Chapter 772 Eight hundred and sixty-three swings

The power of the Eye of Death is so overbearing! Everything in the world has a cause and effect! The causal cycle, the cause comes first, and the effect comes after. This is the eternal law of all things in the world, but the eye of death has ignored this eternal law domineeringly.

The result is before, and the cause is behind!

First determine the result of the target’s death, and then the cause of the target’s death occurs! The simple explanation is that your stomach is full first, and then you eat.

This is the Demon Eye of Straight Death, which has reversed the laws of the world!

The Demon Eye of Straight Death can not only cut off life forms, even dead things… or superpowers, magic… and even conceptual existences can cut and kill! Although time is something invisible and intangible, it is a conceptual thing that really exists, and it can naturally be cut off by Mukuro!

Because time is just a conceptual thing that exists.

So even if time is cut off by Mukuro, there is no form of expression in space! Only the figure of Kuronos appeared.

Looking at Mukuro, Kuronos had a dull face and stammered: “How…how is it possible!? There is a way for your power to interfere in the fault of time!?” It was originally hidden behind the fault of time in Kuronos. , He was relieved. Although Kuronos knew that Mukuro was likely to find that he did not die by his knife, but he didn’t worry too much. Because he was hiding in the fault of time, unless the time of the whole world collapsed, otherwise he would never reveal it, and he would hide in the fault of time for hundreds of years.

Is it possible that this guy in front of him can stay here forever! ?

It was when this idea emerged in Kuronos’ heart, he saw the person in front of him suddenly slashed out inexplicably and strangely!

What does he want to do! ?

Hardly, he thought he could cut the time gap! ?

Kuronos didn’t care about Mukuro’s behavior, and even sneered at it. But the next moment Kuronos was completely sluggish… there was a blank in his brain! The guy in front of me cut the time fault directly with a knife!

How can this be! ?

He… is he a god! ?

At this time, Kuronos, the most noble god of time in the fairy tail world!

But such an absurd idea emerged in my mind… I completely forgot that I was the real god. Because compared to himself, Mukuro in front of him is more like a god, and it can be described as terrifying to the limit.

“Because… I am stronger than you, and… a lot stronger!” Looking at Kuronos, Mukuro said lightly, with an indifferent expression on his face.

Then he didn’t give Kuronos a chance to speak, so he raised the knife and fell.

Too knife in his hand crossed the death line on Kuronos. So far… the last god in the fairy tail world-the god of time, Kuronos, has fallen! !

Eight hundred and sixty-three swings…

Killed eight hundred and sixty-two gods! !

As soon as Mukuro’s right hand was released, Ryūjin Jakka in the sealed state merged into Mukuro’s soul. However, Mukuro did not remove the World·God·Six Paths status.

Because there are more important things to do now.

The demon eye of straight death disappeared, and the pupil of reincarnation appeared again. Then it revolved crazily, and the pupil power was also driven by Mukuro, spreading crazily outward…and then attached to the magic circle that was blasted and shattered by Mukuro’s golden wheel reincarnation. This is the origin of the world of Monster Tail, and Mukuro will never forget it.

The origin of the world does not have any consciousness. Moreover, under the cover of the system, whether it is body breath or soul breath, Mukuro and the aboriginals of the fairy tail world are exactly the same. Therefore, World Origin did not show any rejection reaction to the absorption of Mukuro. Let Mukuro absorb all his power into his eyes.

He closed his eyes and at the same time released the state of World·God·Six Paths.

Mukuro is slowly experiencing the state of the moment, although he has experienced it three times! But the satisfaction at this moment is unparalleled, and it makes Mukuro enjoy it. The whole world is under my control, one thought creates the world… and one thought can destroy the world! This is the realm that Mukuro has reached at this moment, and can also be called the lord of the world!

Suddenly, the corners of Mukuro’s mouth slightly twitched, because he discovered something interesting.

But I didn’t care about it, because everything has a definite cause!

Although he, as the Lord of the world, can change any definite cause in this world… But in this matter, Mukuro didn’t want to intervene in the change.

In an instant, Mukuro left the matter behind.

Looking at the broken ground in front of me…some helplessly muttered: “It’s so!? I didn’t expect the difference between the so-called Itugar Continent in the world of Monster Tail and the Western Continent… It turned out to be caused by me! However, what if I did not appear!? Naz, or Elisa!? Sure enough, in any world, the protagonist is the most anti-human existence.”

“Well…and. As I guessed, the disappearance of the gods is really because they encountered terrible enemies. I wanted to fight it… I didn’t expect it, but it was me! The most unpredictable thing in the world It really is good fortune.”

“Forget it, let him continue the development of this world as he originally did.” After that, Mukuro disappeared in place.

The next moment he will appear in the starry sky temple that has appeared deserted!

The huge starry sky gate stands. The magic power in Mukuro’s body surged out… and then poured into the starry sky gate, the starry sky gate opened, and Mukuro stepped in.

Town of Magnolia.

The Garden of Quiet Spirits.

“Sister Ulu! Where the hell did your brother go!? Do you know!? Why don’t you tell us!? It’s been seven years… it’s been seven years.” Elisa looked at Ulu with her eyes The color of pleading asked.


Seven years have passed since Mukuro disappeared.

The women in the Garden of Quiet Spirits didn’t care much at first. However, one month, three months, one year, seven years… passed. Mukuro still doesn’t have any news. Although they believe that Mukuro is invincible in their hearts, they are very worried about Mukuro.

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