Chapter 743 Save or destroy

Pansha Lili, although the captain of the first demon battle force in the Kingdom of Adras, is only a pure Excit. Because he was a big man at birth, he has a tall and sturdy figure that is different from the average Exeter.

At the same time, the mind is delicate and able to find problems in small things. Lili was originally defined as “fallen to heaven” by the Exciters in order to protect the baby Mistgang, and was expelled from Extania. Since then, Lili has abandoned his country and called Exit’s country a “hypocritical country”, and is very interested in mankind.

But in his heart, he still loves Extania.

Efforts to deal with the gavel that stabbed him. For a long while, I didn’t see Elisa Netivoka coming up to help herself.

Can’t help but yelled: “Nitvolka, what are you doing in a daze?!”

“I’m sorry, I’m afraid Netvolka can’t help you.” Mukuro suddenly said, “It should be because she is now my captive.”

captive! ? Elisa Netivoka! ?

The expression on Lili’s face was obviously taken aback, and the movement on his hand was also a pause. Taking advantage of Lili’s negligence at this moment, the vines tightly bound Lili’s limbs and body. No matter how much Lili breaks free, it will only make the vines tighter.

“Who are you!? As a human…why do you want to help Exit!?” Lili looked at Mukuro and asked loudly.

“Um…” Mukuro was a little speechless when asked by Lili.

I couldn’t help asking: “If you say that… then I’m also very curious. As a transcendent, why do you want to help humans?”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Lili suddenly became silent.

After a long while, Lili’s face became ugly. Seeing Mukuro roared, “Because Extania is a hypocritical country, I will destroy it myself.” Although it was a roar, Mukuro could hear the tremor in Lili’s voice.

“Really!? In that case… let me help you.”

Mukuro said suddenly. What he said… everyone present was astonished. I don’t know what Mukuro said.

All looked at Mukuro in surprise.

I saw Mukuro lifted his right hand and raised his index finger, magic power gathered at Mukuro’s fingertips. Soon they gathered and appeared a huge magic group.

Everyone present can feel the horror of the magic contained in it!

I only feel terrified, if this magic group is allowed to explode… the entire Extania will definitely disappear! Mitarashi Mukuro, what does he want to do! ? Just when Shagut, Mistgang… were all puzzled.

But then Mukuro’s actions made everyone present faceless!

I saw Mukuro threw this terrifying magic bullet into the air casually, and then released the vines that bound Lili. At the same time, he said faintly: “In half a minute, the magic bullet will fall on Extania’s land. That is to say… Extania will no longer exist in half a minute. Your wish will come true. Don’t thank me for your help. No way… there are still fifteen or fourteen seconds from now…”

At this time, the Exciters were shocked, and Mistgang was also puzzled.

“You…what are you going to do!?”

“Is Extania going to be destroyed soon!?”

“My Lady Queen, save us!”


The whole scene turned into a pot of porridge. Even some Excites have unfolded the “wing” magic and flew to King Adras below in a panic. Xia Lulu in Mukuro’s arms looked at Mukuro with some worry. Although Mukuro has secretly told Xia Lulu that nothing will happen, Xia Lulu is still a little worried because of her concern for her mother.

“Ten seconds, nine seconds, eight seconds, seven seconds…”

The magic bullet was falling faster and faster, and it was about to fall soon.

But Mukuro turned a deaf ear, just looking at Lili with a smile on his face.

There was a struggling expression on Lili’s face. At this moment, the desperate cry of some Exciters around him passed into Lili’s ears… Lili’s whole body was shocked, and his expression became firm. Pull out the mother of the saboteurs that fell aside!

Magic Sword-Mother of Destroyers! !

It is a magic sword that can change its size at will…

In Lili’s hands, the mother of the saboteurs instantly became extremely big! And Lili also jumped directly. Holding the mother of destroyers, rushed towards the falling magic bullet. The mother of the destroyer in her hand inserted the magic bullet, and Lili’s body also slammed into it.

Bang! ! !

The magic bullet exploded in the air, like bright fireworks!

The Exciters present were stunned. They would never have thought that the one who saved Extania in the end was Pansha Lili, who he regarded as a traitor.

At this time, Pansha Lili’s body fell heavily on the ground. The injuries on his body were so severe that even his bones were exposed.

Mukuro walked in front of Pansa Leli.

Seeing him, he asked, “Why? Why are you taking my magical attack!? Don’t you hate Exit and want to destroy Extania!? Face your own heart and don’t escape. , Pansha Lili.”

“I…I…I like Extania.”

Pansha Lili finally yelled out the voice buried deep in his heart. Mukuro smiled, then healed him with Yang Dun.

“Why 4.1!? You said our magic warfare troops were wiped out!? Even Elisa Netivoka became their captive!?” Faust looked at him in disbelief. Asked Shugeboy, the captain of his fourth demon warfare unit.

Shugeboi slipped down from Extania by taking advantage of the chaos. Of course, Mitarashi Mukuro is absolutely clear about this.

“Yes, there was a very strong wizard who helped Extania.”

Shugeboy nodded and replied. Then he asked a little at a loss: “Your Majesty, now…what should we do!? Stop the war!?”

“Stop the war!? No…no! Never!!”

“That’s right!” Fawster’s eyes suddenly lit up: “Dragon Knight, and Dragon Knight!”

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