Chapter 828 Practice

Sure enough, for Frieza’s existence, the Realm King had long wanted to get rid of it. Controlling nearly 70% of the universe’s territory in an extremely savage way is completely the greatest blasphemy against the Realm King. Before that, the world king was helpless with Frieza. Except for the Frozen Clan, the most powerful warrior in the universe has only a few hundred thousand points of combat power, and the gap between Frieza and Frieza can hardly be described as a gully.

As for the realm king itself, it was nothing more than a scum of tens of thousands of combat power.

Now, although the breath felt in Mukuro’s body is still far behind Frieza. But it was the most powerful individual outside the non-frozen clan that the Realm King had seen. If you learn Jie Wangquan, you can fight Frieza head-on.

Hearing the words of the world king, the corner of Mukuro’s mouth curled slightly.

Mukuro knew that the king of the world had taken the bait.

“Thank you, Lord Realm.” Mukuro’s face was filled with joy.

“Ahem… Alright.” Jie Wang coughed twice, trying to show a superior demeanor. But the appearance of the king of the world is more and more ridiculous. However, Mukuro didn’t dare to laugh out loud. After all, if he angered the realm king and didn’t teach himself the realm king, he would just draw water with a bamboo basket. First, he made a deep voice, then the realm king opened his mouth and said:

“I’m going to teach you the tricks to be the king’s fist and the vitality bullet.”

“Jie Wangquan-this is my own move, it is very scary. Even I can’t fully use its power. Because it has great requirements for physical fitness, and it also has a very negative effect on the body. Influence. Even when you use the Jie Wang Quan that exceeds your own limit, your body will collapse.” The Jie Wang first threatened Mukuro. But suddenly the conversation turned: “Of course, the King’s Fist is also very powerful. It is not a certain punching technique, nor is it a direct attack on the opponent. When using the King’s Fist, you can use the strength and speed of your body. , Attack power, defense power, etc. have been increased several times!”

“How is it!? Very powerful, right?” The Realm King said suddenly as if offering treasures.

“Yeah, it’s amazing.”

Mukuro naturally pretended to be “wow, so awesome”.

“Hey, tell you.” Jiewang said as if I only told you about it alone: ​​”The vitality bomb is a more powerful move than Jiewangquan. It is so powerful that it can even destroy any existence! But I see you. But you may not be able to learn it.”

In the end, the King of Realm looked sad: “Because only people who truly have justice can learn vitality bombs. Also, unless it is a giant vitality bomb, it will not cause any harm to those who have justice!”

“Not necessarily, Realm King.” Mukuro looked at Realm King and smiled, and said, “Although I have killed many people. But there is no one to kill. So, in my opinion, I’m still a righteous person.”

“Is that so?” The king of the world glanced suspiciously at Mukuro.

Then he said: “Then I will teach you the vitality bomb first. The vitality bomb-as the name suggests, is a technique that uses vitality to attack opponents. Any living body, whether it is humans, flowers, trees, or planets and universes, has The vitality bomb is the move formed by gathering their vitality. Although the vitality provided by a living body is very limited, as long as a little bit of vitality is gathered in all living bodies. Then the accumulation of less and more, it will gather and appear very A horrible, high-density vitality bomb. Just a basketball-sized vitality bomb can easily destroy the entire earth.

The first step in learning the vitality bomb is to use your heart to communicate with your surroundings, the planet you are on, and the entire universe! Under normal circumstances, only people with justice in their hearts can feel the existence of vitality. Because life experience instinctively rejects people who have bad thoughts. Okay, then you can try to perceive the vitality of the king star to see if you can perceive it. “The king of the world said, he didn’t think Mukuro could do it.

“Does every living body have vitality?” Mukuro thought silently in his heart.

How to feel the existence of vitality and obtain vitality from the living body? Can it be understood as a kind of communication with living bodies? !

In that case, then-Observation Haki·Spiritual Speech! !

Observation Haki is a very plug-in ability! In the Pirate World, Roger even listened to the hearts of all things through Observation Haki, heard the voice of the red historical text, and then reached the end of the Grand Line Raftel! Even the voice of the dead can be heard! Observation Haki has already surpassed Roger’s Mukuro, and it can be done naturally, but before that, Mukuro has never tried to do it in the past…

I haven’t tried it, but it doesn’t mean I can’t do it.

Observation Haki, which envelops the entire world king star, soon felt the presence of vitality, and then intercepted some of them and gathered them on Mukuro’s palm. Raising his hand, Mukuro looked at the world king and said, “Is this the vitality…? A very strange energy state.”

At this moment, the realm king had already stared wide-eyed.

He couldn’t believe that Mukuro could perceive the existence of vitality so easily, and he gathered in his hands without a teacher.

“What should I do next? Lord Realm.” Mukuro asked.


1.7 “It seems that you are also a warrior with justice in mind!”

“In this way, I can hand over the Realm King Fist and the vitality bullet to you more safely.”

A warrior with justice in mind! ?

Hearing what the King of the World said, Mukuro couldn’t help but curl his lips.

Although he is not a wicked person, he definitely has nothing to do with justice in his heart. Even the vital energy just obtained was forcibly intercepted from the living body. If you let the Realm King know this, I don’t know if I will be kicked out of Realm King directly.

“Since you have been able to gather vitality in your hands, the next step is simple. You just need to do this first… and then again… to gather vitality into a high-density ball shape.” Seeing Mukuro feel the vitality so easily, Jie Wang also worked harder to teach.

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