ground. Mukuro walked over, wrapped his hands in front of him, and stepped directly on Vegeta’s face with one foot.

Slightly mocking, he said: “This is the so-called prince of the Saiyan clan!? Super genius Vegeta!? She is really embarrassing now… Originally, it wouldn’t do me anything to let you die. Influence. But, who told you to provoke me so undead! Since you shot me, you must have the consciousness to bear the consequences.”

Mukuro raised his hand and aimed at Vegeta.

At the same time, a bright blue shock wave appeared on the palm.

Against Vegeta, who is now seriously injured, any shock wave can kill him.

“By the way! In order not to let you go to hell with resentment… I will tell you the truth about the destruction of Vegeta. Vegeta was not destroyed by an asteroid impact, but by Frisana. The guy destroyed it with a death energy bomb. But don’t worry… it won’t be too long before I will kill Frieza.” Mukuro said lightly.

Although, Vegeta is an important role in the Dragon Ball world.

But Mukuro doesn’t care about this, killing is… innocuous.

But at this moment, Wukong’s voice suddenly rang: “Mukuro…please, don’t kill Vegeta, okay!?”

But before Mukuro could speak, Klin on the side was anxious.

“Goku, are you crazy?! He wants to kill us, and also wants to destroy the entire earth. Now let him go, and he will definitely come back when he recovers from his injuries. You don’t think he Will correct evil like Piccolo!? You are too naive, this is impossible! He has no human emotions and will never repent!” Klin said angrily.

“Klin, I don’t know either. But I don’t know. I just think that Vegeta shouldn’t die here now.” Wukong scratched his head and said embarrassedly. Then he looked at Mukuro and asked, “Please, Mukuro.”

“Um… alright.”

Mukuro looked a little helpless.

But Mukuro has regarded Goku as a friend.

Whether it’s Ino–Shika–Chō from Naruto World, red hair from Pirate World, Whitebeard, Kyoraku Shunsui from Shinigami World… Mukuro is never stingy with his friends. What’s more, Vegeta is just a dispensable existence in Mukuro’s eyes.

“Great, Mukuro.” Goku jumped excitedly.

Then he looked at Vegeta and said seriously: “Vegeta, I will definitely become stronger. Next time I will defeat you without using the King’s Fist.”

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