Chapter 730 General of the Six Demons

Mitarashi Mukuro frowned slightly when he heard Sorano’s words. She is also an unfortunate person. When he was a child, he was taken into the tower of the paradise by the Black Magic Order, just like Elisa and Geral… he was bullied, and then he was taken out of the tower of the paradise by the head of the six demon generals, Bryan. Then Angela was trained to become a general of the Six Devils.

With a slight sigh, Mukuro opened his mouth and said, “I won’t send you to the Paradise Tower, because the Paradise Tower no longer exists.”

Put away the three zodiac keys of the zodiac.

Mukuro looked at the crowd and said, “Let’s go…Start crusade against the Six Demon Generals!” With that, Mukuro got up and walked out of the villa.

“But… what should I do with the wizard of the Six Demon Generals!?”

Jura looked at Sora on the side and asked. As we all know, the General of the Six Demons is a magic guild with only six people. Since the person in front of him is a member of the Six Demon Generals… then he must be one of these six people, and his strength is naturally very powerful. If she escaped… Then won’t she be captured for nothing.

“Don’t worry, people from the Magic Council will take care of it.”

Mukuro faintly said, “Being bound by the six rods of light, within three days… it is impossible for her to break free. Oh…unless she cuts her body in the middle. However, it seems that the magical world has not been able to recover such a wounded magic. Bar.”

“The remaining thing… is to let her confess her sins in prison.”

The depths of the dense forest.

“The seal that represents Angel disappeared… was defeated!?” a dark-skinned, tall man said. It was Brian, the head of the Six Demon Generals.

With dual personality, the outside personality Brian who loves knowledge and the inner personality who loves destruction are none! But because the person in it is the true president of the Six Demon Generals, nothing! Loves complete destruction, that is, to wipe out all tangible things! Because the magic power is too ferocious and powerful, Brian uses the living connection magic to seal the “nothing” with six “locks”! The seal will be lifted when the “locks” are defeated, and these six locks are also the “six demon generals”…

The number of tattoo lines on the face is related to the number of “Six Demon Generals”. When the number is reduced, the number of tattoo lines on the face will also decrease. When there is no tattoo line, it means that all the people of the six demon generals have been defeated, and the “no” personality in the person will be awakened, and the consequences are very terrifying.

“Woman, it really doesn’t work!”

Kebra standing on a venomous snake said disdainfully.


Formerly known as Eric, the Dragon Slayer of Poison!

However, it was not the first generation of dragon slayers who were raised up by dragons. Rather, like Laxus, a magic crystal with dragon-killing power is embedded in the body. He has excellent hearing and can hear each other’s footsteps, breathing, heartbeat, muscle contraction… and even heartfelt voices! It can predict the opponent’s attack in advance and effectively avoid it.

“Kebra, don’t say that about Angel…As a member of the six demon generals. Angel’s strength is still very strong.” At this time, a cold voice faintly sounded.

“Um…Dark night, you actually woke up!?” Kebra asked in surprise.

Dark night-Mark Beth!

Known as “the strongest man of the Six Demon Generals”, the son of the head Brian.

Because of his strong obsession, he learned magic “twists and turns”. Magic can be bounced back, and the refraction of light can be used to create phantoms and hallucinations. Most of the time, he is in a deep sleep state, but when he is asleep, he can disrupt other magic to protect himself. In terms of magical ability, he has even surpassed the head Blaine.

“I awakened Mark Beth.” Brian said, “Since Angel has been defeated by the enemy, it proves that the Magic Council sent by this time is not all waste. Nirvana’s recovery is absolutely not allowed. What’s wrong! Kebra, Lisa, Hotai… You go to stop the invading wizard, and Dark Ye and I will go to revive Nirvana.”

“What a big forest…Where is the General of the Six Demons!?”

Naz looked around and muttered. Suddenly his expression changed…then a fire burst into his mouth, and he shouted loudly: “General of the Six Demons! Come out! Let me beat you up!”


Elisa directly punched Naz in the head. Then he said helplessly: “How can they come out if you yell so loudly!” But at this moment, the abnormal situation happened suddenly.

Rumble rumbling… There was a loud noise in the sky.

The magical crit boat of the cyan Pegasus suddenly exploded in the sky… and then the broken hull fell from the sky.

“Someone has come out.” Gray stared at the smoke and dust from the falling magician crit boat.

“A bunch of bugs, get together.”

Kebra looked at the crowd with contempt, and then said disdainfully: “I have heard your heart… Start to shake.”

“Work has to be done quickly, so you are all…too an eyesore.”

Lisa with yellow hair and a windshield said. A member of the Six Demon Generals of the Dark Guild, a speed wizard, on the surface, he uses magic that can increase his speed, but in fact it is a magic that “reduces the speed of people within a certain range of him”. So the speed of being able to highlight itself will be very fast!

“Money makes people powerful… Money is everything.”

Heteai, whose face was sharply angular, said. Although it looks funny, Hotai’s strength is definitely not to be underestimated. Magic uses its own magic power to make hard sand soft and control the land. In the original plot, Hotaike directly killed Leo and Shirley in a second, and then fought against Jura, who is the Saint Ten.

“Are there only three of you here?”

Mukuro suddenly spoke quietly and said, “In addition to the Angel who was defeated by me, there are four people in total. Really…Why don’t they show up together. In this case, I have to look for the remaining two people. Trouble.”

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