Chapter 768 God’s sniper

When Mukuro was walking on the continent of the gods. Saved countless inferior cities… But Mukuro did not receive half the gratitude, nor did he receive half the resentment. Because Mukuro knows very well that such a pig’s life is not as good for many years. But it numbs the human heart. Without any normal human thinking, how can you be grateful or resentful!

“It seems…only to wipe out you, filthy gods.” With a gaze, Mukuro’s gaze seemed to see through the whole world.

“I hope you… don’t let me down.”

Mukuro didn’t take the initiative to find the trace of God. Instead, he continued to travel the entire continent of the gods, without worrying that the gods would not find themselves at all.

First of all, Mukuro has directly killed Tydra Harpoulos.

According to Mukuro’s understanding, Tedral Upros’ status among the gods is not low. Also, Mukuro destroyed so many cities of the gods one after another. It stands to reason that these cities are the foundation for the gods to improve their strength. No god will not care. You know… even just for a city, the gods will not hesitate to start the battle of faith! What’s more, there are no fewer than a thousand gods’ cities destroyed by Mukuro!

Under normal circumstances, the gods should have been angry.

And now, no half of the gods actually showed up… It seems that something is brewing! In this regard, Mukuro expressed great expectations.

“En!? This feeling is…!?” Suddenly, Mukuro’s heart suddenly felt alert. Mukuro has never felt this way since he came to the world of Fairy Tail.

Feeling of crisis! !

The feeling of putting yourself in danger! ! !

At this moment, an invisible sharp blade suddenly pierced Mukuro’s heart! Then, pierced from Mukuro’s chest, Mukuro could clearly feel that the sharp blade had penetrated his body. But there were no wounds left on his body. However, in less than half a moment… A black spot appeared at the location of Mukuro’s heart, and it was spreading outward.

And a figure gradually appeared in front of Mukuro.

Golden armor like flames!

Mukuro looked familiar, his eyes condensed slightly, and asked, “Who are you!?”

The figure of the golden flame armor. Looking at Mukuro, he said, “The blasphemer, I am the god of time in the world-Kuronos!”

Kuronos! ? Mukuro’s eyes showed a trace of Mingwu… Doesn’t it seem familiar! It turned out to be this guy. In the Albares Empire, among the Twelve Shields of Jelf, there is a Valkyrie called the Concubine-Timaria Jesta! It was the descendant of this guy who used receiving magic to accept the spirit of God, just like him.

Just when Mukuro was thinking about it for a moment.

The black spot on the heart’s mouth has spread larger than the entire palm.

Looking at Mukuro, Kuronos said: “Blade of Time! Stabbed by my Blade of Time, your body will age in every second for a whole hundred years. I didn’t expect you to be able to persist in this way. It’s unbelievable for a long time!”

As the god of time, Kuronos’ control of time has reached a level that Mukuro can’t match. Just now, Kuronos was hiding in the fault of time, even Mukuro didn’t notice it at all! This is the horror of Kuronos, hiding in the fault of time, and then launching an attack on the enemy by surprise! Even among the gods, if Anxelam is not in charge of life and death, it is estimated that Kuronos will definitely die. Therefore, among the gods, Kuronos is also known as the god of assassination.

“It’s a very powerful method, I can feel it.” Mukuro suddenly laughed.

Kuronos’ heart was instantly alert. He didn’t know, why he was in such a desperate situation! Why can Mukuro laugh! ? Kuronos shouted: “Anxelam, what are you waiting for for such a good opportunity!?”

As soon as Kuronos’s voice fell, the black-gray mist fell from the sky…

It fell on Mitarashi Mukuro.

And Anxelam, wearing a black and white robe, also appeared beside Kuronos. Looking at Kuronos, he said, “I hit your blade of time! Then he was attached to the curse of my dead man. Even the god of life, it is absolutely impossible to survive. I want to come. There is no need to enable that thing.”

“Oh!? What… can you tell me something!?”

Suddenly a voice rang from the curse of the dead in Anxelam. In high spirits, he seemed to be very interested in Anxelam’s words.

“How is it possible!? You… are not dead yet!?” Anxelam said in amazement.

“I’m curious…Why am I dying!?”

Mukuro said. And the black-gray mist cursed by the dead gradually faded… When Axelam saw Mukuro’s movements, he almost didn’t stare down. Because, Mukuro was eating his cursed breath bit by bit, and seemed to enjoy it very much.

Every time you swallow, the black-gray mist will be less. With just a few bites of swallowing, the curse that Anxelam had placed on Mukuro was completely dissipated. “Hiccup…” At the end, Mukuro hiccuped and enjoyed it very much.

“Seven percent full…Is there any more?” Mukuro looked at Anxelam and said.

1.8 Anxelam showed fear in his eyes. The curse I put on him has exhausted my divine power! Even if it is a mighty god, if it touches a little on the skin, the whole body will be dry and dry quietly.

And the person in front of him actually swallowed all the curse!

In Mukuro’s heart, the dark chest stabbed by Kuronos’ Time Blade… also became white and clean again, as if he hadn’t received any harm at all. Looking at Kronos, Mukuro smiled and said, “Thank you very much… Kronos, the god of time. I was still worried about how to use the power of time. By coincidence, you showed me something. Fan. No, thanks to you, let me learn such a powerful move.”

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